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Tuk oabinet-Hhops of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Maohine Company at lïridgcport, Ct. were deatroyed by Jiro last weck. Tho Firo Depaitment wero nearly powcrlesH on account of an insnflieiout inpply of water. Loss, $600,000; insnranee, $300,000. A deficikxcy of over 830,000 Las been tliscovcrod in Uio colloge accouuta of Daniel Bbisdell, the late troasurci' of Dartmouth College, who died in Auguat last. RöBEBT P. Nkvin, publ'sber of the Tiltuburgh Leader, and a meinber of the l'resbyterian ohurch, was recently snmmoned before the Preebytety of that city and notiliod that he inust discontinue the pubíication of a Snnday odition of his paper or sever his couiicction with the chureb. The Boston jiu-y bef oro whom Tiper wrh tried for mnrdering a little girl in a church belfry. of whioli he had the only key, aud from whioh he wivh eeen to escape witliin a few minutos after his vïotim'a sereams for help were heard, conld not agree on a verdict, and were dlBoharged. The Provkknice Tool Company, one of the largest manufaotoriae in Kliode Island, ha faüod. They liad u hlge contract for ftirnifhing arms to the Turkish Government, ExMayor A. Oakey ItaJl made his debut on the Rtage of tho Park Thoater, New York. one evoning last week, in the presence of a largo Hiulieuco The winc and liqnor house of Wellington. Kidder & Co., New York, haa been seized bythe United States officials, for violation of the internal revcime Jaws. Tho Govcnimont ha lieon defrauded of $200,000 bythe trickH of tho Imn Tho resiilence of Hoii. E. J). WhiHloiv. at Aubm-nilnlt', Jlc, with its paintiuga. libr.iry. ete., WBg reoently burncd. Loss about $50,000 ; insurance, #37,000. The once powerful banking firm of Duncan, Hherman & Co., of New York, have been declai-ed bankfupte, on tbc petitioa of 200 creditors, whoee claims amount toover 62,000,000. THE WEST. Lettehs from Hioux City partios in tho Black Hills state that there aro at tho present time more minors in the iiills than at any previous timo ; that they are fiuding gold in largar quantitios than ever boforo rcportod to exist there, and that the minors dou't. uuder any circumstances, intend to leavo the hills. Threo men who strayod away from camp were waylaid and mnrdered by Indiana recently At a convention of millers of the Northwent, held at Chicago last week, a resohition was nnanimouely adopted protesting earneutly against the recent advance of ten cents por barrel on flour rates, asuertiug it to be au unjust discrimination agaiust flour and in favor of wheat, and askiug the railroada to place the rates upon a fair and equal footing. BnicK PosiEROY is goiug to remove his UVcM.y Demorrat from New York to Chicago HUI, a Deputy Collector of Intcrnal Iievenne, has been tried at Indianapolis and found guilty of conspiriicy to defraud the Governmcut. . ..Daring tho past seaaon of navigation there were 1,056 disasters to vessols on the Western lakes, and 85 vessels were totally lost valuecl at .1.0-10,000. The total amount of property lost during the season, includiug vessels and cargoes, was 3, 71)1,300, being $101,700 in exces.1 of the losses of the preceding yea'r. D. A. Eoss & Co., of Detroit, luinber "dealers and manufacturera, have failed. Their liabilities are about .f300,000 ; assets about $400,000. ....Henry Hollenschiede, an oíd Gorman farmer, was executed at Hermanu. Mo on Inday, Dec. 17, for the murder of Chria Alband m June last. His aged wife, who was sentenced to be hnng at the same time and place, had her puniahment eommuted by tho Governor to iraprisonment for life. An expresa car on the North Miasouri Railroad wai brokcn into when nearing St. Louis on the morning of the 18th inst, by threo masked men, and roWied of about $20 000 in bonds and currency. The agent, a mau named Kmkaid, was surprieed by the robbers while aeleep, overéame, thrown into a largo packinc box and locked up. Tley ritíed the safe of lts contente aud quiotly stepped off the traan. Tuk trial of Geu. Babcock, on the charge of complicity with the St. Louis whisky-ring frauds, lias been set for Jan. 11. Babcock has retumed to Washington. . . .Stewarfs reduction works, at Georgetown, Col., were recently detroyed by fire. Loss, $200,000. . . .Advices from the West report the Indians quiet at all the agencies. The noble red men are iust now amusiug themselves at hunting buffal'o, which they are slaughtering by the thousands THE SOUTH. E. H. Maiik has been appointed by John MoEnery, the Democratie claimant of the Govemoi-ship of Lonisiana, to eucceed W. L. McMillan as UnitedStatea Senator, in opposition toPmchback....F. T. Riddle, Democrat, has been elocted to fül the vacanev in Congresa f rom the Fourth Tennessee District. .. .Jobn . Johnston han beeu chosen to be his own miccesaorin the United States Senate from irgmm . Aploaof guilty ha boen ontored by batch of Covington (Ky.) illicit distillers. Nick Thompson (colored) was hanged f or mmder at Quitmau, Oa., ou the 18th of December. Another nmrderer, W. B. Thompson, was executed at Lcwisburg, Ark., on the same dav .. . . ihe Mexican cattle thieves are again at ilieir devehbh work on the Rio Grande A party recentíy atole 800 head of catile and 50 horses near -San Felipe, Texas, aud ran them acrcs the rivet. The citizens are greatly excited in eonsequence, and threaten to orgamze theftweh'cs and cross tho river. The tkuettf building, at Little Rock, Ark., was reoenüy destroyqd by üre. Loss. 50,9OO. WASHINGTON'. Tra report of Attorney-General Pierrepont has jiiat been laid before Congrees. He urges that District-Attorneys be pald by salaries only, to be graded according to place, gíving the ap pom ment of Assistant District-Attornevs to the Attoruey-Oeneral : that a uniform mode of BeleoUns jurors for United States Courta be provided by law ; that a law be passed forblddmg the paymei.t of Deputy-JIawhala by certiticates or due-bills, snd the advance of any money to Marshals whose accounts are uuIjusted at the Treasury over six months. Hreier8 t0 t!e case of Brigham Young, and aHks farther logisladon. 'iio labora of L nUpi6?1C Comt and Court of Cims are alluded to and it is suggestcd that Buch legis ation be bsd as will eiiiblo tho latter Court, aided by tho Attorney-General, to inoreaxe tlio safeguardH agaiust impropc-r teetimony by deviii,,.; a mode of taking it, and to forco old cases to early trial or requiro them w be dirtmiesed without power of restoration. The followiug is the anti-subsidy reaolution introduced in the House by Mr. Holman, of Indiana, and adopted by a voto of 223 veas to 33 nay : tho ipr 'Kout finiiu.-ialconditionof tho üovenimontno nunüM tamoaey. bonü, pnbüo lande, lndorgeux-nte or by plwlgc pi public credit, shoald be fii-s.nt.-ato Bsociümi or oorporationa éngaged or S"8 engage In public or private ciítir bc, and that ill approprir.tious from the Public XrSiUry nu 'Ut tobe limited at tLls timo to euch amouuts ilc LTvtec 'mperatlvely rtcmandea by the pubThose voting in the negative are uearly all Southern members, as follows: Cabell, Darïiu!, Douglas, Dunnell. (ioode, Hancock, Harria (Va. ; House, Huntou, Hyman, Jones (Kv.), Kelley, Lamar, Mills, Morey, O'Neill, ParadiiB Keagau, Reilly, Slemoua, Smalls, Strait, Stone, ierry, Throckmorton, Tiiokor, Vanee (N O Wallace (Pa.), Wells (Mo.), Wells (Miss!); VI hito, Yates, Young- 33 .... Oeorge L. Bangs, hupermtendent of the Kaihvay Postal Service liss renigned. Adout 300 Senators, liepresentative in Congress and uewspaper men loft Washiugton on the afternoon of the 17th mat., ou a dead-head excursión to Philadelphia, to examine the Contenmal buildings.... The President bas nomir.atfd to the Sonate Mr. George F. Seward aa Umted States Minister to China, and Mr. Jas. J3iroey, of Michigan, as United Statee Minister lo the Ivetherlands. The PoKtmaetcr-General. in the course of a few weeks, will put inlo operation an extended plan for the exchange of registered ponchos betwecn important distributing oftices lulheHo poiicues all letters malled to tho ex''IliraK offices are iuclosed, accompanied by a letter bill, showing the numbers of each package, and a receipt given for the pouch obviates tne neceasity of receipting oach package sepai atel v, thereby aaving a great deal of time and troublo to postal, car clerks and others, who are the proper cust.odi.iu8 thereof while in transit. GEJÍKKAI,. Tuk Secretary of War has diolved the Court of Inquiry recently convened at Chicago to iuveutigale the oliargea agaiust Gen. Bab. .The Brotherhood of Locomotiva Euftiuoers held their anmial conveution at IniliaimpoliH hut week, abont sixty delegates bcin; ia ütteuiiaue. Thi; fouitli meeting of the American Board of Trannportatiou iwa held in Chicago last week. a large attendance of deleí.'HtfH íj-miii ni! paita of the couutiy and Canada. ident .1. P. Heiiry, of New iJii.Hidcit in the abseuco of ilon. Jouinh :■, President. (.'omptroller Hayos, of Chicago, deliyered the v.elcomuig addrees. A imuiher of interestiug papera treating of the transportution jiroblcm were (ead. The IUilroad Committeesubmitted a long report, cloaiug with the followiug recomuioudationH : ■fiere aro ral lw whioh are practicable, anu whioh cveryStatp nboulil euact Lor the ulaiion of railroads whieü are exclueively withiu its borders. Under this head we may embrace the following : 1. A law providing a Board of Iïaüway Commisnionrra, with power to prcncribe a uniform systom of keeping railwuy accounts, and with other powera and duties similar M thoBe posseBHed by the Itaihvay CoinmiKsioncre of ManaaelniKctts. 2. A law to prevent atocle infiations similar to tbc one nnw in opcration in MassaehiiHftN. ;í. A law prohibitmg oflkuTs or Dlrectam of railways from eitlier dircctly or indirectly owning or becoming iutei-t-Hted in auy non-co-operaüve fastfreight line, car eompany, or bridge company, or from being Interestod In any uianuer intke nuñishiug of BUppliOS to any (.ompany w itli which they have 'tiici;il conneotioQ. 4. A (av TnoIiil'itinK raihvay conipanies from aoquiring ot huldinjí nuire rr;ü 8atat6 than isncccsBarjfor the operafion of thoir roadB, aud prohibiting railway oompanlee, or officers of companies, from eufiafjiiifi in Dïinlng or any buainess other than thiit, of transportiition. 5. A law providing tbat all conmion carriers shall receipt for quantity, whetherlt bc of grain or other (ïommodlties, and to deliver the eame at its destinatiou. (. A law making it a penal ofTenae for any public oftieial to oruse the f ree pass of any railway company, and prohibiting railway couipanies from granting mich pagues to any but regular employés of Buen ruilwiiyH. 7. A law prohibitiiii: rrprosmtatives of the people who beiong to the legal profession from bcing retaineil on eilher side in caties wherethe public intert est is involved. The oonvention adopted two important reeonimcndationR - the extensión of the Illinois and Michigan Canal from Hennepin, ite present termimiH, to tho MÜBSiasippi Kiver, and the conBtruction of a hip canal from Lake Ontario to the Hndnon Iïiver. Thebe id mnch sufforing and discontent among the poor and unemployed of Montreal. A mob of 2,000 famiehed laborero paraded the ötreetn tho other day, demandiug bread or work, and tbreatenin violenco if their nnfferingH were uot relievo'l. One or two broaá carta were aeized and their contenta appropriated. The city authoritiea are takiug etopfl to give work to the unemployed. POLITICA L. Mayor Cobb, of Boston, has beeu ro-electod by a majority of 3,000 A State Convention of Texan KepubUcans will be held at Houeton on the 12th of Jauuaxy. The Democratie State Convention menta at GalvcHton on tho 5th. , . Tlie Washington Evenina atar considera it certain that the next Kepublican National Conveution will be held at Chicago. The following ie the full text of the resolutions introdiiced in the Sonate by Mr. Morton, deüning tho politicai obligations of tho States undcr the Conatitntion: Resolved, By the Senate, the House of Kepresenf &- tü'es concurring, that the pcople of the Uuited States constituís a uation, and are one peoplc in the senec of national nnity. Begolved, That the Government of the United States is not a compact between the States in their municipal and oorporate charaeters, but was formed by the poople of Ihe United States in tueir primary eap.-icity; that the rights of the States are defiíied and guarauteed by the Constitution, and uot by any outsidc thcory of State sovereignty, and that the riahts of tho States canuot be enlarcred or diminBhed, except by an amendment to the'Constituüon. Resolved, That the ritthts of the States have the Fame sanction and seeurity in the Constitution as the rights and power of the National Government, and the local domestic goverument by the States, vithin the limits of the Conetitution, is an essential of our f ree Iiepublicau syntem. Resolved, That the doctrine that a State has the right to secede from the Union is inconsistent with the idea of iiationality; ia in conflict with the spirit and structure of the Constitution, and should be regarded as having beon forever extinguishod by the suj'preesion of the rebellion. The anti-third-term reeolntion introduced in the lower House of Congress, by Mr. Springer, of Illinois, and passed by a vote of 232 to 18, reads as follows : Resolved, That, in the opinión of this House, the precedent established by Washington and other Presidente of the United States in retiring from the Presidenüal office alter their second term has becoine, by universal concurrence, a part of our Eepublican system of Rovernmcnt, and that any departure from this time-honored system would be unwise, unpatriotic, and fraught with peril to our free iustitutions. Thoso voting in the negativo were : Bradley, Deuisou, Haralson, Hoge, Hubbell, Hymau, Lynch, MacDougall, Nawh, Page, Plaisted, Pratt, Smalla, Wallaee (S. C), Walls, Wells, (Miss.), White, Whiting- 18. FOKKIGN. Tue British troops have been severely defeated by tbe Malayans, near Perak, India. Accoedino to Bremeu dispatches, Thomas, the passenger on the Mosel aud the owner of the caoe of dynamite which caused the tenible disaster at Bremerhaven, oonf essed bis guilt before dying, saying that he had aceomplices at New lork. The motive for this diabólica! scheme appears to have been to procure an exaggerated and fletitious insurance, and to ehare afterward with the otheis. Fromwhatis known, the barrel prepared for this shamful work was made strongly by a Bremen cooper, and partitioned, one part coutainiug the dynamite, and the other apparatus for explodiug it. He tended to place his helliah machine on the Deutscblandj but it was not in time. Thomas is a native of New Orieans, and during the rebellion was ongaged in blockade-ranning iu Virginia, by which he got íich. Financial reverses, however, had crazed him. The total number of victims by the explosión is 110 killed and wounded Auother terrible firedamp explosión in a Belgian colliery is reported. Over 100 minere were killed. Political mattere in onr neighboring Eepublic of Mexico are rather mixed. Bevolutions are in full eway in Chihuahua, Durango, and Michoaoan, and many acts of vandalisni aud cruelty by the inaurgents are reported. Advices from India report that the British troopB are chastining the rebellious Malays The BosniaiiH have dotermined to continue the conflict with Turkey unti] the Turks are expelled from thoir territory It is announced from Kio Janeiro that the Emperor of Brazil will leave that port on the 2Cth of March on his visit to the United States. Lawton it Head, shipping and iusuraiice agents of London, have failed for nearly a million dollars Valmaseda, the CaptainUeneral of Cuba, having become disgusted with the policy of interference peculiar to the Madrid (ïovernment in reference to Cuban affaira. has tendered his resignation, and will embark forthwith for Spain.


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