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Chappkd hands, face, pimples, ringworm, Balt rliearn, and other cutaneouH affectioDH cured, and rough skin made soft and siiiotfth. by ueing Jnnipor Tar Soap. Be careful to get only that made ly Caewell, Hazard & Co., New Yofk, as thero are many imitations mado with common tar, all of ivliich are vrorthless. St Ui;( K'S MA!l! KK PILLS. Will be found to poseess ttiose qualitles necessary to tb total eradication of all blüous attacks, prompt to start the secretions of the liver, and give a healthy tone to tht ntire ystern. Indeed, it is no ordinary discovery in medical Beience to have invented a remedy for these Etubborn complaints, wliloh deyelop all the resulta pro duced by a heretofor freo use of calomel, a mineral justly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledged to be dostructive in the extreme to the human system,. That tbe propertiosof certain vegetables comprise all thevlrtues of calorad without lts injnriouB tendencles, is now an admítted fact, rendered indisputable by scien tifie researches ; and those who use the Mandrake Pilis will be f ully satisfied that the best medicines are those provided by nature in the common herbs and roots of the fields. These pills open -the bowels and correct all biliousderangements without salivation or any of the injurious 0fTf!ct3 of calomel or other poleons. The secretion of bile is promotfid by these pills, as will be seen by the nïtered color of the etools, and disappearing of the iallow complexion and cleanalng of the tongue. Ampie directlons for uae accompany each box of pill. Prepared only by J. H. Schenck & Son, at thelr principaí office, orner Sixth and Arch Street,Philadelphia, and for aalts by all ilrnSeict. and dnalwr. Prir.e 25 cnt per box. MHMOfnRHI All the advancement In sc'ence, i"5 B y'fl 3l 1 art an( civilixation has not pre[■■■■■nM vented children from kicking W IË W mm bt T J holes thronsli the toet of ibirf PJggJhffyj shoes. Only E% i íí "J fc SÍLVER TIPS braaniftaBH prevent this. Try them. Boots and Shoes? Mllíiois are BáfSXJWTSfTI beintí worn ; all say thov are the wPLC8 easiest and lor.t Khoo ever made, nrBnPyFSI Tyw)k out for the Patent Stamp. IJa'i'g.B.n- All others are base imitations. MmB Have you ever seen The IllnstrMed Catalogue of Í1) Sicchior Portable Printinq rrenumT $3 Press now ready. RverymanhU own prtnter. A few dollars buya a presa and t?p for printing cards, labels, envelopes, etc, at qiartrr printer1 prices. Save m'mry and Inenase busines by live adtrtrtisina. Send two stamps for catalogue to the Manufacturéis! V. . KELSEY & CU., Merlden, Conu. 10 ftdaystnome. AeenUwanted. Outfit and termi t l f. freo. Addreu f Büli t CO., AueuiU. Main. C 4 f o C O H Per da7 8end 'or Chromo Catalogue. M .1 W H ij) L V?J. 11. BCT-roaD's Sons, Boatos, Mas. fl! C 4-r OOft a daj at l'. Samples wortb $1 sent !pO XO ïpZU free. SI17S0S & Co., Portland, M. WA1ÏTED A GENTS. Samplet and OuJJilrte. Beller ihan Gold. A. OOULTER i OO., Chicago. ñCTUUA and CATAREH. SareOure. Trial free. HÖ I HlflA AddressW.K. BELIJ8. Indianapolis, ind. Oi FANfcï C'AI!1!, 7 Stylea, with Name, 10c LiJ AidreU J. !!. HÜSIED, Nassau. Renss. Co., N. Y. XV ""!? 1Z At Hi.nip. EitbrBe. Ll'40a rannth. W LXVi. Agents' Supply Co.,)4GÍ Dolrery.N.Y. DRTT1VKEN1VESS CITRED. Send Stump Wr particular to DR. VVITHEFORD, Chicago, 111. uniiru Waderafidly wlth Stencil and Key Check ITIUnCI Outtits. Oatalogne and full particular FREE. S. M. SPISNCKR, 347 Washington St., Boston. Y jMÏT Books, Knrlous Goods, Sporting Articies, n 1 1 ■ H etc. 04-page Book for two 3c. stamps. 1.11 VU BALDWIN 4 CO.. 111 Nassau St.. N. Y. DIV0BCE8 LBGAIAY OBTAINKD for incomp.iti bility. (ttc. Koeidonco not reqoired : scandal avoided. Fee after doeree. AddrSss K O. Box 84, (Jhicago, 111. a0iilf.(BOOTPniSTÍ5 ofthe AGES, Our iaUll!!ll5Ki(.,„vl.rM,m,n, ndHltory. Go-idspeed1 SlFUKKB Boo', Bibie am! Map Iloaje, Ciicabo. tílOC ft MONTH.- Agent wantod. 4 best-sell n InK articlos in the wnrld. On latnple fr. ()l)JU Address J. BRONSON, Detroit, MicK. 4OA Daily to Agenta. S5 new artiole and the best tBV Family Paper in America, with two 85 Ohromós, free. AMER. HTO CO., ü'Jií Broadway, N.T. l riTllTmfi ALL WANT it- Tliouiands of Uves and A I' U M'l'v MilHonaof proporty aved byi(-For. HlTPIil I n tune rondo with it. Address L'HlNailUJjl 1 U TON Baos.. New York or CWcaeo. t J f to ií a Wffk and Expenses, or $100 SB4:U forfeited. AH the noiv and standard Nc.velties, (ihromns cto. VataaWe Samples free with Ciroulars. R. L. FLBTOHEB, 111 Chambers Street, New York. DecRlcomanie, GBromo, Steel Knpravings. PhotoEraphs. Scrap-bo(,k Piftures. Mottoes.etc. Elegant samples and oat&lngue sent pnstpaid for 10 ets. Airents Wanted. J. I Patten 4 Co.. i('4 William St.. New York. A9TVVijf and Morphine faabit absolutely and 1 1 ï# 5 1 1 Sb3 speed ly cured. Painless ; no publcity. I III Send Btamo for particulars. Dr. OarlV W ton, 187 Washington Sfc. Ohieaco, 111. Atmm PER WBEK GUARANTEKD to Agents. IL1 Male and I'Vmnle, in their own locality. hi Ë Tering ar.d OUTFIT FRBB. Addresi Wil p. O. VICKEftY 4 CO.. Augusta, Malne. T10 VOTT Male or Female. Send your address aw xvv and get somothin thatwUl bringyoa AVAT in hnnornbly over #150 a month sure urrrKT-cv IJWVBÏ1VTORS' UNIOW, íTLUÍVÍÍjX 172 Grwenwioh Street, New York. M7nd reaoing, psychomancy, fascination. Soul Charming, Mesmerism and Lovers' Guide, Bhowing how either sex may fascínate and gain the lova and affection of any perron they choose inetantly. 400 pa(W. By mail. 50 oU. Hunt t Uo., 139S.7th St.,PhUa. HVfnnBto Yon" Nam o Elegrantly Print 1 "l'Viftr od on 12 Trans pakem Visitixo WÊmV Cards, for 25 Cents. Each cardcontaim a scène which is not visible until held towards the li.cht Nothinplikcthemeverbeforeoffercd in America. Big inducementa to Agenta. Noveltv Phijítinu Co., Ashland, Masa AGENTS 1 1 IVINGSTONE'S WANTED L 1 1 33 .WORK. Onli complet and authmHc editien, with Maps and 14-i BPLENDID FUI.L-PAöK KNGItAYINCi.S. A DUfllificent volume. A complete History of AJTB1OA3H ElPLORATION8 FUOM FIRST TO LABT. Betcare of imifations coverinq only a part ion oj' the subject. Thif t the oniy vork of its kind. Address, for agency, COLUMBIAN BOOK CO., IIabtfoiïd, Ct., or Chicago, III. MARK TWAIN'S OOOK TRIUMPHAT!!!! 30,000 copleé eold ín O iceks. Now. BOOK AG RIÏTS, what's the use of wnstinr time on other booka ! This is the one tliat st'lls and BMa pooketo. Tiiis is tho book people want. OutjUs FHEE, 'Get tirkfits" nd aro to work. Address AMKRICAN PUBLISHING CO., Haetfoiïd, Ct., and Chicago, III. The Best of AH Good Conipany. THE DANBÜrYÑEWS UKEQUALED AS A HOBU! PAPKB. Tenns, now, S'i.iO pör yoar. After .Tan. ï, 1870, S'4.0, postaxe paid. SoM Uy all Nü-.vsdeiilers. Send BÍainp fur Specimen J"py. 1ÍA1LK V & UUOVAPÍ, Dnnbnry, Coim. BÜ fffi COm Station D, New York, y gil B" want aeuts íor the tillver -JLJollar ■ BI ?'!■■ Pr'ze Stdtionery Package. It conL . jËlJLbAM talns sbeeta of tiist class paper, kwivtv mms 4 iirst-clasd onvelopee, ongraved silver-plated penholder, golden pen, pencil, and a vsluablo prize. Sample pacbage, with elepant prlze. postpaid, for öO cents; f) pacüagos. posc-pa:a, $S.öU& silver dollar Ruaranted as one of the nine prizes; 24 üilver dollars and a !$ö gold pieceiu every 30O pacfcages. Agents' circular free. MSHSMM Thii new Trusa la worn BfpS3B9E9mHk with perfect comfort night ÊürVT A S T T iñHíl1111 "? Adapta itaelf to 3 Jl. Jj A ö 1 X j n every motion of the body, W_ T K U 8 S . JGIf rotaining rupt ure under the ty'aM:iMMTMyy hardetexerciseorseTereat IglggaaByetf stralif mntU permanently yMBHry cnrod. SoJd cheap by the NO, 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Seni :y mail. Oail or lend for Uircular and be curad. DO YOUR OWN PRiNTJNC! Al PEINTING PRESS. For Professional :nd Amntciir Printers, Schools, Uocletles, MaunfilctiirCFH, 1MT vvvhiints, and otlirra itis the BEST ever itwentcd. líí.OOO in H. jTen styles, Prices íVom $5.00 to $150.00 jBENJ. O. WOODS&CO. Mam.frsaiul (kniorsinaii kinds uíPrlnting Material, Seud stamp fur Catalogue. ) 49 Federal St. Bostou. A Great Offerü AVe wlll diiriníí tiic ïfpUdays dispose of 100 PIA.VS'(í(fí OK A ! S ';" lirst-classmakers, includins WATKltS'. m livfr prteefl lUíiii ever iM'fore ft" iiil. !Intlly instalit'Ht-( ruimiuir from V to ,'ííi monUis rcceived Warrouted ftr 0 y-earg Secondhiiixl Intrnment tU cxtrvtnvly low prioe for c ash. Illuttratad CataloguM muiled. vVarerooias, 481 Ilronrlvny, Tiew Vovlt. UORACE WATERS & SONS. In dol.iyed l'V usíng R. X T. Tonto Kllzir anií i E.fqui'i Kvlt-iwtof livff. whioh i h poned of the jUi ti of rnw tueat wíth Irnn Tónica. PlTiretica and ; mild Cathaftics. anti prencribed by Physicians fort-ho eme o t' indiíifMtion, Conutipation, Dj-Bppp'Sia, Piles, L'ing, Liver, Kidney,Chil(iren. lïlood and allifemalo (]4oAfn and weaknesseB. Price $1.00 por bottle. KU 'HAIiDON 4 TULLIDOS!, Proprietors, CincinEati, t. For Bale by all drnggíats. Ñone other Genuine. ■■H CENTS shouid wrlle for Agrncj tor ow boot by ] Jf Jfain Eliza mm BBIGHAli'S T7 H wife ir oung Muñe nlih, rale...' 1.000 week. FuM npgu of the hortlPoIygmmT. lllnttrsted Circular., willi complete i rnriiialon freo to uit. Ad.lresi DMTMt office of Dustln. Cllman & Co.,""tr7ü,ct.,c11kai;o,i!i.,ai.c"n"fi, a' iM'fltVf I ti TUIS NEW ISSIEIASTIG v5 TRUSS Has a Pai (iüTorinf; f.-nm 11 oben ii wonderful. Being ctiii-shi-.p'í, witti Self-Adjusting Iï:ill in center, it ndapts itstvlt' to a!l pcwltïoiu "f the bod, while tbe ball wltliin the cuj) prfsst-s hack tw iiilostitit's jnï a ü piiioii ivouid .itl th.' ííiiccr. With licht pressme the Hernia ia held feOQrafy djir and nUght and a radical cure cortain. Il ík perfci'lly essy, durable and cheap. Seot bï rij'iil. Send for Circular find Trun to EGCJLESTUN THUSS CO., Hnnliali, Mfelk TheWonders of Modern Ohemistryv SarsaparlanandIts Associates. Changos as Seen and Pelt as The y Daily Occur af ter Using a Few Doses of DE. EADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvente TUE GEEAT BLOOD PURIFIEK,' 1. Good epirits, disappewance oí weakness, languor, melancholy ; lacrease and hardness of flesh and muscloa, te. 2 Strengtb increases, appetite improves, relish foi Wore nour eructatlons or waterbrash, good dlgostion, calmaaci undiBturbed sleep, awaken fresh and "iflMsappearanco of Bprrts, hlotcbes, pimples ; the skin looks clear and healtiiy, the ftroe cbanged from lts tur bid and cloudy appearance to ilear Bherry or amber color ; water passes freely from the hwddei tbrough the urothra without pain or ecalding , littte o Do sediment; no pain or weakness. m M 4 Markod diminution of quantity and freqnency of Involuntary weakenlng discharges (If afflicted that way). with certainty of permanent cure, Increased fftrengtb sxhibited in tho secreting glnnds, and runcuonftl narmony restored to tl) several organs. 5. Yellow tinge on the white of tho eyee, and the iwarthy.saffron appearance of the skin changed toa clear, lireljjuid healthy color. 6 Those Euiïering from weak or ulcerated lungs or tuborcles will reallze great benefit in expectoratlng freely the tough pbiegm or mucous from the lungs, air cells, broncbi or windpipe, throat or head ; diroinishing of the frequency of cough ; general lncrease of Rtrengtti throughout the system; stoppage of nicht swoats and pains and ieiHng of weakness aronnd the ankles, legs, shouldors, etc. ; cessatlon of cold and chills, Ben'se of mffooution ; hard brnatblng and paroxysmsbf cough on lying down or arising in tho mornlng. AH tbeso distressIiijt hymntomsgradually an Gurely disappear. f. Asday after day the SARSAPARILLÏA1 la Jiken,nerifmsof returning health will appear ; s the blood improves in Btrength and purity, diseace will !dloiinish, and all fore!n and impuro deposft, nodes, tumors, cancere, hard lumhs, etc, Iïb resolved awayarid tho unsounii made sound and hoalthy; ulcere, feTmsores, Byihilitic cores, chronic skin diaeafies gradually 8. locases where tbe Bystem has been saltvated, and Morcury, Qulcksilver, Oorrosive Sublimate, (the principal constituent in tho advertised Sarsaparillas, associatod lu Bomo cases with Hyd. of Potassa) have accumulat[■d jind b0ome deposited in the bones, joints, etc., cansina Carlos of tho bones, rickets, spinal curvatures, contortiona, whtte ewellíngs, varicoso veins, etc., the SARSPARilMAN wiil resolve away these deposiU and extermínate tim virus cf tho diaeaso from tno ïystem. 9 If thoso whoaretakinethesorpedicinesfortliecur of Ohronic, Scrofulous or Syphilitw discases, howevor sl(v may be the cure "feel better," and 6nd theirgenorii) Lctb improving, their flesh and wliht inercasing or even keeptoa lts own, it is a sure sign thu.i Mui cure is urooressing. lii wie diseases the patiout eitkn.1 geta betfer or worse-tho i ir-w of tho disBaso is uut inactive: if not arrested and driven frm the blood, it will ind and continue to undennine tl constitution. As aoon aï tbo SARSAPARI1.1.IAN makes the pabent "foei better," every hour you will ktow better and mtroase ín health, Btrength and flesb. Tho ereat power of this remedy is in dlMafles that threaten death-as in Consumption of the Luw and Tuborculcus Phthisis, Scrofula, Syphiloid Diseases, Wasting, Degeneration, and Llcerationof the Kidr-s. Diabetes, Stoppage of Wator (mstantaneous relie, affordod whore catheters have to be usod, thuB doir.R awaj with the painful operation of using these instrumentó), disfWing etone in tho bladder, and in all cases of Inflammatên of the Bladder and Kidneys, in Chronio cases of Loucorihea and Uterino diseases. In tumors, node, hard lumps and syphiloid ulcere ; in dropsy and venereal ore throat} ulcero, and in tuberclea of the lungs ; in gout, dyspepsia, rheumatism, nckots : in mercurial doposits- it is in these terrible formB of discase, whero the human body has becorae a complete wreek, and whero every hour of eiistence is torture, whcrein this great remedy challenges tho astonlshmont and admiration of the Bick. It is in such cases, whero all the pleaeuros of existence appear cut olï from tno unfoftunate, and by It3 wonderful, almost Bupornatural aeency, it rostores the hopeleSB to a now lile and nsw . oxistenco where thl great remedy stands alone in lta might and power. In the ordinary skin distases that every one is moro or lesa troubled with, a few doses will In most cases, and & few bottlos in the more agnravaied fonns, work a permanent cure. Thoso afflicted with chronic dlseages Bhould pnrehsra a package containing one dozen rwttles. Fnce J$H per dozen, or $5 per half dozen bottle?. pr SI perbottlo. Sold bv druggistB. RADWAY'S REAÍ3Y RELIEF WILL AFPORD ÏNSTA1VT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEVR INFLAMMATION OP THE BLAUDER, INFLAMMATION OF TUK BOWRLS. CONGESTIÓN OF THE LUNGS, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING, PALPITATION OF THE HEART. „__.. UTSTRRICS, CROXP. DIPHTHERIA, OATARKH. TNFi.UF.NZA, ÜEADAOHF,. TOOTHAOHF, MUMPS, NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM, COLD OHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. Tbn application of tho READY RELIEF to th part or parts where tho pain or düScnlty exista wül afford easo and comfort. Twenty drops in half a lumbier of wator will, in a fefl moments, cufo CRAMPS, SPAKMS, SOUR STOM. BOWELS, and all INTERNA!. PAINS, Travelers Bhould always carry a bottle of RADWAY'S RELIEF with them. A few drops in watei will prevent Bickneas or pains from chango of water. IT IS BETTER THAN FRENOH BRANDT OE BITTERS AS A ST1MULANT. Pricc 50 Cents. Sold by Druggists. DR. RÁDWAY'S EieuiATispim Perfftctly tnstelosB, elegantly coated with aweet rum, purgo, regulatü, purify, cleanso and strengthen. RAD VVAï'S PILLS, tor tho euro of all disorders of tho Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladdor. Ncrvon Diseases, llcadachc, Constipation, Costivcness, Inditrfstion, Dyspepsia, lïillousness, Billoua Fevcr, Inllamma tion of the BowelB, Piles and all Derangements of tho Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positivo euro. Purely Vegetable, contahiing no mercury, minerals, or dolpterious drugs. iObserve tlie following symptoma resulting from Disorders of t bc Digestivo Organs : Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness of tho Blood In tho Head, Acidity of tho Stomach. Nr.usoa. Heartburni Disgust of Food, Fullness or "VYcight in tho fitomach, Kour Kractations, Rinking or Fluttering ut the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Ilurried nnd Difficult Broathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chokingor Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimnessof Vision, Dots or Webs beforo tho Slght. Fcvet and Dull Pain in tho Head, Deficiencyof Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in tho Sido, Cbests, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burmng in tho Flesn. AfewdosesofRAD'WAY'S PILLS will freo tho system from all tho abote named disorders. Pricc-iü Cents per Box. SOLD BY DRÜGGISTS. Read "FALSE ABÍD TRÜE." Sendoneletter-Btampto RADWAY & CO., Ko. 33 Warren Street, New York. Informatioa worth thousands will bo sent vou. Aap. A Agenti wanted VL J h í í Bueineii honorable and fint dass. ParthZllll ticnlars sent fro. Addresi WORTU Ufti VV CO. . St. Loon. Mo. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Sold throushout the United States on tha INSTALLMENT PLAN: That Is, on a Syitam of Montbly Parmenta. Parchan! should aak for the Ssoth a mibicah ObsiI Catalogues and fnll partlcoltvre tm appUcatioo. A CHICACO PAPER. THE INTER ÖGEAN. A JPIliST-CLASS NEWSPAPER THE LEADM REPUBLICAN PAPER IN THE NORTHWEST. It Aims at tlic Hlghcst Excellence in All JDepai-tiiients. It isa RKPRESKN'TATIVE PAPERof the COMMER. CIAL INTERESTS of the vast territoir of which Cht cago is the center -makes SPECIAL CLAIM AS A UTËRAKÏ AND FAMILY PAPF.H, AND IS A FAVORITE IN THE HOUSEHOLD. Daüy, postnge paid $10.00 per year. Sen; i-Weekly, poatuc paid 3.30 " Weekly, postale paid 1.65 " tËTSXNJ) STAMP FOR SAMPLE COI'V. irt # Special ratea given to clubs and club ngents. Address THE IXTEK-OCKASÏ, 110 Lake St., hUngo, III. - JMt. SAIVFOITD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR. Compoanda entirely l'roiu tums. These (IMS re-i Persons ïisin move all morbid! l shouldadaptthe ur bnd matter UB dotte to tlieir in f rom the systriii, y v dividnal constisupplyiug in i-h CZi t ii t i o n, fi om a 1 tlieir place a r tea spoonf till ti Iiealtliy iloiv of j p a tablespoonfiiH bile ; LQ m according to efIng the stomacli,!" ■ fl fect. ITor nlï nfcauslus; fooil t rj i fcctioiis of ilie dlestwell; Pl'-Hftí X.IVKK, trreffnKIFYIIVG TIIJE!! M lnvitlv olStomBLOOB, iviiiy i cv acli and Hov-N. tone aml nealtfi dlseases dependto tlie ivliole Lpd __ ent oivorcuused thiucry, removí Cy by sucncleraiigc ing the cause ofli_3 m ment a.s ltilloiis tlie dieaseg, W attacks, Costivefectiiij a radical h- ness, Clironic liuure. As a FAM1 iarrhoeaIypet1L.Y MEOICIIVE CO i-_ sia, J(iiTudic-nd it is O Sg Femalc WenkLD, and is 22 ; i esses 1 tabli1VAYS SAFE, FH spoonfnll tnken nt cominencement of an attack oí SICK H EADAC H E cures in 15 mi mites. ÏKXlow oFsaiJlow skin mabk yoitiïFÏJL by 1 bottlc. TRY ITI For pamjfW t onta itilne nseful Information nnd All a bou fheLivcr. address OH. SA "VI OlMK Newl'ork. OÏ.I BY Al-t, RtTGGIÍíTX. v1 ;-. So. i XJLTHKSi rRlT13TGTO KtV y) plase ay yu sav iï.... . , '


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