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Mortgage Sale. rvefault having been mnde in the eondiüon of Loertain mortKage exeeuted by ■ñomiatíorf.Ql Mary hu wile, uf XorttaUelcl, Waahtenaw couutv Michigan, t„ Fitzgexild, of the W SS' n the twenty-tirst day „1 September, in thïnli nu l.ordone thousad eigtal hnndíed and mí lvu au., reoorded in the office ut' the Register "f Jeedant said oounty of Washttnaw, od the? day of Septtmber A. I). 1805, ut 8 3--1 o'clock A iw D hier 33 oí mortgaifes. on page 671, which 'Saf,j nortgage was duly Meiined by Wilham Fitz, ald tu Caroliue Matilda l''aqudle, on the first C of August A. D. 1806, aud recorded ia the office ha Keglater of Deods ..f said couuty of Washi naw on the second duy of February A. IJ. Wü ,7, J 1-2 o'clock A. M., in líber 8.1 of mortgages ni 572, and there i now clamied to be duT oVSS mortgage and the bond with the same, the sum !. sixteen hunuiedaud sixty-three dollars and seveml üve cents, and reawmable charges lor attorney's ft in oase of forecloaure, and no proceedin7 ,'„ or equity having been had to recover said mm of money, or any part thereof. Now theretZ notice is liereby given, that by virtue of thn Do„„ of sale in said mortgaae contained, I BlmUsel],, public auction to the l.ighent biddn, on the 4t day of March A. 1). l7ü, at 2 o' elock P M „. said day, att'Jie frcnt dooi oi the Court Houaé in the city of Ann Arbor, connty afoiesaid ftht bemg the place of holding the Circuit Court fS said coumy,) all tbat cerlain truct or pareel „. land known aud described as folloWB, to Th east half of the southwe.-t quarter of section num ber three in township number one, south of ran"' nuinber tix east. lying in Northüeld in the count of Washtenaw and State of Micüigaii. ' Dated, December 2, 1875. CAKOLINE M. HENEQUIN, Late Caroline I. Fa.squt.-ile JooN. Go.,. A s.gnee „t Mor.gagee. Attorney for ABsignee of said Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. WHEUEAS.laaac L. Clarkaon and Mary a Clarkson, oí Manchester, in the couuty of Washtenaw, Michigan, on the thirty-nrst dayOf Januaiy, iu the yeur of our i-.ord oue thousiad üihthundied and seventy-fuur, execuled a mort gage to Andrew J. iShively, of the city of Brouk. cyn.inthe títate of JNew York, to secure the pay. ment of ceitaiu principal and interest zaoney there in meutioned, wiiich mortgage was recorded in tbe office of the KegiHter ui' Ueeda in tht couuty of Waahtenaw, on the 3ist day of Janmiry, A D 1S74, in liber 49 of mortgagea, on pagii 514: An' wheieaa.detault has been made for more than thirty daya in the payineut oí an iustalment of interest money which becume due on the Ürstdayof July A. l). 18Ï6, by reaeou whereof and purauant to the termo of said mortgage aaid mortgagee hereby electa that ao inuch of said principal as remaina unpaid with all arrearagea ot interest theieod huil become due and payable ïnimediatelv And whereas there is claimeü to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of thia notice thirten hundred and ninety-nme dollur and twelvecente for principal und interest, also an attorney iee ol thirty-tive dollars should any proceedings be taken to foreclose the same ín addition to all other Wal costs, and no suitor proceedinga having been inBtituted either in law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof, notiee ia tueietore üereby given that onthethirty-Ürat day oí Uecembernext, at two o'clock in the aftemoon of said day, at tLe front door of the Couit House, in the city of Aan Arbor, county aforesaid (thai being the "place in which the (Jircoit (Jourt for said county is held] and by virtue ol the power oí Bale contained iu said mortgage, 1 shall sell at public auction, to the higheat bidder, ihe premises described iu t.aid mortgage to aatisfy the amount oí ! principal and interest with the cnargea ol sale and the attornej tees of thirty-Üve doilars : All that certain piece or pareel of land sitúate and being in the villuge ot Mancheater, in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and described as lollows to wit : Bemg twenty leet in width otf trom the east side of lot number seven (7), in block numbertwenty-two (22), according to a recordtd plat of the villa ge of Alancl-ieater. frontina tweuty-two teet inwidihon Exchange Place streel, iü the viluige of Mauebester aforesaid. Dated October lst, 1875. AIsDHEW J. SHIVELY, jMougagee. John N. Gott, Attoi ney lor said Mortgagee. [lnöo. Mortgage bale. DEFAULT haviug been made in the condition of a certain mortgage made and executedby Jhon W. Cowan and Dorcaa i. Cowan, hifi Manchester, Michigan, to Elmira P, Howe of the city oí' Aun Arbor, County of Washtriiiiw and State aforesaid, on the thirty-tirst day ut' March, A. D. one thousand eight h mul red and seventy-thwe, and recerded in tlie office of the KegUter oi' DeoU for said County of Washtenaw, on the second day of April, A. 1. 1S73, in liber 49 of mortgages, on page 1G, and that there is now claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage and the bond acuoi;ipanying the same, two huudrud and sixty-twu dollars, also an attorm-yV tVc OJ thirty-live dollars in addition to all other legal costa, as oíten as any procecding is taken to iorculoso this inortgagc, ;i! subject to the further suni of twenty-lour huiidred dollars and interest to ijecome due on ;aid mortgage, and no proceedings in law or in equity hayinij beeu had to recover said Bom of money or any pan thereof: Therelore Doticei.s hereby given, that bj virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage coutained, I shall sell at public auction to the highert bidder on the eighth day ef January next, ai twu o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the Iroui door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arlx r. in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan (that being the building In wliich the Circuit Coarl for said county is held; the premisea described in said mortgage as bfiilUE all that C6rtain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the towii of Manchester, in the County of Washtenaw aud State o! Michigan, and described as follows, towit: Being the north half of tlie norttiuat ffactional quartei of section number two (2), in township numlK;i four, south of range oumber three eat, utmtaiuiüg ninety-three acres of land, according to the Uuitd States survey. Dated Üctober 7th, 1875. 1551 John N. Gott, ELMIRA P. HOWJS, Att'yíur Mortgagee . 1"JMortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the cenditions of a certain mortiíage made and exmited by Edmund Hlood and tíarah E. lilood, liis wile,to William D. Harriman, and dated the "Tin dayof January, 1871, and recorded ia the ofhcï oí the Register ot Deeda for the Couuty of Wat-htenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber 44 of mortgages, page 43, on the 27tli day of Jauuiry, 1871, at two o'clock and forty minutes p. m. on th;it day, on which mortgage and note accompanying the same there is now due the uurn of live huimrcd aiideixty-seven dollars and ninety six cents principal und interest aud forty dollars as an attorney fee, pro vided for in aaid mortgage. by which default tbe power of sale eontained in said mortgage has become operative, and no proceedings in liv or chancery having been eommeuced to recover tbe debt secure by aaid mortgage, or any part thertof : Notice is hereby given that sud mortguge will be foreclosed by the sale oí the mo tgtiged premises, to-wit: Lot 4 in block one, in fliseock'ssecond eddition to the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and Ötate of Michigan. Baid sale will take place at the front door of the Court House, in the said city of Ann Arbor (that beiug the pla whcre the Circuit Court for the county is held) on thellth day of Kebruary, 187ti, at 11 o'clock ia the forenoon of said üay, Dated Aun Arbor, November 12th, 1875. W. D. HAKRl.iA.Nr, Zina P. King, Morlgagee. AU' y for Mortgagee. 15Jti Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtensw bs. In the matter of the estáte ot LudwjrCMiller,deceased. Notice w hereby given, tiiatiDpur suance to an order granted to the undersignedadministrator of the estáte of said deeeased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County ot W&sbtenaw, on the second day of Novercber, A. 1J. I8Ï61 there will be sold at public vendue, to the higbest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, 11 the city of Ann Arbor in the County of Waslitenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twenty-Êrst day of December, A. D. 1875, at 10 o'elock in tte forenoon of that day, (subject to all encunilraocei by rnortgage or otherwise existing at the timeoi the death of fcaid deeeased, and also subject to the right of dower of the widow f said decea therein), the following detcribed real ( state, tovit : The west half of the northeast quarter, tbe east half of the southwest quarter, the east ten acres ot that part of the northwest quarter of eection twenty-nine lying south of the road running essj and west on the north half ui said section, aïw subject to a right of way as reserved in tlie ceiö from Godfrey Miller to said Lunwig C. Müïer. Also, the west three eighths or west thirty aeres 01 the west half of the noitheast quarter ot eectx thirty, and the toutheast quarter of the sü rpiarter of section twenty, except the west MDi rods and eighteen inches in width, nll in town i"" south. in range tive east, in said state. Dated November 2d, A. 11. 1875. HENKY FAUT,, Administrad)!. Sheriff's Sale. lTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Vaslitenu. i se. l.inoal Toirance vs. Charle H. Shepara and Eliza Shepard. By virtue of one wnt o' execulioii issued out of and ander the seal of e Circuit Court for the County of Vthteni '" the abovo entitled cause, to me directed and delirered, Ididthe 23d day of November, A. D-18;'1 leAy upon all the right, title and interest of C""1 H. Shepard and Eliza Shepard, m and .t0 f' following described real estáte situated m County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to witThe northwest fractional quarter of eoatb quarter of section IK, township tour soutli, '' live east, in Washtenaw County and State of M'cn_' igau, whicli above described property I shaHc pose for nale at public auotion to the hii'heít W' der at' the south door of the Court Uou?e in j" city of Ann Arbor, on the 7th day of Junuar), A. I). 187(1. at 10 o'elock A. M. of said day. Dated Novunber, ISth, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheril, Sheriff's Sale. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Count) "I' W:islit.'W" k sa. JamesF. Smith vs. Arthur Berry md V'' son Wllson. By vlrtue of one wril of e) Bued out of :mi ander the seal 'i the I for the county of Washtenaw, in the above enU"? caoae,to me directed and delivered, I did, on '" twenty-sixth day -t' August, a. d. 1875, levy lPu, all the rlght, Utle and Interes! of Arthur Hcrry."" Ni-lson Wllson in and to the following úeacnm eal estáte Bltuated in the county ofwi lid State of Michigan, to wit : Lot number tT wo in Maynard's plat; alyo a pure of land ■WIU"... ed south by lot number twenty-two i May'111 plat, eaat by Lucas, north by Felch street,ao I v Lucas la'nd, all in Washtenaw eounty, SU Michigan. Which above described land I shU ose for sale at public auction to the highesl : t the south door of the ('011 it House in the inn Arbor, on the seventh day of Jano&ry, " 876, at 10 o'elock a. m. of said da)' . Dated Nov. 18th, 1875. .■ K. FLEMING, Sherif.. Estáte of Patrick Cavinaugh. ÜTATE OP MICHIGAN, eounty of Wachten' 7 sa Notice is hereby giyen, thilt by an order u he Probate Court for the county of Waïhtra' made on the eleven th day of December, a. d. ls'v " months from that date were allowed for cred ton o present their claims against the estáte ot 1 M" avinaugh, late of said county, deceased.anü u 11 creditors of said deceased are required to V' ent their claims to suid Probate Court at tte l ' ate Office, in the eity of Ann Arbor, for ?"", on and allow nee, on or befoie the twelfth dW une next, and that sucli claims will be heara J ore said court, on the eleventh day of MaroB w n the twelfth day of June next, at ten o dot ie forenoon of each of those days. Dated Ann Arbor, December Uth.1875. NOAH W. CHKE VER, Élw4 Judge of Probate.


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Michigan Argus