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Subscribe foe thk Akous. - The stormy weatlior ot tho week has caused a general depression of business. - Closing of mails- gomg west, 8 30 a. m and 4 30 p. in. Gomg ist, 8 15 ■ ana -1 ■' p. in. -Miss Francia Willard, of Chicago, will lef.ture at the M. E. Churoh on Friday evening, Dec. 17. - Miss Emma Raker, of this city, is rilling the place of Madame Hill iu the High School at Holly. - Eighteou unhappy men were arrested foi their wrong doing by the authorities of this city, duririg the month just passed. - The new Congregatioual church is drawing rapidly toward com pietion. The painter's brush is now oruamentiug the walls. - John Clair has pleaded guilty on the charge of doing business on Sunday in his saloon, and tiued ñve dollars and costs. - (Jompady B. gave a reception at their arniory on Monday evening. A goodly number were present and the hop was very enjoyable. - Eev. I. N. Elwood will give the third of his series ot discourses on the Prodigal Son, next Sunday evening. Subject : " A Father's Welcome." - $47 was realized by the young ladies of the Cougregational Church at their mite social, held at the residence of D. S. Wood, last Friday evening. - Business is increasing to such an alarming extent in this city, that a store recently oponed, has to opérate with closed doors, to prevent a too great rush of customers. - It will pay you to cali at Dr. McFarland's dental rooms and see his stock of artificial teeth, and get his prices, and all those wearing teeth of little or no use to them, are iuvited to cali and see what he can do for them. - Huron Fire Company gave a supper to the members oi the Common Council and other invited gnests, at the Fifth ward eugine house, last evening, in honor of their new eugine. The occasion was an enjoyable one. - Subjects of discourse of Rev. C. H. Brigham at the Umtarian Church on Suuday next: Moruing, " Weariness of the World " ; eveuing, " The Religión of Aucient Greece. Students' class at 9.30 A. M. : " The Character of Abraham. - The ladies of the Congregational church will give a " mite social " at the house of Mrs White, No. 10, Grove si., toot of Thompson, Wednesday evening next. Music wil euliven the occasion. A general invitation is extended - Dr. McFarlaud, dentist, (Jacksou's old stand), has had 12 years constant practice, and all who lavor him with their patronage will get the fiuest operations, as he uses none bijt the best of material, aud warrants every opera tiou. - -The Circuit Court is occupied with a suit against the Aun Arbor Trading Association, ■which will be the last one of the term. The balance of the term is to be devoted to the closing up of unKnished cases, preparatory to the retirement of Judge Crane. -The Young People's Society, of the M. E. Church, met at D. M. Fmley's ou Friday night last, and among other thiugs they enjoyed a feast of music and literary exercises. They are in corrsepondence with a popular minister to the end that he shali preach here soon. - Mack & Schmid continue to offer this week, fresh arjivals of ladies' ties, silk and lin(:n hankerchiefs, trimings, black silks, Paisley's shawls, mantilla velvuts, mohairs, alpacas and brilliantiues. They have the largest stock to select from, and ladies will find great bargains in these and other goods. - We learn with pleasure that tha Cantata of Queen Esther will be given at Hill's Opera House, Dec. 13, aud 14, by a chorus of nmety ladies aud gentlemen of this city and of the University, under the direction of Prof. J. H. Pease, of Ypsilanti. This cantata or oratorio is too well known to need any praise from us. - Mr. David Noyes and wife started forScio on Friday last, and wheu about two miles out of town their horse became frightened, upset the buggy, and Mrs. Noyes had her left arm broken juut below the shoulder and her right wrist broken. Mrs. Noyes, although upwards of sixty years of age, walked back to this city before the bones were set. - Washtenaw Chapter No. 6, R. A. Masons, held its animal election of officers, Monday evening, and selected the following: James Boyd, H. P.; Chas. J. Kintner, K.; Isaac C. Handy, Scribe ; Zachary Roath, C. H.; Chas. M. Jones, P. S.; H. A. Nichols, R. A. C; LewiB Colby, 3dV.; Edw. Fleming, 2d V.; Charles E. Hiscock, lstV.; Fred. Sorg, Treas.; Wm. A. Lovejoy, Secy.; Jotin P. Little, Sentinel. - Can it be that he has learned a lesson of the new physician who rode inany miles every day to see imaginary patieuts, just to advertise himselt? One of our merchonts lately reoeived from Detroit a large supply of teachests. They had never been broken, but examination revealed a smali hole in the bottom through wbicb the contents had been extracted. A long row of tea chests will attract ïnany customers. - Those in search of holiday goods Bhould not forget that C. H. Milieu & Son have now on exhibition their stock of goods for the holiday trade, comprising careful selections of novelties suitable for Chnstmas aud New Year'a presents. This house is proverbial for their good taste in making selectione, and the community will not fail to reap the ad■vantage of their leng experience and good judgment in buying. See what they have to ay for themselves in our advertising columns. - A great treat is promised to our citizeus in the lecture by Professor Watson, at the Law Lecture Room to-morrow. evening. The subject is " Egypt," and will give the Professor an opportunity to relate soms of the most striking and most important of his experiences upon his recent journey around the worldBy special request he will appear iu the Turkish fez, the dress and the decoratlons which he wore on his preseutatiou at the court of the Khedive of Egypt. Admission fixed at the low price of 25 cents. -The Luthsraus are putting up a building by the side of their (Zion) church, which is to be used for various purpose?, but especially as a place where they may have their children instructed in the Germán lauguage, of course opening the doors to all who may desire to study Germán. Tbere is no inteution of substituting this school for the public schools but rather to direct special attention to this one branch. Their children will continue their studies at the schools of the city as before. The building will bc used also as a chape] for thetrausaction of church business, etc. The Evkning School.- The school board of this city are making a move that can bu meet with the approbatiou of every body They propose to open an evening school for those who cannot attend school during the day and who are upwards of twelve years of age This is of course an experiment, but because it is a laudable undertaking it onght to be encouraged. Thero are undoubtedly a larg number of young men here who are desirou getting more of an education than they hav been privileged to obtain thus far, whil there are certamly a great many who ough to be interested in this direction. Eveninfc schools are a success in other and larger cities and there is no re ason why they should not b in Anu Arbor, although of cousie on a smalle acale. It is intendsd that there suall ba u expense to tbose attendiug. COMJfON Council. - A meettug of the Commou Counoil was held Monday evening, the following being the principal business : A. M. Doty was elected Alderman of the Fiith ward, in place of A. H. Herrón resigued. i'etitions were received for the erection of a fías atraet lamp on uortheast corner of Washington and First streets ; for the appointniunt of D. K. Kelley, as constable of the Fourth ward ; from State Street Fire Company, with a list of oflicers and member, for t.heir acceptance as a compauy and to bu furhished with au engine. The Finance Cuimnittoe reported bilis on the vanous funds, in the foUowiug amounts, which were allowed aud warnuits were ordered drawn : General f und, ?2,4Sb 19 ; general sheet, 79 68; First ward, f 11 86; Second ward, $29 34 ; Fourth ward, $22 70 ; Fifth ward, $10 09 ; Sixth ward, $12 10 ; Cemetery, 116 00 ; City Poor, $104 16. The Ueneral Fund Committee reported iu favor. oi thepurchase of a chemical lire engine, to be located uear the Univeraity, and paytncnt to be made for the same by the issue of a warrant payable af ter the first day of February next, at a oost not to exceed $750. The report was accepted and adopted. Ordiuances were adopted relative to renewal and repairing sidewalks ; also iu relation to bridges and streets ; also m relatiou to grading and paviug of streets. The Ann Aebob Scientific Association. - A very iuterosting meeting of the above society was held on Saturday night, and an un usual number were present. Mr. E. C. Seaman read a paper which was inteuded as an antagouistic reply to the paper preseuted by Dr. Cockor at the previous meeting on " The Nature of Life." A paper was also read by S. T. Douglass on " The Colorod Snow of Feb. 5, 1876." This suow feil in the western part of the State, and was higaly colored by some fine material scattered through it. Mr. Douglas obtained some of the sediment, secured by evaporating a few quarts of the snow, and by a careful examiuatiou of it with the microscope, and by qualitative analysis came to he conclusión that the substance had its origin n the volcanoes of Mexico, having been borne lither by the strong winds of the day or two )revious. Prof. Barrington said it might be of nterest to the society to know that some suails hat Mr. Steere sent from the river Amazon five years ago were stil! living, although they had had uo foed during that time. One of ;hem has lately crawled to the glasa front of ,he case which contains them and glued itselt :ast. Miss E. C. Alimending'or exhibited soine pecimen8 of rare plauts, and among them was a hybrid of oue of the common garden grasses. t was found growing by the side of some coru and being fertilized by the latter the grass bore upon one of its stalks a tiny ear of corn complete in its fermation. About Steel Pens. - Few persons doubtless re aware of the fact that the original inventr of Steel Pens is still living. Sir Josiah Maon, now the great pen manufacturer of Birminghain, England, enjoys that distinotion. Ie is now very old, beiug above eighty. It ia n his great factory that several of the most )opular of the widely famed Speuceriau Doube Elastic Steel Pens are made, the models beug supplied by the proprieiors of the pens, Messsrs. Ivison, Blakemau, Taylor & Co., the Educatioual Publishers of New York. The penceriau Pens have attained their great poplarity from a variety of reasons, all of which will be apparent to any oue who may try them Of one nomber alone more than six millions were sold last year. We use them in our office, nd are so well pleased with them that we ïave no hesitation in saying that they are, in ur opinión, superior to any other artiole of ie kind with which we are acquainted. Their lief characteristics seems to be flexibility, :asticity, durabihty and evenness of poiut, nd a nearer approximation to th real quil 1 ctioii than has been heretofore attained in a teel pen The Spencenan are oomprised in fteen numbers, all differing in flexibility and neness of poiut, and for the convenience of hose who may wish to try them Messrs. Ivison, ilakeman Taylor & Co , 138 aud 140 Grand street, New York, will send by mail a Bample ard, securely enclosed, oontainiug one each of he different numbers, on receipt of Tweutyve cents. Miohioan Teachebs' Association.- The ext annual meeting of the State Teachers' Associatiou will be held at Grand Rapids, commencing on Tuesday eveuing, Dec. 28, and osing Thursday eveuiug, Dec. 30. On Tuesay eveuing Prof. Chas. Kent, of the Univerïty, will deliver au address on " The Origin nd Extent ot the Duty of the State to Eduate." Wednesday evening an "Outside View of the Public Schools," will be presented n papers aud addresêes, by Chas. Backus, isq., of the Detroit Tribune ; Dr. Chas. Rynd, t Adrián ; Hon. J. H. McGowan, of Coldwaer. Thursday evening an address will be devered by Kev. Zachariah Eddy, D. D., of Deroit. Duriug the day sessions of Wednesday nd Thursday, papers aud discussions are exected on subjects of interest to teachers. 'rof. Geo. S. White, of Jackaon, has promised o secure the presentation ot a number of paers of special interest to High School teachrs. The hotels will entertain members of the association at reduced rates, and the Detroit & Milwaukee railroad, and several other roads eading to Grand Rapids, will return members ree. The University Defalcation. - The anouncement last week that a large sum of money, $4,500, was missing from the receipts of the laboratory, and that Dr. P. B. Rose had ppropriated it to his own use, created considrable surprise. It was stated that Dr. )ouglass had made the discovery by chance, hat this money was withheld. A committee waa at once appointed to investígate matters, nd the result of the ïuvestigation was claimd to be as stated above. Dr. Rose, on the ther hand, emphatically denies his guilt. The nvestigation is still going forward, and the eople are waiting in suspense, for the truth. ?he Regents meet in January when both sides of the question will uudoubtedly be brought out in full light.


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