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EDWARD DUFFY HA8 JUST RECEIVED AfT Eniire Ngw Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Golfees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOE, CASH, and is offering them at a VBBY SLIGHT ADVAKCB over New York Cost. Aluo a full line of LABIES and GENTTLEIIEN'S WEAR in BOOTS & SÏÏOES, All of which he ïb offering VER Y LOW FCR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods for Cash. Cali and examine goods and pricesj and I WILL I1TSUEE SATISPACTON. Goods delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. 11 Maynard's Block,-' cor. Main and Aun streets 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. i 1 W 0 4 0 o Í S co L ; S J Pi H 3 g o !fi sg íi piHEAFE XHAN THI CHEAPES'J' OLDER THAN THE OLDEST ! His shop was first started in 1842. WANTED- 1,000 cords of wood, 1,000 bushels of first quality of corn, In exchange for Saddles, Harness, Trnnks, Traveling Bags, ïtobes, Blankets, Jj)iips, and Jïmkskin Gloves and Mittens. I will sell siimle liarnesses from $8 to $100 ; halters from 20 centi to 82 00 ; tn;ki and satchels, for the urai SOdays, ai oost. Harneases, Tronío ani Bags repaired at No. 9 East Huron street. J. VOLLAND. Ann Arbor, Nov. 18, 1875. in37ui8 "NOTICE. THE annual meeting of Forest Hill Ccmetery Company, of Ann Arbor, will he held at the store ot Geo. Granvillo, on Tueaday. the 4th day of Pebruary, lS7(i, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of oflicers, and the transaction of such other busineaa as may come before it. Ann Arbor, Beo. f RANVILLK, Clerk. TUK STOCKWEIX SEÏ.F-I.ICiHTingOas Buiner Co., of N. Y., desire to establiah an agency in thia city for the sale of their Burners. This burner is a new and vafuable in vention - lightinff the gas instan tly by simply turning it on- and can be applied to any gas flxture by removing the ordinary burner. It has receivec the highest commendations from the preea Koi public wherever it has been introduced. For further Information, circulara, &c, addresi, F. M nUKNHAM, 23 Monroe 8t., Grand Eapids, Mich H#%WB a day gnaranteed nslng our Well CnnU Auger &. Drills. $100 a month JflJiJpai.i to Rood Atcents. Auger bm)k Wmm%0 ree. JiU Auger Co., Bt. Louis, Mo LARGE ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNËR'S AVlio Sells Clothins so Cheap that lie DEFIES ALL COMPETITION. AU who are tressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEE'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FURFISHING GOODS. W. WAGNEIt, 1496 21 South Main St. Ann Arboe BUY THE NEW Famüy Singer. 241,679 Sold in 1874! And 148,853 inore tlian werc sold ly its 1 ■ ■ ur 1 t s I compet itor. "WHILE THE Wheeler & Wllson sold only 92,827 Howe Machine Co. estimated 45,000 Domeatic 22,700 Weed 20,495 G rover aker 20,000 Eemington 18,600 And so on down. Ho it appears f rom the salsa of the different Companies that THE SINGER Has More Friends and Admirers Than all the others combinad ! MACHÍES SOLD ON EASY TERMS. All partiea buying a Singer and wishing to exchang-e ■ it for a Howe or Remington within three months can do ao without extra coat. I have also several new Howe machines, a Domestic, and a number of second hand machines in good order, which can be bought very cheap. The very best Needies for all machines at 40 cents per dozen. Set of four Hemmers and the Grinnell Bindei for all machines, $1,00- the best set in the market, and also attachments for nearly all machines. I. 1,. GRINNELL., Agent. f1556) 2d door east of Poatofiice, Ann Arbor, Mich. "DINSET & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0CERY - AND - FLOÜR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nancU BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WH0LE8ALE and EETAIL TRADE. "We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE "WHEAT FLOUR, KYE FL.OUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUJft, CORN MKAL, FEED, At wholesale and letaiL A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS eonstantly on hand, whioh will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in thie city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. tST Goods delivered to any part of the city with out extra charge. RINSEY Sc SEABOIT, Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. 15Htf Real Estáte tor Sale THE UtíDERSIONED offers for sale the eighty acres of land lately oocupied by Patnck Cavanaugh, deceased. Also the forty acres of VALUABLE WOOD LAND on section thirty-one,in Northfleld. belonging to the estáte ot suid deceased. A rare opportunity is afforded to purchasers. September 20, 1875. 1550- 3mJ HIRAM J. BEAKES, Attorney. 1TOTICE. HAVINRloasedthe Michigan Central Railroad Elevator and Scales at this place, I am prepared to handle grain at reasonable rates for shippers. Hihest market price paid in cash for all kinds of grain. T. FOHET. Ann Arbor, Nov. lOth, 1875. dK ,. (JjiJAPer day at home. Tercns free. Ad JJ)Ü l0 Jwvfdres3Ü.STiNSON(lCo., Portland, Ma


Old News
Michigan Argus