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1- Mrs. J. Lothrop Blotle}-, wife of the American historian, died in Löndon. 12- Iu LouisvilJe, Ky., Thos. E. Bramlette, ex-Governor of tliat State. 18- In New York. Wm. H. Aspinwall, a merchant prince, in his C7th j ear : Youug-tchi, Emperor of Cliiua, aged 19. " 24- In London, Hev. Chas. Kingsley, Canon of Westminster, aged 50. 25- In Fitchburg, Mass., the Eev. Geo. F. Trask, the well-knowu anti-tobacco apostle, aged 78. FEBKUAKV'. ■ 4- In Norwich, Conn., Wm. A. Bnckingham, U. S. Senator, and ex-Oovernor, aged 71. 13 - In Washington, Samuel Hooper, member of' Congress from MasHachusetts. agod C5. 19- At New Brunswick, N. J., Rear Actmiral Chas. H. Bel], ü. S. N., aged 71. 22- In England, Sir Chas. Lyell, eminent geologist, aged 78. MAKCn. 2- In Washington, Gen. Lorenzo Thomas U. S. A., aged 71. 20- lu Irelaud, John Mitshell, ono of the leaders of the rebellion in Irelaud in '48, soon af ter his election to the British Parliament. 23 - At West Chestar, Pa., John Hickman, a prominent citizen of that state, from which he was for four terms a Representativo in Congress, aged 65. APIUIj. 10 - Neer Austin, Tex., A. J. Hamiltoa, exGovernor of that State. 13- Iu New York city, Samuel R. Wells, the well-known professor of plirenologj' and proprietor of the Phrenologicat Journal, aged 55. 22- In New York City, John Harper, the seuor member of Harper and Brothers, in his 79tli ear. MAY. 17 - In Lexiugton, Ky., John C. Breckinridge, formoriy Vice President of the United Staten, and uring the rebellion a General iu the Confedérate army, aged 44. 20 - In Baltitnoie, Md., tho Ilorj. Jesso D. Jiright, for tliree terms United States Senator from Indiana, aged CÜ. JUNK. 25 - In New York city, Mortimer Thompson, betfer koown as "Q. K. Phllandar Doesticks, P. I!.," BgedM. 29 - Iu Austria, Ferdinand I., ex-Emperor, aged 82. JÜLT. 7 - lu London Englancl, J. E, Cairuem, Profeasorof Politica] Eoonomy in tho Loudon University. .8- In et. hnai; !.. Gen. Fnuik P. '.Uit, Jr. . a. . IK -In linglaud, Lftdy Jane Frankliu, widow I of Bir Jelui Frauklin, the ill-fate! Arotic cx ploror, agcil obout 70. 2,'i - Anuunncement frotn London of tlio of Iaaaa Merrifc Siuger, iurentor of the i Bewing-maflhine uliioh bom: iiis name, as;ed64. ia Gorter Conntv, Term., cx-Prouidont Andrew Johnson, a;;i'l (17. M (l'ST. 2 - íii New Yoik city, (Jn. Alexsnder Ihiiuüt-jn bou of tl'G famous Alexauder Hamilton, aged 90. 4 - At CopeLhagen, Donmaik. Jííülí ('irintiaa AnderHcn, the uell-kuown wtïter oí wonder-lorieft for ofaiMren, n%cd 70. SEPTEMBER. 28- By drownliig, ut Sea Oliff, the Bov. Cao. 1!. l'ortoovis. pat tor of AH-Sonls Church, Brooklyn, abcut 45. ocTumsR. 7 - Near OliarlotteeviUe, Va., ('oi. TJiomaa Jeffcrrtou ]f i iu ol Ihomaa Jefferi on, god 83. 20- In Norlh Brookfield, Mi thi Uv. Amasa Walker, the well-kuown publicist, aged 76. KOVEIHUKK. 4- At Cnniberland, It. L, the Hou. Thomas A. Jenckcs, author of the Civil Kervice Bill, aged 57. l'J- At Kome, Italy, Cardinal Pietro di SilveBtri, aged 72. 21 - At Norwalk, Conn., of paralysis, Hod. Orris Si Ferry, V, S. Seuator, aged 43; at Vienna, AuHtria, Francia V., Duke of Modena,who lost hia throne in )8G0. 22 - At Washington, of apoplexy, Hou. Ileu17 Wilson, Vioe President of the United States. aged 63. 24 -At the City of Mexico, Senor Lafragna, Minister of Foreign Itelationn; at Viemia, Austria, Cardinal Bauacher; in Now York city. Wro, B. Astor, the most extensivo landlord, and oue of the wealthiest men rn the country. 27 - At Paris, Eugene Schneider, the distinguiahcd atatesman and mechanical enginoer. imCEMBKK. 1- News received at Washington of the doath, in Cliina, of Hon. Benj. P. Avery, U. 8. Mit.ister to that country. 2- At Albany, N. Y., Hon. Ira Harris, cx-U. S. Seuator, pged 73 yeats. 4 - Miss Susan Deuin, a popular actress, died nt Bluffton, Ind., from injuries received by a fall at the Iudianapolis Academy of Music. 7- At San Francisco, Hon. J. Boas Browno, foi-merly U. S. Minister to China. 9- At Detmold, Gcrmauy, Priuce Frederic, of the principality of Lippe-Detmold. 12- Sir Hou&ton Stewart, Vice-Admiral of the Brilish navy, died in London. 13 - Oluf Stonereen, Swedish Envoy Extraordinary and Minister PJenipoteutiary to Washington, died at Paris. NECROLOGY OF CENTENARIANS. During the year just closed Death carne to a nnmber of centenarians, tlie namcs of tbe most notewortuy being here givon . with the dato nnd place, as far as could bo a5Certained : In Marcb. died Gen. Joseph Francia, Chief of the Passamaquoddy tribe of Indiana in Maine, aged 110. In Philadelphia, in June, Thomas Taylor, a veteran of Waterloo, aged 103. GeorgeWilsoii, another veteran of European wars, died at Zaneavüle, Ohio, aged 100. At Morrisville, Vt., duriug the first week in March, an old soldier nanied Dell, who sorved under the iirst Napoleon, aged 101. Capt. Enos Soott, a soldier of 1812, died at Lyons, Mich., near theeüd of August, aged 101. On the 2Gth of August, at the Home for Aged Women, in Boston, Ethan Allen DeWolf died, laeking a few weeks of 100 ; bis father, a Revolutionary soldier, lived to the age of 107. In the first weekof January died Thomas Thornton, of Boston, 105, and Richard Cottrill, of Columbia, S. Ü., 119. In the firet week of February the pale specter visited ïïm. Knapp, ef Woodford, Vt., 100, and Elias Truax, of Franklin, Mass., 102. At Maquoketa, Iowa, aworthyeitizen was prematurely cut off at the age of 107; he persistedin the une of tobáceo to the day of his death, which latter eyent is supposed to have been hastened by "a kick of a pet mule;" we are unable to give bis name. About the first of May Ralph Price, 104, died at Armstrong, Pa. Thos. Carddied at Dover Point, N. II., Sept. 8, aged 100; had nover been ill until his last and only sicknose. In Daviess County, Ky., three persons died at the adyanced ageB of 101, 105, and 115 years respectively. At Holyoke, Mass., March 19, at the age of 100, died Bartholomew Dowling, who emigrated from Ireland in 1793. At Indianapolis, early in January, "tho fatlier of Michael OLeary, of Holyoke," died at the age of 105 ; and another Irishman, two years younger, whose name ia not recorded, died at Haverhil', Mass.. on the 25th of Jiüy. Amonth before that Moses Long, a Kentucky negro, died at tho age of 111. In regard to several venerable ladies who passed away during 1875, we have more particulars. At Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 1, the seventy-fifth annivereary of lier maniage, Mrs. Alice Cooley breathed her last at the age of ül) years 3 nionths and 21 day8. At Amherst, N. EL, March 19, died Mrs. Anna Goss, aged 105. In the latter part of July Mrs. Helen Stansbury died at Louisville, Ky., aged 100 ; she was the oldest of eleven chiMren, and outlived them all. At Kinderhook, N. Y., at the age of 106, Mra. Mary Killerhouse died in the same house in which she was born. She was married four times- the last at the age of 88. Other deaths took place as follows : At Columbia, S. C, in January, Mrs. Rosenburg, 103; atEssex, Vt., Min. l'epin, 104. In March, at Baltimore, Mary Smith, 117. In May, at Brookville, Me., Mrs. Katherine Bolton, 100 years and 7 months; Mrs. Little, at Moncton, Vt., 107; and in Johnson, Vt.. Mrs. MaryPike, 100. Mrs. Orphemia Temple, 103, died at Woodbury, Ct., July 1. In Freetown, Aug. 15, Mrs. Joanna Strange died at the age of 103. Mrs. Betsy Clark, at Auburn, N. H., Aug. 22, aged 100 years and 7 months; Sept. 1, in Southbridge, Mass., Marian Gareeau, 103; Sept. 22, inBrooklyn, Mary Burns, Irish, 105; Sept. 25, in Hartford, Ct., Mrs. Hadden, 10C, and May 15, in Mansfield, Masa., Mrs. Margaret Leonard, Irish 103 years and 4 months. Six vonerable colored women died during th year, as follows : March 1, in Washington, D C, Lucy Hawkins, 115 years and 7 months, an May 28, in tho same city, Hester Digger, 110 March 1, in Baltimore, Mrs. Susan Carr, 105 and in Louisville, Ky., the same week, Grane mother Flora Dupuy, 104; April 18, in Boston Mrs. Keaiah Gray, 10G years and 6 months finally, Aug. 25, in Summerville, Tenn., Poll Coe, 115, who was cook in the American armin the War of 1812. At Paris, April, 30, died the Count de Wal deck at the age of 110. He was probabl the mot famous of all the centenariana, an oflicer of a number of civic societies, and au thor of some merit. In England, in March Mr. Peacock died at the age of 103 ; and in Aprii Mra. Leatherluud, a gypsy, 112. Th Widow Domine died in the Department of th Gironde, France, in May, aged 107, loaving tw sisters aged 103 and 101. John Paparrhego pölüas, Iiussiaii Consul at Athens, died in that city in February, aged 100 ; and a fcv weeks subsequently a Russian who was six fee six iuches high die i at tho age of 115. Fa the Nicephorus, to wuom Bj'ron referred ii " Childe Harold," died. at a convent on Moun Athoa, in June, aged 117. In Cuba, in August Don Iiaíaol González died at the age of 105 leaviug descendants in the fourth generation In Brazil a midwife reached the age of 111 ; a man of the province of San José Do Leoniss lived 120 years, and Manuel José Alfonso wa gathered to his fathers at the ripe old asre of 150.


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