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Watches & Jewelry

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BIG BONANZA. J. C. WATTS Havingjust returned from New'York, wishes to cali especial attention to the citizens of Washtenaw county to hia mum mot h stock of Silver and Silver Plated Ware In new and elegant designs, the largaat stock ever brought to this market. LADIES WATCHES AIMD CHABIUS In great variety. A fine stock of Opera Glasses and Fancy Goods, all of which ha ving been purchased t' lor cash, enableb me to otter an inducement to in y castomers of from 10 to 25 per cent lower than the same goods can be bought elsewhere in the State. My having another large Jewelry Store in the northern part of the State, and a business connection with one of the largest manufacturing, jobbing and importing houset in the country, entibies me to purohaae goods at the jobbing discount, which I propuse to give tny cuetomers the benefit of. Cali and see me before purchasing, and be couvinoed tb at 1 have the LARGEST, TASTIEST, & CHEAPESÏ STOCK IN MICHIGAN. OPERA QLASSES TO HE3STT. Eepairing in all ite branches exeouted by experienced workmen with neatnesa and deapatch and atreaaooableprices. All work warranted. No. 1O SOUTH MAIIff STREST, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. It. f. Watts Mtill lias charge of my biminess, m licre bo i il I be pleased to ■ee lila I rtends. J. C WATTS.


Old News
Michigan Argus