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Jottings In Europe

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i .un ponddoce of i he A m-i b. Vienna, Oot. 25th, 187.J. There was no spaoe m a foroier letter to givo auy account ot' the contenta of Thorwaldsen's museum. The two floors are siuiilarly arranged and as lollows : Next to tho inner court irouud tUe eutire quadrangle runs a continuous corridor about twelve f'eet wide, whilo next to tho exterior wall is a seriesoi' rooms ot noarly equal size, nuinbered consecutivoly froiu 5 to 21 on the lower Hoor, and trom 22 to 52 inclusive on aecond rloor - the colossaj statutos and busts being arranged in the vestibule whore the height is equal to both stories and well lighted by the large windows opening upon the pórtico. Ths corridors contaiu the modela executed for the statues and reliëfs which appear iu their rlnished form and size in the series of rooms referred and though of profound interest aa embodying the original couception of the arÜ8t, and to the student of inuch valué beyoud a gratified ouriosity, yet to us simple-minded tiavelors only amazing from their immense unmber and variety. Not so in the other portions of this wondorful museum. We enter the vestibule and tind ourselves at once surrouuded by the colossal statues ef Copemicus, Gutenberg, Shiller, Eugene, son ot Josephine, and of the equestrian statues of Poniatowski and Maxiinilian L, and others, which oast in brouze adorn o many of the great cities of Europe. Here also are the busts of great men and womon who have thought it an honor to be thus handed down to poaterity by thia cunning hand. Hare too, those immense reliëfs, whioh decórale the Quirenal at Rome, and other public buildings of the continent, The celebratüd twelve Apostles are placed in a separate appartment called the Christus Hall, and though the room was not large the whole grouping was more impressive than they appear in marble in the Frue Kirk, with the exception of the Christ figure alone, In the church the Apostles each stand in front of one of the enormous pillars that support the long nave with uo other background to give the white marble greater relief, and they are separated by such wide spacles that as a group they lose in effectiveness. But the artist's grand conception of the Christ, standing as it does at the distant extremity of the choir npon a slightly elevatd platform, in an alcove lined with crimBon, and striking the eve iinmediately on entering the ohurch, becoines at once one of the most profoundly impressive of all the works of art we have seen. Separately oonsidered the Apostles of course present the same characteristic merit whethor seen in the church or museum, while as a whole we were better pleased with them in the latter. In this room is the Angel of Baptism, whioh in the church is placed oentrally upon the raised platform of the ohoir, and is a work of exquisito beauty, representing an angel figure kneeling upon one knee and restiug pon the other, held by the two hands s a sculptured shell to recaive th wier, ïhê Child's Guardian Angel and ie symbolical figure of Christian Chary are in this room, and also in the nuxch, and both very beautiful ; but it were a vain task to speak of each beauïful group or relief as we passed them n review through the 42 rooms, in each f which some enchauting embodiment f the artist's genius and skill was con;antly compelling admiration, so that t last we could scarcely say which of 11 was most beautiful. There was the Janymedes, the Graces and Cupici, ïebe, Shepherd Boy, Adonis, Mercury, .mor in a dozen forms, and all bewitchng. And among the high reliëfs, the &-- of f!"l1 tnnAig o nut, he nest of Loves, and dozens more, all oo beautiful for description. Over 100 f the most pleasing conceptions of the rtist are wrought in marbie, and 'of the thers the piaster casts are executed in b.e best style, and though these are uot he actual workmanship of the artist limself in most oases, yet in every intance the original conception was örmed in his own mind, under the dication of a genius, without which all rt work is soulless, and each first moldBg in the plastic olay was performed by lis own cunning manipulations, and evry after step in the progress of all to ompletion was his constant care, and n those works of more than ordinary elicacy his own hand guided the malet and ohisel And now, after occuying three hours in pas&ing from one )bject to another, without loss of time n the inspection of this grand collecion of the works of but a single artist, we feel completely astounded at tho immense magnitude of the genius and inustry here represented, and that any ttempt at desoription would occupy a oluine. Of the private colleotions of he various works of art, representing nearly every field, Egyptian, Roman, and Etrusean antiquities, antique and modern geins, models, and coin, library and paintings, little need be said except ;hat the collection embraces many in;eresting and valuable objects, but has ittle coherency, haviug evidently been ormed without any leading purpose, by one whose genius found its appropriate ield in 8culpture only. Copenhagen may well be proud of her Thorwaidsen. ?here are several collectious of considerable merit in the city, but the museum of Northern Antiquities is said to be the most important of its kind in the world, and our greatest regret is that want of adequate technical information prevents any suitable notice ofthis vast repository of objects, illustrative of those obscure eras known as the stone and brouze periods, and then down through the latter epochs, and at length closing with an exceedingly rich and comprehensive array of medieval works from the lOth to the 17th centuries inclusive. There are upwards of 20,000 objects distinctly arranged and nuinbered with the utmost care, and without confusión. The exceeding richness of this great collection may be partly comprehended from the f act thut thestone and bronzu periods alone fill 109 cases, averaging 8 feet square, with the einaller objects only, while numberless large discoveries, such as oinerary urna, etc., are otherwise displayed. It should be remembered also, that thia is a museum of Northern ontiquities, only, and alniost exclusively illustrative of Scandinavian historX. üwiug to this fact we were not surprised to tind that the medieval period exhibited in the various works of art, painting, sculpture, carving in wood and ivory, and in the construction of articles tor use and ornament, tor less delicacy of skill and coneeptiou. than is to be seen in similar collections in Southern Europe. Yet there was a sort of Barbarie spleudor and solidity combined often with real artistic treatineut in much that we saw. It ulmost surpassed belief, however, that all we had looked upon in our visit to this museum had been gathered together from various portions of Northern Europe, and without resort to any of those regions to whioh we ordinariiy revert to when the subject of antiquities is called up. The Ethnographic museum is auother fine collection, priucipally from Greenland and East India, illustrative of the arts of war and poace auiong nations not acquainted with working in metáis, and thun of a inore advanced stage of progresa. There is also a museum of Art and Antiquity, in our more ordinary understandiug of these terms, but of much less importance of the two iirst namod. We did not visit the ture Gallory, as it is possessed of no reuowneil works iu this department, though specimens of best known Italian and Dutch artistH are to be seeu in it. We wore prevonted by the disagreealily wet weatbur iroin mulúng a much desired excursión to IIulsingHr, the most üorthern point aui village on the island, and froin there to crosa tho narrow channel to Holsingberg, a sruall seaport oii the Swedisli shore. Kronborg, wiiere the ghost of Hamlet appeared to the sentiuels, is at llelsinger. Wu did, howoyer, go out to the Dyrehave, or durpark, six miles north of the city, and iu tmmmor a very popular rusort, being a forest of beech and oak covering about tivií miles square, and uot spoiled by Fiencli tiimming and pruning. At this geasou of the year it is comparatively deserted, but we had a tine stroll among nonio of the grandest old beecheB that we ever saw, aud the ground was literally covered with the tresh tullen triangular uuts. Bernstorff, the autumn residence of the royal family, is in this vicinity, and is said to have been a favorite resort of the presont Princess of Wales, all of which we vory readily believed. There is also a very pleasant though not so extensive park attacbed to the palace at Predriekaberg, about which we also had a fine stroll. Copenhagen, on the whole wo found suffioieutly interosting to repay us woll for the time and expense of the visit, but at a different season of the year, with pleasant skies and nature ïobed in all her verdure, and the people free from the stern necessities of approaching winter, it inust bo vastly more enjoyable. The Danés appear to be a contentad and thrifty people, well but plainly fed and elothed - sabots being niueh used instead of shoes by the huuibler classes, idlers seeuied scarce and buggars absolutely invisible. The old eartkworks about the city still preserve the peculiar zigzag of military fortifications, and at the citadel we saw aome oi' the soldiers and listened to some tkrilliug military airs. Like all continental capitula where royalty presides, whether putty or grand, a profusión of barracks and palaces meet the eye in all parts of the city. The churches, with the exception of the oue Thorwaldsen has rondered so attractive, are ot possessed of inuch interest to the Btranger. Of course in the Fruekirk, where Hans Christian Andersen was so recently buried, we feit the added interest of this association. Right before the chaucel and the Angel of Baptism is his resting place, and there, in the pew uear that column was his accustoined sitting when alive. There was an uppeal made not long before his death for a mite subscription, based upon his supposed pecuniary necessities, but we were told by a personal friend and story teller that his means were fully adequate to all his wants. Besides the considerable revenue froin his publications hehad a pension of about 2,000 crowns, a bachelor without a family to support, and a welcome guest for days and weeks wherever he choose to tarry, he was the possessor of a respectable competency at the time of his death. The personal peculiaiities of the man were confirmed by the statements of his friend. His egotism and his vanity were his great failings, but in spite of these he so won upon all he met, that all was forgotten in the spell of his personal magnetism. Our ascent up the inclined highway paved with brick to the 8ummit of the Round tower, high above all surrounding buildings, and where once the observatery was located, but did uot pay on account of wind and mist. In the vestibule of the University we saw some excellent frescoe renderings of the myths of Broinethus, Pallas Athene, and other appropriate theniea. Pity our Univeisity Hall has nothing of the kind, but good-bye to you and Copenhagen. J. M. W. CONCERNING the case of Miss Strickland, the yonng woman of St. Johns, who has recently publicly acknowloaso her aanesion to tne doctrines of Woodhull, the New York World thus truthfully comments : " The story which oomes to us from Michigan of the folly of a " poor, deluded, misguided, insane" girl, as her parents eorrowfully but truthfully describe her, and which is given elsewhere is unhappily not so singular as to provoke extended comment. It would of course be idle to argüe with the woman herself or those who hold with her and seek to lay to the account of the institution of marriage the occasional brutality and neglect of husbads and the ocoasional folly and heedlessness of wives. Nor would it be decent to moralize upon the miseiy of the parents, misery all the greater and les tolerable because the misohief has been in good part of their own making. While it would be unjust to say that all American women who seek the enfranchisement of their sex and fret at what they consider the restrictions of society are disciples of Woodhull, it is impossible to deny that, espeoially in the West, from the very gate of heaven of the Female Suffrage Assooiation there is a plain path to the pit of Pree Love." The Eddy brothers, the celebrated Vermont mediums, have come to grief, having quarreled among themselves the cheat they have been practising has been exposed. The Boston Globe says : " The cabinet, which was a long narrow closet built up against a huge chimney at one end of the seance room, had a sliding rloor, and one side of the big chimney formed a secret passage from the kitchen below, througü which four or five male and female confederates of tha medium were wont to ascend and descend in their various costumes to play the part of the denizens of the other world and to be recognized in the dim light by their anxious friends."


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