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Gens. Pora and Schotleld. in their reports, recomincnd that the ludían Bureau bo transferred to tho War Department, aud that troopa be staiioued on cach resorvation to watch tlie Indiana and prevent them froin goiug on raids. ....Recent iirtH: At BélrviUo, Canada- lost, $150,000; Oberlin, ().. f6Q,O00; Whcclin?, W. Va,, $50.01)0; Ottawa, 111., f12.000; Melrose, Hing., $TO,000;Lovrell, Hm, -f50.000. Thk Bteamer Sunnyeids wan sunk by the ce la tho IIucIhou River, at West Point, a few Jayu ago. BLx of the crew and five passengere lost their lives....A passenger train eollided with a freiüht train near lijffalo. N. Y., lat week. Three pereous wore Uillo 1 nml ft larLo uiuibcr wouudcd, hoveral dangerovmly. Bou. Iba lUnRis, ex-üuitil States Senator f rom New York, is deKl Tlie echooner J. G. JeuldnH was teöenyjlflet in a galo on Lake Ontario, tafxtlier witli all on board, conKiuting of siine pwsoiiH The TbiUidelpliia Navy Yard va old at auotion, laht week. for L 1,000,000. The escape of }5oss Tweed has prednred a líig seiiKntion in New York city. The marnier in vrfiich the gïeat ring thiof obtained bis fregdoiu ia brieily as follow.s : For Kovcral weeks at;t it lian bi on tlie habit of the prinou authoritio to allow Twofil to aait bis frieuds and relaïivcs in tUo city, acconiïianied, of oonxaé, by oilicei"H. On tl;e day of bi escape he v:íh driven to t!i housr where bis wife wan living. r.nd he went ui)-fataii-8 alone, the official reitturiing belmv. Not. rcturuing in fifteeu niinuU ■■. the latter beoanie alarméd, nearchcd for his bird, aud cUscovered lie had Üowu. The Sheriff offers a reward of .tlO.OOU for liis capture. THE WJCST. Tbe ITnited States Grand Jury, at öt. Louip, has indicted Uaniel W. Mmiu, late Supervisor of Intertial Eevenue for the Chicago District, on a charge of complicity with tho Whisky frimds. D. T. Linigar. of" Cairo, Munn's former law partner, is ajío iu.iirtcd. .. .Chicago elevators contained on tbo lot inst. 1,363,045 Inwlveld of wlraat; 448,092 bashela of oorn; 372,;!) bushel-i of Ctatg; 138,884 bushels of rye, and 314,507 biwheïs of barley, making a grand total of 2,367,287 bushels, dgamst, 1,833.270 bnshela at the Bame period last ycar. Somethino of a seusation was produced in Chicago, the other day, by the finding, iu the oflice of au expresa eomprmy, of a barrel in wbich had been placed tho body of a beautifnl yotmg woman aud a babo. It was at tirst thought tliat a foul crime had been perpetrated, bt nveetigatiou proved tbat it was the work of reuurrecüoninte. Tiie bolie8 had been Mtolen from oneof the oemeterieR. and were iutendcd for tlie Iowa 'Medical College. The ginlty partiex liave beeu arreated. CHAitura E. Cist, an old and honored ciüKen of Cincinnati, ha proved a wolf in shecp's e'.othing. He has diaappoared, aud it now leaks out that he, haa committoi dofalcations to the smoimt of L100,000 Another one of theinterual revenue thieves- Avery, the Tressury clerk- haa been couvictod at St. Louis. Joyce, his pal, who waa ent up ome time ago, is eaid to be writing a novel ,jn bn cell ia tUe Missouri Peuitentjarc a portion of wbich will be devi t'.d o tbe kJ3fcy ring Several Western lawyerg have boen implicated in pension frauda Tho trials of the Chicago whisky ring caaes wiil begin Jan. 11 Gas costa "H per 1,000 cubic feet ia Des Moines, lowa, and the business men generally, havo discarded its nse. Merchante say they get a botter light from kerosene at 15 cents a'night tban they did from gas at $1.25. Tho city is to be iiluniinated wlth kerosene instead of gas lampa. The President having granted the request of Gen. O. E. Babcock for a eourt of inquiry into the reporta counecting him with tho St. Louis whisky ring, Geus. Sheridan. Hancock and Terry were (lesiguatod to comjwse the court. They aro now in uessiou at Chicago A terrible tragedy oeeurred at Cleveland the other dar. A mim named Adtu, in a fit of rage. mnrdered his wife ind stepdaughter. aud monally wounded Mrs. lieutou, a neighbor. who iuterlered. The weapon uacdVas an ax. Jaspeh D. WAiin, United State3 Attoruey for the Nortbom District of Illmota, haa re-jfgnTd at Uie reuest of Attorney-General Pierrepont. TUK SOUTH. Advices from the Rio Grande represent that the troubles along that river growiug out of the eattle raids by Mexicana are aa bad aa ever. The Mexiean raidera have a contract to deliver 18,000 of cattle at Monterey, aud they cspect to sfeal them from Texas. The Bank of America, of New Orleans, ba suspended. Tbbee men were killed, two mortally wounded, and tieveral othera badly scalded, by the explosión of a sugar-house boiler near Prauklin La., a Xeiv daya ago. WASHINGTON. Jüdoe-Advocate-Ge.vj5eal Joseí'u Holt, of the Army, has beeu retired, upon hia own applioatjon, aud Asniatant Judge-A.dvocate-General William McKee Duun luis been appointed to fill tlie vacancy . . . The Sseretary of the Navv bs íBniied ordere to recruiting officers to enlist all avHilable men for the naval service. AccoBDisa to the monthly bulletin of Secretary Bristow, the public debt wan decreaeed L480,075 duriug tho montU of November Poetmauter-Goueral Jewell, {n bis animal report, rcümmends that the pcslage on trauaient newspapere be reduced oue cent for everv two ounces and fmetion thereof. . . .All naval ofiicers havo been ordered to report fordutv ïmmediately. ' The Secrotary of the Treaaury haa tent to Congrees hls eatitnatoj for the ffisoal year ending J,me 30. 1877. The following ia a reëapRulatiou by Departments : Cpoextaa, C,958 - tl ,?fn1h 78 m l üepxrtrnputof Btete ïl.601,095: Treasury Department, f171 1 'M - 207 ; Ysf Deputment, f57,460 499 ! Navv Deïment Í21'. TO2.12Ü ; JWM Dparteat, í4a,5!)í,l.!J; Poetofflce, 89 862,714 Departí "ï' of Jnatfae, $3.8j-i.uw : Agrlonlture, 4251.005 ; grand total. 8U.612,606 The ÜS3gaaoDB ,f"r the OF yeí end:..g June ma'el " 16'8C4'5a2 Je8J thu "ee eettGK.VEKALi Becretary Briftow has written a letter to the D&trfet Attomey at St. Louis, in wbich he deaounoee as "ahsolatelyandunquaJifiedlyfalHe" th Btory starled by the wliüky-ring "thievcs that he was intfirested in a distillerv at Louiaviüc. Ile ddM : "I heg te repeat theVequest. Leretofore communicated to you. that these francs on ths Coverument hall bo probed to the verv Sxrttom; that every ramiBcaUoii of the ring ahail fee followed in every part fiom beginning to end, and ■ that u oue having coimection with or guilty kuowlcdge of ita peratiom shall be penmttsd to eacajio. go far as thia Department is coücenied, I ak that tvery allogation spinst omcer of it, from its head to ita lmiiblebt nnjöioy be thoroimhly iuvestigated and vkoroualy proaecutel, f any ground exiats therefor Inaveread this to the ProBide„t. who repea s uia lujunctiOD, 'Let uo guilty mau e-care.' " Tuk nóuse of Albert Wood, at Pony JIollow, uear Elmira. N. Y., was burued lust week, and )ih wife and threo childrou penshed in the flamea. News has been received in Washington of the deatu, in China, of tho Hou. Benjamin P. Avery, the American Minister to that country' SS 3fiS@3 aboat two years ag0 10 ñncThe Ceutennial Uonimittee on the Opening Ceremonies have selected Wm. M. Evarta for Ujo orator, Ileury W. Longfellow for the poet, and a grandson of ltiehard H. Lee, of Virginia tor the reaxler of the Declaraliou of IndcrendBüsak Denin, the wcll-kuown acarea, is deaxl. Tue oal)Ie bringa news of annller ocean dieBBter. The Atlantic etcamer Deutechland has boen yrocked in the Noj-th Sea, and a large ujunbtrof her paísengoi-s V.nd crew loat. POLJTICAI.. At a meeting of the Exeoutive Committee of the "Independent" party, u Chicago, last it was dtdded to hold a National Conveurtoñoítlie'party, at InOjanapoñp, in May nnxfc . to ïnmiinte Candiiïatej for Presideiit and Vioe-Preeraeut, Tin: electioi, oï ,yt!ie Nptukcrship ia diie.largely to the nntirin3 induntry of tho ]11uoia delegtótm .... Xbo ne-,v Doorkceper of the Honae at Washington oooupied the ame post in Uw ( onfederate (Xwigress atlUclnneni rKEJGJi. The French Aefembly Lss canied tnrough itj tina; pis-se tho KUutoral Mll whicli has beeu pcnjing e that body for eeveral weeK'. Tho arroui 883eLt wyntom of voting, cout( , e MiuiHtry aud vigorously '■embutid iiv the ultia dlepnMicauB, ia incorpói iiire . üfriiu ditpatch anlouue, t:ta' -Vim Arnim has been indicted trieil for treat-on. At" ui to the Europeau power a draft of vi.foirad to bfe submitted to the Sultan of Turkey. . .T!io cruel war in Cuba etillragea. Tiirce liuu'lfed Rpaineb troopu wero receatly amtaahed iu(i lain by a Lody of iunurgents". . . . . KuKsia lias annexed tho novtheru half oí Khokand. ... A Madrid telegram of Dec. 2 says : The Kpan-,-li note to the United States proroisBgtauaal emancipation ; increaaed freedom r oonscience that foreiguers wben arrestec haühae iinmediate hearing; that legal re■ luftll lis obt&icftble for p&at injuries, i erepUon of the noto in Yv'anhingtöu. The uoto is Spain's ultimatum." Bhockino aeeounta are received of the deeti tution Rüd wretcbednesB of the refageea from Herzegovina, who havo croseed the Aiihtrian frnnticr into D.dmatiato theuumter of 150,000, imd the infernal barbarity of the Turku, whose treatment of the'r captiveu would diograee a band of CoircancheH. Ouder roigna in Khokand. The iimurreoïiouary nativcs, to the tmmber of 80,000-, were lately enocuntired !y a, Bueétan foree and dofeatcii with great losa, and tho robeliion Wenw to bo cMir'.e.i Lord Ieibv yB Ehg'and boupht the Suez Canal Bololy to prevcut. a prel)onderance of fortigu tufluence iu ita control. It is lino htatod Ihat Franco's reaepn for rnlectinp at offer to purchase the property was the fear of a war with Germany. The youDg man with the iiuprononueeablo name, who was to wed BiBmarcJi'n dfiigWer, te dead The Khcdiw of Égypt ia proaecuting thp war viROfoiwly ftgaint the Abyssinianu TUo Trinte of Wa!ea ia haviug a jolly old time iu India The cable brioga uewa of two trñble colliery explosiODB- ohë in Yorknhire, KivJiiml. rtHiiltiitg in the (jaorifiee of 140 )mman lives ; tbo ether, by wliich some 20 miTiers were killed in tho South of Wales.. . .It is said Knfisia wiU i'-ropoae an international conference on the Bnez Canal (vieñtion, and if hei'dmand is refused will claim freedom of actoon iü the East.


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Michigan Argus