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Musical Gifls for CMstms. Musical Gifts for NewYears. Gems of English Song ! Bon LL Gems of Englisn Soner ! ?J;$"éi Jems of Eng hsh Song ! tjW Gems of Enghsh Song ! binding, 4.1x1. in - - _ Q.. , „ , clotb. $3.1X1. Id Gems of English Song ! J boards, 2.5o. Uniform in style, price and binding with tho aboye splendid bonk, we iiave other books of " Genis, Germán, Scottiah and Sacred ; also of b&3t Irish Melodies, and thi3 choicest Operatic .Sullas. OHRISTMAS OAROLS. By Rmrard. 88 ct. ANTIIKM. There were Khepherds. Milord. 75 " ÍIEKRY OHRISTMAS. Piano piece. WiUon. 60 " Rejolce the hearts of the Oíd Folks with Ccntcnnial Collcction for Oíd Folk-.' Concerta. 40 Ota. By K. Tourjce. Gladden yftur Sabbath School by introducirte Shilking Rivcr. One of the sweetest of song books. Order tho above books of any of the principal music dealers, or by mail [inciosing retail price], of OI.IVER DITSON i CO., CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., .Boston. 711 Broadway, N. Y. O A FAlVi:Y CARDS, 7 Stylos, with Name, 10o SU Addrcss J. 1!. Husted. Nassau. Renss. Cío., N. Y AHVEPAWÏR! Specimen free!! 3 mimbro for 3-ct. Stamp !!! Fite6ide Viaitor. ísaadusky. O. 1QTHMI"1"1 OATARRH. SureCnre. Trial free. HO I ti ITIH Address W. K. Bellib, IndlanapoJls, Ind. WANTED AGEJÍTS. Rampln anti OutJUfree. BtUer Otan Gola. A. 0OULTKR t OO., Chicago. ÍH Cl o C O t Pr da7 SeD(1 for Chromo Ctlogu. ►P I U H 4 í 0 ,1 . II. Buffobd's Sons, Boston, Mase. $C + n OOfl day at home. Samples worth $1 sent $0 LO t[ fr6.. Siikson 4 Co., Portland. Me. 1 iflVTRICI MalfiorFemale. Agreatchance A 91B, IV I V to raake monfiy! Send íor circulara. AUXlll I ÍJ Addr'sW.T.BDBHtOo.,Büffilo,N.Y 0 ttaily to Agenta. 85 new art teles and the beet VP1J Family Papr.r !n America, with two 9"i (;hromoa. fres. A-MEE. M'F'G CO., !4'J! Broadway, N. Y. fllOCfl A MONTH.- Agenta wantod. 4 best-sellIS K1 1 1 'nK articles in the world. One tample free. IPJJU Address .1. BRUNSUN. Detroit. Micb. OlllfititOOTIRI'ITS of the ACF.K, Our S"u""""C}ovcrnment and History. Goodspecd'l _-H!KK" üook. Biblo añil Mnp Home, Chicauo. ZELLS' ENCYOLOPEDIA, New Revibed Editioh. 15(1,(100 Articles, 3,01)0 engravinüs, and 18 splendid maps Aicents Wanted. Bakek. Dívis 4 Co., Phll. tt til" t A WONTH- Afrentíwanted everrwhnre. xL JHfl Busineis honorable and Srat class. Par. ■ n A 11 II tloulars ont f re. Addreie WORTH i w"v CO.. St. Loni. Mo. AftTTTI? aBd Morphine hahlt abcolutely and IUI I 1 speedly eurod. Painless; no publclty. tir I Send tamp for particulars. Dr. Oarl t tolli igy Washington St., Chicago, III. OBb B ■■ HHn'' Cnred At Home. D I Ha No publicity. Time short. Term f ■ U IVlmoüerate. 1,000 testimoniáis. 5th year of unparalleled success. Deacribe case. Address Dr. F. E. Marsh, Quincy, Mich. 111 1 1 i" ent day. Send forPay'n""1" WUIIUperon Opium Eatine. Pror. D. Mecker. P. O. Boi 475, Laporte, Ind. I rtniTffin AIJ' WANT it- ThonsandsofliTes and I H IU I Mlllionaof property saved by it- For. nlTRIl I n tunes made with it. Address LininoJj.UJUi.1 i U ton Bros., New York or Chicago. nn PER WBEK GUARANTEED to Agenti. vi i i Male and Femnlo, in their own locality. ti i I Term and OUTFIT FREE. Addres Wíl p. o. VICKERY CO., Augusta. Maine. Deralcomanií', Ch romos, Sleel Enfrravings, Photoeraphs, Scrap-book Pictures, Mottoes.etc. Klegant samples and catalogue sent postpaid for 10 cts. Aeents Wanted. J. L. Patten A Oo., 16 William St , New York. OINCINNATI DOLUaWEEKLT STAR. An Independent Family Newapiper. 8 Pagei. 48 Columns of Reading. J-i Per YEAR. Specimen Cooy freb. ÍIBJL Free of posUg Adre.s The ' ' STAR" CO., Cincinnati, O Jilo, 'í-pvON'T FORGF.T IT!"-SinKer'sSAPETY 1J (jUARDls ivotlh all the lïurglar Alarms ever Invented Agents wanted everyvvbere Silver-plated "■'SPle;,Preí'a'1' " receiPt f !5 cenls. Address A. H. SINGER. 438 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. "QNYCHOMAIVCY, or Sotil Chnrinlug. ■ How titfiei sex may ituKliiate mui kuíu lovc sod affecUOB olany poi-.un tlw) cliooSd, llistKUflj. This :i:t .J] culi poafesBf free, hy msil, 25 cents; toeether wlth a Lover'B Galúa, BrjpUan Onde, D;-.itis. Hhrtstn l.adi.s. c. L,9so oeo sold. A iuecr book. Aildrcss Y. WILLIAMS 4 CO., l'ul'í. riiladcl]liia. pARDS.- 50 white or tintod Bristol, 80 cts. ; no V Snowflake, Marble, Rep, or Damask, 35 ct3. ; 50 Glass, 'íO cta. ; with your name beautifully printed on them, and 66 samples of type, agenta' price-list, etc., sent by return mail on receipt of price. Discount to Clubs. Bestofwork. W. O. 0ANNON, 46 Kneeland Street. Boston, Reten to S. M. PETTEN9IM, ft Co. #W1r979P9ife Your Name Lle$;antly Priu'■ iLrHy 0D TRANSTAREXT VlSITIIÏ sWW CARns, for25 Centa. Eachcardcontains b scène -which is not visible until held towards the Iight. Nothinglikcthemeverbeforeofferedïn America. Bifrinducementi to Agents. Novelty Prístino Co. .Ashland, Mass. rfi M ff q L& ËS? Lf Invested in Wall Street. Bl_ Eh S3UU oít loads to fortuna. A W , W V V ra page book eiplaining verythlng and glvlng price of stocks fiEMT CDCC JOHN HICKLING ACO.,Banker ÖCil I rilCC. t Brokers. 7Í Broadway.New York. WANTED IMMEDIATELy 7i More Younfr Men to Learn W EGRAPHY. üood situatioii3 sruaranteral. Adrtrass, with Btamp, H INTEÍIDHNT UNION TKI.EGRAPH ■ OOMPANY, 15KUl,,IiV, OHIO. The Best of AU Good Conipnny. THE DANBURYÑEWS UNKQUALED AS A HOME PAPER. Tenng, now, S.IO per year. After Tan. 1, 1876S't.r,!), poBtaee pald. Sold by all Nowsdealors. Send stamp for SpecimeD (Jopy. BAeCEY & ÜONOVAW, Uanbury, Conn. FlilSEfËLL aUËER Conii-ny offers $1,000 to auy oue tliat wlll successTuirtriífrpCU wiih thn in boring a 20-hioh woll, througli aoapstone and sanil Btonr, and in taking up and passing bowldcre and Icwsc stoücs TnÍeed. '"SSS JÉ. pL.ñ. iZLu ARCHAS. D. PIERCE, Peru, Illinois. S% 7TO7I & ?O Sratlon D, New York, Hl JB B i i" ivant agnÍB for the Silver-Dollar ■ líl i Sf Vrlzo SUtiouory Pacbage. Xt con10 llil IJ il tainfl 24 shoeta of tirst-claBB paper B"w"-n 2 4 first-class envelopes, eugraved eilver-plated penholder, golden pen, #encü,'nd a valuable prizo. Sample package, wlth elegant prize, poetpaid, for 50 cents; i) paclíoes, uost-p;i!d, S3.oO- silver guarauted as ono of tho niño prizes ; ZA silver dollars and a $5 tfold piece Ín everj 300 packasres. Agenta' circular tree. g ; aTIiE BKST in tile World. iwi It Gives Universal Satisfaction. TFyiTWl IVOMHCItFll. Bcoiioniy. BCiírS 4C "'S. moro Bread Id brl. Flor.r. V@S2fo 8AVES MiLK, KGGS, &c. .y-JïL__VaV Une ytíar's tavinps wiU lny n eow. 7i625S& 1 3' "HE Sül'R Í1KF.A1Í. IIyeBíWIÍ ., AVhiTcr, IJphtr. Sweetcr. Richer fe, VaJasíA EVERVBODV Pratte Ir. Vwarswí TÏH! Ladlea are :ill in Iovo with it. JüSËËïiCa SRIU ükc I1ÜT CAKES. UíTa k'IJ t;.fSml r.t for Circular to WyEfiSSHT GF.O. fc GA.TZSi(O., ■mSSmtOü Duanc Stf Ncir Yorlí. Ui J.U1U Intsaiperance Speedily curc.l by DR. BECK'S only known an.l sure Eemccly. 2V tüT.VISí.E for treatmeut until cured.' Culi on or addraat Dr. J. C. BBCK, 112 John St., Oineinnati, 0. valuabTe information. BOfiTON, Dee. 12, 1869. Gentlemen - My only object in iviriK you this testimonial is to spreaa valunble informal ion. Having baon badly afflicted with Salt Itheuni, and the whole eurfaca of my ekin being covered with pimples and eruptions, many of which caused me great pain and annoyance.and knowins it to be a blood disease, I took m&Qj of the advertised blood preparations, amone which wis any naníity of Sarea patilla, without obtaining any benetit, untii I commencoa takin tha VlOETINE ; and bef ore I had completHd the lirst bottle, I saw that I had got the riylit medicine. Consequently I followed on wiíh it until I had tiikim seven bottieB, when I was pmnounced a well man, and my skin is emooth and ontireJy free from pim&les and oruptions. I have never enjoyed so ?ood health efore, and I attribute it ali to the use of VKGETXNE. To benefit those afílicted with Kheumatism, I wül make mention also of the Veüetink's wonderful power of curing me of tina acute oomplíiint, of which I have snffored so intensely. C. H. TUCKKIÏ, Pas. Afrt, Mich. C. R. R., W 'l'yler Street, Boilon. HAS ENTIRÍlFcüRED ME. Boston, October, 187Ü. Mr. H. R. Stevens Dear SirMy daughter, aftr haring a eevere attack of whooping cough, wflB loft in a t'eeble stute of heftlth, being advised by a lriend, she trled tlio Vf.üEtink, und, after ustng a fnw boíllea, was íully rwtoted to health. I have been a great sufferer from Rbnumatism. I MTe taken sevfjrul bot tieso f thoVKGETiNE for this oompJaint, and am happy to eay it has ontirely cured me. I havo rocommended the eoexink to othen, with tho saiii'j eood resnlts. It is a great cleanser and puriner of th s ülood it is pleasant to take; and I can cheerfnlly lecom mend it. JAMES MORSE, '64 Athens Street, NO TROUBLE SINCB USIG VEGETINE. L'ímhlkstown, October, 1870. ThiBcertifieathatmydaughtorhasalwayiiboc" fcrouble I vith a humor, which hascauscd freq'uent iwellinx on aar act) and a bout horeyes. Physicians cilled ïi the 1 elas; but after haring takyn two bottles of tha VKQE TINK, bas not been troubled with it slno. SIMON AliDRIOII. OturiwtowD. Mass. DR. Tü-see aays : "It is unnecesBary tor me to ennmo - ate thedieeaae for which the VEGETINE ahould be used. I knowof no dieease which will notadmll uf ils usewith ooti retiults. Almoet innumerable oomp] are causea bf poHüonoiM Beoretíom in Uu blood,whio can be entirely exiielled f rom thesystem bythe 0em tí1 BGETINB. V.'lifn the blood i peí feotfy elvañ i liBease rapidly yields ; aJl pain ceaae, hsalthy aoÜ promptly restorod, and the patiënt ia cared." ThOremarkal)ïeouiv,atfffei;ieil byVEGETINK baja ■■■■ luced many physicians ann apotbecurion whom ivo know o prescribí rihI use it tn tlieir own families. In foot, VEGETINE itMh lies n. nd is the only reliable HIA9OU PÜIUFÍBJU fni daed betore the public. Sold by ajl pruggftts auJ aleii erery vrhere. NATÜRE'SGREATBEMEDY. Thls Cordial is a CERTAIN CURE for CohsIis, Cold, Iiiflnmmation of the Lungg.Scre Throat and Urenat, Broneht-, i 3, ana if taken In time, will arrest thnt fatal discase Contnmptlon, The t:isl ol il; is medicine is a preparation of Tar oh, tained by a peculiar proces f rom the aap of the Fine Tree. the medicinal proper Heg of ivhich rcwell knowm. With thin powerful element are thnronghly incor. poratcd s-veral other -vegetable ingredL ents, each of which 'pOdsefwes soothlnt; and healins attribntes, thn maklng it tht most POTENT ANTAGONIST to ir tliseascs of the pulmonary orjcnns timt has yct been introduced. 35B.L.-Q. 0. WISHAKT'S PINEJREE TAR CORDIAL Is not a new rcmedjP tHat has nevrr beta heard of bcfore, butn O LD, RELI. A3.I.E, AND WELL-TKIED mmiiri„, that lias been in daily se ïy fanillieg and intelligent physicians for the laat ftixteen years, and is spoken ' of in file - Uíf;hest terina by all who have sed ít,.w thoo anda of UNSOLICITED TES'i'MO. NIALS prove. If you nmflVr from any disease for ivliitïi this Cordial is recommendcd, we v.nhesitatingly sayi "TI4Y 1T, WE KNOW ÏT WILLBO tOV GOOD." A. single bottlc will demoMrtrtir ita Tolu, able qualities. SBLD Eï ALL DnöCGISTS ANO STIBEÍÍEKBS. PRINCIPAL'. DEPOT, 23% North Second SU, Philad'a. 61O n. day at home. Acenti wntd. Outfit and tornu 9 I C fru. Addroii TKUIC OO-, Augusta. Matau. Do YourOwn Printing "CTOutfits from $1 up Golding & Co., Manu's, Washington Sq,Boitnn W.ÏDOT&ÏO'S UMBRELLAS. PHIL.ADE1.PHIA and NEW YORK.-Ths qualitles marked with their name are confidentl; recomraended. A CENTS fhonld writ. for Ag.ncy for nr book j JlnnEliza 3e!llng at the tat of .000 week. Foll exposé of tb horrlb]? jyitem of Folygamy. Illuitrated CircnUrs, with complet infornialioa free to all. Addriii nearest office of DuStln. Gilman &, CO., Hartford, Ct.,Chictgo, Ill.,CiodEnU, 0! XTeatÖflFerH Wc will dnrine le Holldays dispose of 100 PI.WOS and oitliASS of nrat-eliut mukers, lnelndlnK 1VATEKS'. at loAver pricfj thiin ever brforc offoccl. Imitlily inslalments niiininir front IS (o 3; ïnonthsrfceived. WannntMl for 0 yrar, bceondhand Iiutrnmenti at eitrcmely lowPrioM for cash. tUuêtratcd OHatamts W. Warerooms, 481 Bron diva y. .Wciv Vori, HOBACE WATERS & .XS. AHÖLÏDAY cIftT ÉTIIE REST TlUT CAN BE MAJ)F. Instructivo, rrsñtí'cie, aai rascicsücg. ' JM PEINTIN& PEESS, Trices from 5.00 to 150.00. SenJ ilnapfoï pníaiogne lo HEXJ. 0. W0011S Si ("0. miiiwrri h dMlir la AM kind of l'KIATIXG HAIll71i, 49 tdemi Strcot, IIohIod. ■■■ Tatl new TrnH Ut wora éCT g3S25?aSg k Perfect comfort aWbt HPv t A e ut Adapta ttmlf to ■ ÏLAbTIt BMevery motfon of th body, HEL T B U S 8 . AVretAfningruptQTaodrtb . - m flffy hard est exercise or eevereat BPQI 9S9V "train nntll perraanentijr Bt WpTM Soïd cheap by tbt SjTx Elastic Trnss Co,, NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sent by mail. Oall or flend for Ciroular and fc ovred. 4 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE g ( JEfyTENNIAL HISTORYoftheU.S. The graat Interest In the thrilling history of our coantry make thlg the fastt sellingbook ever paMtohed. tt oontalns 442 fine hlstorical angravinga and íWjíffifwlth a ftill account of tno approaemng Krand Oentennial Exhibitlon. Send for a full descripüoi i joa extra termB to Agent. NATIONAL PUBLISHIXa CO., til"eaco, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. PORTABLE GRiNDING MILLS. it--. BealFrenchBurr i 2fÊË&A upper-rumiera, ior larni or WjÍB& l ílorclmiit Work. íiniíeHcflt rior MUÍ Síones o ill JMIflm Jl"! (tizes, JeiinIneIutoliAiiAFÜMWB.H hrr líoliinK C'lolli, "ill # hBSt BiPÍ V"'IiS? Co.rn tilic'";r" ?niid .rWffml lü_a Pullips. feanger. etc., ni! kiudá US Hlof JlillVlacliúiory and Biljen ""SfStranb BIH1 t'oinsMinjr, .Iraá sewinc II JP MACHINES. 5ömJiK5R W Iiberal TennsofliNLJ Machines of evcry de - criptíon. "DOWÏESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. T'joBeBt Tatterns made. SendScts. for Oatalojot Aáársss DOMESTIC SEWIHO MACHINE 00, AoixisWiBTED. -5S BTEW YOBE. AOHIOAOO PAPER. THlÍNTJR-OCEAl A IIMST-CJLASS KEWSPAPEl THE LEAÜING REPUBLICAN PAPEÍ IN THE NORTHWEST. It Alma nt tlie Highest Kxcelleiue in AU Departmcnts It Isa REPRESENTATIVE PAPER of the COMMERCIAL INTERESTS oí the vast territoir of which Obicago is the center- makes SPECIAL OLA IM AS A L.ITERAKY AND FAMILY PAPER AND IS A FAVORITE IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Daily, nofttnge paid $10.00 per ƒ■ Semi-Weekly.postomi.aid 3.30 „ Weekly, postago paid l.t tirSE.VI) STAitr FOR SÁMPLE COFY.J0 " Special ratei giren to clubs and club agenta. Address THE I'TEIt-OCEA!f, 110 Lakr St.. Chicago, Hl. Burnett's Cocoafne, Bumetf s Gocoaine, Burnetí's Cocoaine. ís an invaluable remedy for DANDBÜFF. Boston, ct-J0'i I have u.ed less than a bottle. 'ihe d;iiidruffi the irritation which caused it, have enlircly disap" ceared, and my hair was nevcr befare in so gp00 condition. A. A. FULLbK. BALDNESS. Chicago, [ay 12, iS?1Sínce the recent use of your u Cocoainc," my pr viously bald head has been covered by a luxumm growtft of hair. I had always c&teemed yourprep-ration as a dressinc, knowing ntany persons whoregarded it very highly as such, but never before 1ídw how valuable it was as a restoratíve. q T. G. LE !■- LOSS OF HAIR, Bangor, March3, iSVrour " Cocoaine " 'a tlie only dressing for the -1' u?cd in my family for the last cight years. u " only stoppe'd my wife's hair from coming out, but i c-reased itsgtowth. I am also under obligatioM'? thissame " Cocoaine " for saving my u-a n h.ur, wn was vcry fast coming out previous 10 osuvc valuable preparation. J. C. MlTCHtLLIREITATION OF THE SCALP. Waterville, Me . '- ' ■ I purchased a bottje only, for the purposo of a n dressing; but, to my' surprise, it has eiitirelj' rc - the irntation of so Inng standing. I nava ' racnded t to scveral of my friends, wh J w" a"É, ,t. n the same way, and it has whoUy jnjfí1? ' HAIR-DRESS1NG. New Yokk. Scp' . For some t!me past I have been using your cf ine, and think it far prcferable to a';"1. , ever used for the hair. FRANK LESWBJOSEPH BURNETT & ('0., Boston, Manufacturera and rroprietors. C. N. U. Ir: ItU ?-!pe: .


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