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Forty-fourth Congress

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Wkdsesday, Dea 8. - Señale. - A large nurnber of billa were introduced and ordered printed, including the íollowing : By Morton, to provide for and regúlate tbc counting of the votes for President and Yicc-Presideut, and the disposiUou of the queptions arising therefrom ; by Robertson, to secure dt-positore iu ■ the Frcedmcn's Savings and Trast Company from ultímate loes ; by West, amendatory and eupplementary of aets to lncorporato the Texaa Pacific Railroad; by Robertson, to remove the legal and political disabilitios of citizens of the United States subject thereto ; by McMillaji, to c-xtend tbc time for tho construction of tho Northern Pacific Eailroad- it allowg that company ten years' additional time to complete thc road ; by Bayard, regulating the salaries of the Judges of the Court of Claims , by IngallR, for the sale of tho Black Bob Iudiau laudg in Kansas, confrrring exclusive jurisdictíou over Indian reservations upon' United Stivtes Court3, aud for the pnnislmient of crimes comuüttcil by aud agaiust the Indiaus Memorial wera presentad by Wriglit (ía.), froni citizens of Iowa for tho rèpeaX of the law requiring a two-cent stamp on bank checks ; by ChriBtiancy, from citizens of Michigan, for payment of moniiy iuBtoadof awarding land to certain soldievs in th'e late war; by Windom, from citizenfi of Wisconsin tor the improvement of Fox Kiver ; by Oglesbv a memorial of the United States Centennial cbmwinsion and Centennial Board of Finance for au appropriation of $1,000,000. llmnc.- Tho House was not in session. Tiiuksday, Dec. 9. - Smate.- Wet prosented a letter from W. L. McMillan, asking jiertuissiou to withdraw hia crcdentials as Sonator-elect from I.ouisiana by th&McEnery Legislatura Laid over Billa introducid : By Shcrmau, to txtoud the duratlon of the court for tho atljudicatiou of claims arising out of the Grueva aivard; liy lugalls, to amend the act of July 2, 1S34, to uil iu the confetructiou of a railroad aud telegraph lino from thc Missouri Kivcr to the Paoiñc Ocean ; by Bogy, anthorlzing the puyincnt of dutii's mi Importa In toga] tenders aml natioual bauk uotes....The committees were annonneed, as folIowb : Prlvüegeí and Elections- Morton, Chairman ; Logan, Mltchell, Wadleigh, Cameron of Wisconeii), Mollillan, Baulabury, Merrimon, tocpir. Foreign Kelations - Camarón of l'cuuylvauiu, ('Haiiiiiau: Morton. Hamliu, Howe Frellngbuyseu, Coniling, McCreery, Bogy. Eaton. Flnnnce- Saulsbury, Ckairman; MorrillofVcruiont. Ferry, Frelingbuysm, Logan, BoutwclJ, Jones of Nevada, Bayard, Kurnan. Appropriations- Morrill o! Mame, (liairman ; Wiudom, West, Kargeut, Allion, Dorséy, Davi. Wllhera, WaJUoe. Oommeroe- (íonkling, Ohalrman ; Spencer, Boutwei], Oamcron ol WiBcon.siu. líuruHidí', McMjllau. Ransom, Dennis, BfcDonald, Maniifacture - KobertBon, Chainuan ■ Booth, Bruce, English, Wallace. Agriculture- Frellnghuysen, Chaliman; Boberfeon, Harvcy, Davte Jordán. Military Anairs- Logan, Chairmáu ; Camerou oí1 Pennaylvanla, Spencer, Clayton, Wadleigli Burntide, Oordon. liandolph, Cockrell. Naval AftairB- Cragiu, C'liaírman: Anthony, MorrtÜ, Ine, Bargent, Oonoverlíorwood, Whyte. Judiciary - Edmundo, Oiiairji:;m ; ConMlng, 1: rclinghuvt-eu, Wrlght, ÍIow c. Tkurman, Steveuson. l'uftofflcoe and l'ost Hoads- Hamliu, Chairman ; Fcrrj', Doraey, Jim, , of Nevada, l)awe, Padiiock SauenVurgy, MBXey, Kev. Public Lands- Oglesby. C'baa-man ; Windom, llarrey, Hamiltor, l'addocit, Booth, Kelly, McDonauL, Jonea of Florida. Private Laúd claims - Thurman, Chairman ; Bayard, Bogy. Ed; manda, Chrlrtiancy. Indian Affairs - Allison.'Oliairman ; Oleaby, Morrill of Mainc, Ingallu, Claytou, Boijy, MoOreery. Penaions- Ingalln, Chsliman: AiliHon, Hamllton. Booth, Bruoe, McDonald, Wither. BevolnUonary claims- Stevonsun, Chairmau JohuBoo, Ooldthva.:j, Morril of Vermout, Wright OlainiB- Wright, chairmau; Mitcbell, Wadleigb ; Chriítiancj, McMiUan, Camerou of Wiaoonsin I Caperfon, Cockrell, Jones of Florfda. District of Colnmblar- Spenoer, Chairmau; Uitehrtck, Doraey Incalía, Robtrtaon, Morrimon, English Patents- Wadleigh, Chairmau ; Windom, Dawe, Johnrton, Kernan. Public lmldings and Orounds- Morrill oí Vermont-Chalrmanj Cameron of Pennaylvania J'addock, Cooper, Whyte. Tei-ritoiics-Hitckcock, Chairmau ; Cragiu, Tattcreon, Christiaucy, liaron, üopper, Mansy. Bailroads- West. Chairman, Hitchcock, Cmgm, Howe, Hamiltun, olí, Dawcs, itanBOiu, Kolly, Capcrton, Eaton. Mines and Mining- Sargent, Ghairtnan; Hamlin, Alcorn, Harvey, Skaron, Ooldthwaite, Randolph. Revisión of tho Laws of thc United States - Boutwell, Chairman; Alcorn, Chrisflancy, Caperton, Wallace. Edneation and Labor- I'attcrson, Chairman ; Morton, MorriU of Vermont, Huruside, Bruce, Sharon, Gordon, Maxey, Key. . ■ i v 1 Service and Retrenchment- Clajton, Chairman ; Wrignt, Oglcsby, Alcoru, Pattorsou, McC'recry, Randolpèi. To Audit and Control tho Contingent Expenses of the Senate - -Jones of Nevada, Chairman ; Dawes, Depnift. Printing - Anthony, Chairman; Shorman, Saulsbury. Library - Ilowe, Chairman; Edmnndfl, Kunsom. On IluleB- Ferry, Chairman; Hamlm, JI:i rimon. EngroBEid Bills- llayard, Cliairman; Wlthers, Anthony. Enrolled Bills- Oonover, Chairman; Robertson, Kelly. On the LcneeR of the Mttsissippi liiver- Mcorn, Chairman; Clayton, Harvey, Cooper, Cockrell. To Examine the Scvcral Branches of the Civil Berriop- Boutwell. Chairman; Conklins, Merriraon, Eaton. On Transportation Routes lo thc Seaboird- Windom, Cbairmau; Shernian, West, Conover, Mitohell, Burnúdc, Norwood, Davis, Johnston. Ilounc- Not in Bession. FitiDAY, Dec. 10.- Sánate. - Not iu session. Wouse. - The House was in bessiou but a short time Ou motion of llojikins it was votod tliat so much of tñc Pre.Bident's message as relates to the Centennial be referred to a select conmiittee of 13. McDougall introauced a bilí repealing the law iucreasing tin: postage on third-class matter Adjourned till Tuesdaj, 14th. Monbaï, Dec. 13. - Señale - Howe proseuted a memorial of citizeus of WiBConsin for the repeal of the law inorcasing i)Oetage on merchandise Frelinghuyaen introduced a bilí regulating tho transportation of animáis by rail and water Davis silbmitted a resolutiou citing the law requiring reports to be made to Congress aimually of persons indebted to the Government, the Hat of defaulters, the amouut of thc defalcations, etc., and calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the Kenato why such reporta have not been mado. After sonie discussion tho resolution was laid over Mitehell introduced a bilí attaehing Alaeka Territory to Washington Territory Ingalls introduced n bilí providing that no National Baukine Aflsooiation shall be organi.ed with less capital than $50,0011; also, a bilí to extencf the time for flling claims for additional bounty under the act of July 28, 1866. Hoitse. - Not in aeasion.


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