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Ifloody and Sankey Are creating quite a stir iu the religious circles of Ameaica, which is only equaled by the exciteent following the introduction of Dr. King's ew Discovery for Cougha and Colds, Asthma and tronchitia. The great virtue of this wonderful raedy is certainly Tery remarkable. No Coughs or Cold however obstinate can resist the healing qualities of this great remedy. It completely cures when all others fail. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor, Druggist. Trial bottles free. 2wl60 BUSINESS NOTICES. a t.'Aitn. I desire to infonn niy friends that I am permanently located iu Detroit, at the well-known establishment of Messrs: M. S. Smith & Co., and cordialy invite them to cali. I will attend to them peronally, and wül supply thera with anything in the ine of Holiday (Joods at the very lowest prices: 1561W3 A. ï. HILL: De. McFabland, Dental Surgeon, has fitted up rooms, corner of Main and Huron streets, where he wouid be pleased to meet all those equiring the services of a dentist. Thirteen 'eais coustant practico, together with the best of material and low pnces, should be an mlucement to the people to give him a cali. New tairs leading to the rooms have been comileted which renders access easy and pleasant. 50 pieoes Black Alpacas the best goods knowu to the trade, at Maynaed's. The ninety days allowed me by the grocers of Ann Arbor to stay in townwill be up February 12t 876. Be sure to get a supply of best Japan at 90 ents per pouud, equal to any sold in town at any price. BANKS, 17 Main street. W. W. Bliss has received a fine stock of oods for Christmas and New Year's presents. which he will sell so cheap that you can all tford to make presents. You will fiud a full tock writing desks, albums, and the flnest box apers in the city Cali and look at the goods nd you will not go away without taking ome something to gladden the hearts of your wife and children. No. 3 South Main street. Death is often caused by a severe cough or old. Take in time Dr. Kiug's New Discovery nd be cured. Cash paid for butter for retail trade. No butter acked, that being left for my older coinpetitors. SANKS, 17 Main street. 10 bales brown cottons, at bottom prices, at iaynardN. Remkmber that when you get a flve cent enromo with your tea that you have to pay for it, together with the can, label, and labor of packing. BANKS ives better values than any other man in town. - 500 pieces Gacbeca, Merrimack, Sprague, American, Pacific, and other makes of prints, rom ó to 8 cents a yard, at Maynard'a. Notwithrtanding the prophets, I have concludd to stay longer than ninety days, and sell groceres cheaper thau ever. BANKS, 17 Main street. Is Your lAte Uorlh 1O Cents. 8ickni!s4 prevails everywhere. and everybody omplains of some disease durng their life. When ick, the object is to get well ; now we say plainly hat no person ín this world suffering with Dyspepia, Ltver Complaints and its effects, such as Indigestión, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, ieart Burn, Palpitation of the Ileart, Depressed Spirits, Billiousness, etc., cannot take Green's Auoust Flowf.r without getting relief and cure If you doubt this go to your Druggist, Eberbach 4 Co., and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try t. Regular sile 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you.


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