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On the evening of the lOth instant, Prof. J. Estabiook delivered a superb lecture, the third in the oourse projected by Rev. Mr. Parsons, his theme being " The Origin and Destiny of Anglo-Saxon Language." The next lecture in the course will be given by Arthur T. Pierson, D. D., of Detroit, on the "Ideal Woman." The time for its delivery to be determined hereafter. The union meeting of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches was richly entertained on Sabbath evening last by a sermón by Eev. W. J. Campbell, on "The Mutual Relation of the Pulpit and Press." . On Monday evening, 13th, the Preabyterian Church was fllled by an audience attracted thereto to listen to various exercises prepared by the " Youths' Temperauce Society." Excellent music, an elabórate essay by S. W. Chandler, M. D., op the effects of tha use of alcohol as a medicine and as a beverage, and a goodly number of recitations an,d readings by youug gentlemen and ladies, made the meeting omiuently pleasing to all conserued. The Presbtenau Sabbath School is to have a Christmas Tree, and the other schools are also awake to the olaims of Christmas. M. I. Chiqannb. Saline, Dec. 14, 1875. THE AüTHOBS OF THE " SPELLING MANÍA." -And now it is said that the publishers of Webster's Dictionaries are responsible for the recent " Spelling Bee " excitemeut. Whether this ia true or not, the spelling manía was a good thing, and it undoubtedly had a very excellent influeucs. Of all educational accomplishmente, a proper knowledge of the orthography of our own language is certainly the most desirable, and of all the deficiencias in our educational methods, that relating to this study is the most marked. Aud we were therefore gomg to say that whethei the spelling excitement came about through the advertising cfforts of the Webster publishers or not, oue thing is quite clear, and that is that there is nothing that has helped to stimulate the wide-spread interest in the subject, or that iso naarly a speller's Vade Mecum as Webster's 'ocket Dictionary, sold for One Dollar, and to e had of almost every dealer ia books. It ia marvel of compactnoss, containing about .hree huudred iliustrations, over eighteen housand words, brief but comprehensive rules or spelling, a large number of words from oreign languages, phrases, proverbs, etc, in ommon use. It is neatly bound in Morocco, with tucks and gilt edges. If not otherwise obtainable it may be had by mail from the mblishers, Messrs. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 138 and 140 (irand Street, New York, y enclosing to them the price, one dollar. Messrs. Baker, Davis & Co., of Philadelphia, uccessors to T. Ellwood Zeil, are issuing in 64 consecut've weekly parts, a new edition of ' Zell's Jfopular Encyclopedia and Universal Jictionary," making when completed two volumes of about 2,600 pages, and containing 150,000 articles, nearly 5,000 iliustrations, and 18 superb inaps. It is a complete geographical ;azetteer, and excellent defiuiügand pronouncing dictionary, and is concise and correct in its departmeuts of history, biography, soien , art, lauguage, natural history, botany, mineralogy, medicine, law, mechanics, architecture, manufactures, agricultura, bible, church and religious history, etc, bringing down investigatious and discoveries to the lateat dates. The four uumbers on hand do not eomplete the letter A. As in ordinary cyclepedia type and page it would make twenty large volumes, we may well write multum in parvo, and commeud it to all who want a really good cyclopedia at a moderate price. Edwin Clark, oí Kalamazoo, is the general agent for Michigan The annual meeting of the Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Co. was heli at the office of the People's Bank in Mauches ter, on Saturday, the 4th inst., with a respec table attendance of memburt. Emerson An nabil aud Stephen Merrithew were re-elected Directors for two years. The Secretary re ported no loss by fiie in this county since May 1873. The Directors elected Andrew Spafard President, and D. W. Palmer, Secretary fo tbe ensuing


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