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Lu líaukruptcy. N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States tor the Eastern District of Michigan. In the matter ui' W1LLIAM O'HAHA, Bn knipt -in Bankraptcy. The undersigned, Assignee ui' the estáte of the hovtj tiamuti bank ru.i . In i bj ives notice, thai ur.iuant to :m ordei il iaid court made on the I8th,) eitfhteenth day of Octubtr, a. d. 1875, ík 1 1 ut public auctiou to the hihest. bidder, in the ixteunth ( lötbj day ui' November, a. ij. 187"t m ;. p 'cloirk in forenoon !' said'dav, in t'roni ui Vaahleuuw CoLiniy Court House, in the citj ui nu Vrbor in said district, the severa) pieees or parcela f real estatesituated In the city ol Aun Aroor, in he ('uuuiy of Waahtenaw and IState ol Michigan ind more particular! y described t follows. viz,: 1'aki : i. ' m . Tne easl three-fourthfi {%) ol lol hree ■.; , bloek dWe l i south, range two ■ 2, eaut, )■■- ns about forty-nine (49) fee) uu' the east side of aid lol three {%), with house thereon, Th ia d esc j ip Ion ül be sola subject to a tuortgage to 1'. Kuson or 81,000.00 and inh rest. Pakckl2. Lot number six (8) in bloek Dumber wo Ü) south, range twelve (12) easi. Tiii descrip-icjii will be mM ttubjeel to fi mortgage to Bridgei Sagan, for (500,00 and Interest. Pabokl 3. Lots numbered seven 7), eight (8), tlne {9), and west half of Lol elaven (U), all in block wo 2) south, ra ugo Lwelve (12) east, irtth two housen hereon. 1'ak.kl 4. A piece of land uu t Ue west ide of Mui ii i rei with store thereon, sitoated between iht: Gregory Kouse and Seyler's store, and described is beginningon the fat line of lot one (1) in block Mie (11 nortli of Humn streel in the city of Ann ArboT,ítebigan, Dfty-nveiW)feet south oft&e oortbeast corner ol' sa.kl lor, running west (Hty-M. (6ÖJ feet, thence aorth elghteen and oue-half feet (18}4), thence east nfty-sU [56) feet to the east Uue of salit lot, thence south e.ighueu and one-half [18%) feel to the place of beginning. Parceló. A piece of lafid with store thereon, situated on the east side f Main street, between tiie SavJogs Bank and Granville's store, in the eity of Ann Arbor, Michigan, beiug about thirhvn feel and nine iuehes (13.9) front on Main street, and about twenty-six feet and elght lnches(26.8) deep, and being bounded and described as fbUows, to wit; I iommenctng thlrty-Bix feet and three ïnchea sonth of the northwiM corner of block one (1) south of Hu ron street, range foui (4) east, running thence east parallel to Huron street twenty-two feet and two Loches (22.2) thence soutb thfrtaen feet and nine (18,9), thence west twenLy-two feet and two luches (22.2) to Main street, thence along tineast line of Main street thirteen feet and nine (1S.9) incbee to the place of beginning. Also a piece of land (■ininicnring at the east end of the abOYe described laúd, running thence east four feet and two inches (4.21, thence south thirteen ieet and nine iiH'ln 's (13.9), thence west four feet and two inches (4,2), the&ce north alona the east line of the foregolng thirteen feet and nine inches (18.9), to the place of beginning, the last described piece of land extending upwards as high and no blgher than the space occupied and ooveTed by the first story of the building stanving on thu said last mentioned and described preraises. The last three pareéis belng parels three (8), four (4), and nve (5), will be sold subject toa mortgage to B. J. Ilowell for $7,000 and interest. Dated Grand Rapids, Mlch., October 20th, 187ö. JULIÜ8 HOUSEMAN, Assignee. The above sale i. adfoarned anti] Taesday, the thtrtleth (30) lay of November, a. j. 1875, at ten (lO)o'elock in the foreuoon, at the same place afbore mentioiu'd. Aun Arbor, Mich., November 16th, 1875. JULIUS HOUSEMAN, Assignee. The above sale is adjourned until Tuesday the tweuty-tirst (21st) day of December A. D. 1875, at ten (10) Oclock in the forenoon, at the sanie place above mentioned. Ann Arbor, Mich., November :ïOth, 1876. .11 LIUS HOUSEMAN, Aasignee. Estáte of Cltirissa J. Whipple. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wabhtenaw sa. At a session of the Probate Court lor th county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottic in the city oí Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twenti eth day of November, in the year one thousani eight hundred and aeventy Üve. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Clarisua J. Whip ple, deceaeed. On reading and rlling the petition, diily veritiec of Frederick Wedenaeyer, praying thtit a certai instrument now on rile in this eaurt, purporting t be the last will and testament of ;iid deoeasec niíiy be tidmitted to probate, and that he may b fippoint d Executor thereof . Thereupon ït isordered. that Monday, thf: twen tieth day of December next, at ten oVlock in th forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said peti tion, and that the deviaees, leñatees, and heirs a law of said deceased, and all other persona ínteres! ed in sajd eatate, are required to appear at a sessio of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the cityof Ann Arbor, and show cause, i any there be, why the prayer of the petitione should not be granted : And it ia furthe ordered that said petitioner give notice to th persons interested in said eatate, of the peadency of Baid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauB ing acopy of this order to be publiahed in th MichiffOn Aryus, i newapapar printed and circula ting in said county, three aucceasive weeks previou to uaid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W CHEEVER, 1658w4 Judge of Probate. Sheriff's Sale. C TATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O se. Linoal Toirance vs. Charles H. Shepar( and Ehza Shepard. By virtue of one writ o execution iasued out of and ander the seal of th Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, i the above entitled cause, to me directed and deliv ered, I did the 2Üd day of November, A. D. 1874 leAyupon all the right, titlt; and interest of Charle H. Shepard and Eliza Shepard, in and to th following described real estáte situated in th County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit The northwest fractional quarter oí jouthwea quarter oí aection 18, townahip four south, rang Üve eaat, in Waahtenaw County und State of Mich igan, which above described property I sfiall ex pose for ale at public auction to the higuest bidder at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 7th day of January A. D. 187G, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Dated November, 18th, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, Sheriff 's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. James F. Smith vs. Arthur Berry and Ne! son Wilson. By virtueof one writ of execution ife sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Cour for the county of Washtenaw, in the above entitle cause, to me directed aud dolivered, I did, on th twenty-sixth day of August, a. d. 1875, levy upoi all the right, title and interest of Arthur Berry an( Nelson Wilson in and to the following describe real estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to wit: Lot number twentj two iu Maynard's plat; also a piece of land bouno ed south by lot number twenty-two iu Maynard' plat, east by Lucas, north by Felch street, and wes by Lucas land, all ín Washtenaw county, State o Michigan. Which above described land I shall ex pose for sale at public auction to the bighest bidder at the south door of the Court House in the city o Ann Arbor, on the seventh day of January, a. d 1876, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated Nov. ïsth, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Eatate of Miohael Quigley. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaBhtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court tor th county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate uiüc in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty sixth day of December, in the year one thouaanc eight hundred and eeventy-five. Preaent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Michael Uuigley deceased. Adam D. Seyler, Administrator de bonis non wit the will annexed of said estáte, comes int o cour and representa that he is now prepared to render his iirüil aocountas such administrator. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tueaday the twenty-eighth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aaaigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of aaid deceaaed, and all otter persona intereated in said eatate, are required to appear at a session of said court. tht-n to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and ahow cause, if any there be, why the suid account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said administrator give notice to the persons intereated in said estáte, of the pendency of aaïd account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating-in ttaid county three sucoessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. CA true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER. 1659w3 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Robert HammondCiTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wushtenaw, O as. At a session of the Probate Court for tht county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday the twentyninth day of Novembor, in the year one thou&und eight hundred and seventy-flve. Preaent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Kobert Hammond, deceaaed. On reading and filiug tho petition, duly venfled, of Henry A. Hammond, praying that a oertain instrument now on üle in this Court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceaaed, may be admitted to Probate, and that said Honr A. Hammond may be nppointed executor thereof. Thereupon it ia ordered that Monday tht twentyseventh day of December next, at ten oV' ck in the forenoon, be aaeigcd for the hearing of aai 1 petition, and thut the devisees, leñatees and lieirs at law of aiiid deceaBed, und all othei persone intereatod in said estáte, are required to appear at aaüHöion oí said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city oí Ano Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the pryer ol the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that Baid petitioner give notice to the persons intereated in aaid eatate, of the pen dency ol aaid petition aud the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and cireulating in aaid county, three succesaive weekB previous to aaid day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 155yw4 Judire of Probate. Comstoclz's 86 SPRING, BED. IS GUAUANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY NOI8ELEÖÖ. Warranted uot to sag or form B trough, and to be the eaaiestt best aud MOST DURABLE BED L MARKET. Sprints being doublft, are self-supporting, and h ving upper and lower spring, the bed is uquully for lijht or heavy persona. Sume bed ia readily adjuBted to Üt bedateada of ditferent widthtr Addrea all orders to COMöTOCK BROS., Manufacturera. Adriiin, Mich. Illuatrated circulara and price liat furniuhed on application to the manufacturera. TO RENT- Third iloor over Bach & Abel's store. 1552 PHUJP BACH. é Moitgage 8alt3. ■efaulthavinK been mude in the eonditi, nrf Loertaio mertgage exetmted h ThotaaB2?L? lary bi3 wite, oí Narthfield, WashtenawV licágan, tu Wiham Figeraíd, UeTmetlaS' ur bordona tbousad BiKh1 bundred audkiïS ve,ancreoorded in the office ui ae tteiriSfS teednofiaid oounty oí WuhUn&w, on Ïj ,.?, ay ot Sapumb. r A. I. 1866, ai s -i-i elock a u d liberas of mortgages, on page .-,71, which w moxtgagewaa oulj assizned i.y " WtIIimui ïv, ld to Caroline Matilda Pasqu ille, on the firW i Angust A. U ,1808, audTecotóeu B be btegiater ot Deda o aid county ui'u taw, ontheseeonddayof February A. I j-n , ; l-20'oloek A. Al., m libera.! „f on ïlat 7a. and tin-re u now otaimed to be du' ffl uortfiHtre and the boud wit), the sarau.the aun # ixteen btuiiatedaua ixty-three dollars anu L?? tive cents, und reasonabfe ohargea tor attonun n case of ferecio&ure, uud 110 pruceediuvu in 1 .r ,-m.ty having been had to imotht ■ ï uf money, or any part, thtjreof. Now thenS Otice is hereby given, that by virtue of the no t .1 Hhle iu smd monguee oontained, I blmuLll t pubüe aucttan to the tighebt bidder, on the i hiy of MftïöhA, D. 187, at 2 o'clockP m f suid day, atthe front dooi o lbo Court HuuwX tbe city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid fiuT bemg the place of Loidmg tiie Circuit Court fnï Haid couniyjall that cériain troct or parofel Ü! and known uud described itw followa, to wit: Th east half oí the &outhvel quarter uf section nun? ber thi-ee in townslnp number ime, south oi1 raio' lumbertixeast. lyiujriii Nurthtield in thscounK of WaBhtenaw and State of Micüíkuii. Dated, December 2, 1875. CAitoLlNh M. HENEQUIN L;iie Caroline M. FasqueÜe Aabignee oí AIortKtíepp John N. Goit, Bsee. Attorney for Assignee of naid Mottgagee. Mortgage Salo. WHEUEA8, Isaac L. Clarkaon and Mary a (Jlarkaon, ol Manchestor, in the couuty of Wabhtonuw, Michigan, on the thirty-niBt duyof J anual y , in tht year of our Lord one thouaaud eitfht huudtcd aud seve-nty-tour, exeouted a mou gage to Andrew J. Shively. of the city of lïrouk cyn.inthe ötate of New York, to secure the iwy' ment of ceitaiu prinoipal and interest moneytL in mentioned, wmch mortgage wuh recordeü iu the oöice of tbe Register f Deeds in the county or Waahtenuw, on the 3 irst day of Junum-y, a D 1874, iu liber 49 of mortaes, on pagt; 514:' And wneieuB, deiauH ha beeu made for more than thir' ty days iu thfl payment oi au i na tal ment of iniereat money wbicli becanie due on the tim duyof July A. 1). löij, by ruiihon whereoi and puraiunt to the terina oí said mortgage said mortgaget hereby elects that so much oi t-aid prmcipal asremains unpaid with all arrearuges oí interest Uut ou shiill become duo and payable nnmt-diately. And wbereaa there is cluimed to be duu and uupaiii on tsaid mort gage at the date ot thia uotice tbirt(n hundred and mnety-mne üollarb and Lwelveceöts lor principal and Interest, also an attorney fee of thirty-five dollars should aiiy proceedingB be taken to toreelobe the fame in addition to all otber legal coats, and no uitor proceedings having beeniuatituted eithcr iu law or equity to recover the same or any part tbereof, uotice ia theiefore hereby fiiven that ou the thnty tirst day ol December nest, at two o'clock Ín the afternoon of aaid day, at tlie front door of the (Jouitüouse, in the ciij of Ann Arbor, county aforeaaid (thai being the place in which the Cncuit Court tor said county i held], aud by virtue ot the jjower et ale contuiued in aaid mortgage, I ahall sell al pubiic auctiun, io the higbeat bidder, z,he premistBüeacribed inbaidmort gage to aatisfy the amount of piincipal auu interest with the chargea oí sale and the attorney feetoi tbirty-ilvti doilurs : All that eertain i'iete orpareej ot laud aitutite and being in the vilhigeol Manchester, in the county of Washtenaw, and Btate of Micliigao, and deacribed aa lollows 10 wit : Bting twoniy leet in width oü iiotn the east side of lot number aeven (7), in block numbertwentj-two (22), according to a recordtd plat ol the vülagq ot Manerester, frontina twenty-two feet inwidihon Exchange i'lace street, iu the vil.nge of Manchester aioresaid. lated Uetober lat, 1875. ANDJiEW J. SHIVELY, ALortgagee. John N. Gott, b Attoiuey lor said Mortgagee. , Mortgíxge bale. DEFAULT having been made iu the condHion oí' a eertain mortgage made and BxecuUxtbj Jhoii W. Oowan and Dorcas M. Co wan, h , Manchester, Micliigan, to Kliuirii 1'. Howe city of Ann Arbor, County of Waehtenaw ;u aforesaid, on the thirty-nrst day o' March, A. i). oue thousand eight hujidretl and sevent] aud recerded in the office of the Begistei oi tor said County of Washtenaw, on the secqnd aj uf April, A. D. lriTEt, in liber 49 of mortgs page :i7t!, aud ihat theie is now olalmed to Ije dae and unpaid on said mortgage and the panying tin: saim;, two hundred aud sixty-i Lus, alsoan attorney'B fee of tdiriy-üvc doUi addition to uil other legal costa. Lts oítea na auy proceedlngüi taken to foreclose thia mortgage, antiaiso Bubject to the furtfaersum of twenty-four hundred dolían and interest Éo become due on said gage, and no proceedings in law or in equity hiivin; been had to recover said Bum of uwney or anv part the reo f : Therefore noticeis hexeby gives, virtue of the power of sale in aaid mortgage eo tiüned, I shall .-it!ll at public auctiou to the I. bidder on the eighth day ef January nest, o'elock iu the afwrnoon of that day, at the froot door of the Court House in fcta city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and Btate of BS i {that being the building in which the Cüouil for saM county is held J the premiaos áescribed i: said mortgage aa being al] that eertain pie& ■ cel of lamí Bituate and beíns in the town of Manchester, in the County of washtenai ilirhigan. and described aa foQows, towit: the nurth half of the northeast fraetional ■■, of section nuinber two (2), in townithip nuinhci four, south of range number three eadt, conti ninety-three acres of land, aecording to the .Siaii's survey. i';uci (fcn'.Dcr VTli, 1875. 1651 John N. Gott, ELMIRA 1'. l Att'y for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the oonditiom of a eertain mortijage made and executed by Edmund Blood and riarah E. Blood, hia wife,to illiam D. flarriman, and dated the2Tth dayoi January, 1871, and recordedin the oiüce of the luister of Deeda foi the County oí Waahtenaw, 111 the State of Michigan, in liber 44 of mort f page 43, on the 27th day of January, 1871, a o'clock and forty minutea p. m. on that dny, on which mortgage and note accoinpanying tbe eame there is now due the sum of live hunm-ed Bi ty-seven dollars and niuety bix cents princip interest and forty dollars as an attorney lee, provided for in said mortgage, by which default tb power of sale contained in said mortgage b come operative, and no proceedings in law or chancery having been conmienced to recover the debt eecured by said mortgage, or any part tttreof: Notice ia hereby given that s;ud ruortgae will be foreclosed by the sale of the mo tgaged pre mises, to-wit: Lot 4 in bluckone, in lii addition to the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and ötate of Michigan. Said sale will take place at the front door of the .Court House, in the said city of Ann Arbor f that being theplaffi where the Circuit Court for the couiny is held) on the llth day of February, 1876, at 11 o'clock iu the forenoon of aaid any. Dated Ann Arbor, November 12th, 1875. W. D. H ARRIMAN, Zina P. King, Morlgagee. Att'y for Mortg-agee. Estáte of Charles Halloct OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnw 0 sa. Ataaessionof the Probate Ccurt tOtv County of Washtenaw t holden at the VrobatsOttK- in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monduy the.1 second day of November, in the yeur one thoö and eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Noah W. üheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charlea Halta late of the City of Brooklyn, in the Stateo York, deeeased. On reatling and filiug the petitiou, duly verilifd, of Henry V. Hyatt, praying that Emanud Bchaflermay be appointed Administrator, debomt no?, of tliL' estáte of said deceaw d. Thereupou ït ia ordered that Monday, tLetwentiett day of December nest, at ten o'olock in the forenoon te assiffued for the hearing of said jetition and that tin heirs at law of aaid dwwasw. and all other persous interestfd in said eatate, are required to appear at a ne&sioB of sw Court, tben to be holden at the l'robíite (Mfice, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, any theie be, why the prayer of ihe pntionei should not be granted : And it is further ordered ,thut said petitioner give notice to taf persona intereated in said es, ate of the pendeneï of said petition, and the 1 earing: thereof, by cus' ing a copy ofthis order to be published w tin igan Argus, a newspaper printfd and e ircu Uiting said county, three auceo.-ive weeks pieviouuW said day of hearing. (A true copy) NOAH W. C3IEEVKK, IfiM Judge ol Pi ííeal Estáte for Öule. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oiWashtena rtd. In the matter of the eetate of Ludwig v Miller,deceaaed. Notice ie hereby given, tbatinpur" anance to an order grante;l to thf undersigiw"' minintrutor ol the estáte of aaid deceaaed, by tne ilon. Judge of Probate for the Connty oí WijJ lenaw, 011 tlie seeond day of Novottbei, A. 1; -"' there wiil be sold at public vendiie, to the higaes1 biddt-r, at the aouth door of the Court Huuse, the city of Am. Arbor in the couuty of Ushteiaw, in said State, on Tuoaday, the twenty-nr"1 day of December, A. D. ;87.j, at 10 o'clock in ■ 1 ore noon oí1 that day, (subject to all tíncumbrano by niortrfagf or otherwine existmg at the timt thedeathoi iaid deceased, and also subject tot riglit of dower of Üie widow oí said di-eeast riitit-in), thelollowiugdecL'iibed real i state, '■ The wttít half of the northeast quarter, tn half of the southwest qnurter, tbc east ten acre Ol that part of the northweat quarler oí' tíctiou twenry-nine lying soutu ot the road running j and wet on the north hall ui said aectwn, aJ hubjeet to h riylu oi way aa reeerved in t'lt,l;f7 Irom (iodlrey Millei lo said Ludwig ' M'1Jer' Al&o, the west three elghths 01 west thirty acres 01 the west half of the nortlieast quarter oí t-ct ion thlrtjj , and the hoathvust quarter of the outbwe quarter of aection twenty, except tho weflt D1" rods and eighten inches in wiOth, all in townt" south, in range ttve east, in said state. Dated November 'd, A. D. 1875. HENRY PAUL, Adminisöator. Estáte of John Jacob Bollinger. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "WasbteD. sa. At a aesaion of the Probate C-ourt l"r the county of Washtenaw, holden at the l'r Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on WedBWJ the twenty-fourtb day of November, in the yeai one thouaand eight hundred and Beventy-flvo. Preaent.Noah W. Cheever, Judge of fr0In the matter of the estáte of John Jacob iíouinger, deceased .- , Oureadingand flling the petition duly venfieo, of Maria Catharine Bolliner, prayiug that a Administrator ma y be appointed on the estáte said deceased .„„mThereupon it ia ordered, tbat Monday, the iww tieth day of December nt-xt, at ten o'elork in w assigned ior the hcarinjfoi :iIti,1' l(i tion, and that theheira ai law oí sttid decfiiseu, all other persona intereeted in said estáte, fj-e ,Q ouired to appear at a aeanion of waid court tn e holden at the Probate Office, in the city of adu Arbor, and ahow caue, if aay theie be, wüj. prayer of the petitioner sbould not be LrrtI"r", AmlÜ is further ordered, th-tt said petitioner gi notice to the persona intereated in ssid ííirL K the pendency of said petition, and the beanuB cansina a copy of thia order t0Kf"i liahed in the Michigan Aryus, a newspaper pnni and circulated in said county, three suceeuaive tt previous to said day of hearing m___1.1, PtAtrue;CoPy.) NOAH CHEEVBB


Old News
Michigan Argus