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Don't Drink To-night

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I left my mother at the door, My ulster by her siile, Thelr clasped hands and loving looks Forbade thelr doubts to hlde. I leít, and met wlth comrades gay, When the moon brought out her llght, And my loving mother whlspered me, Don't drink, my boy, to-nlght. Long years have rolled away slnce then. Myjetty curia aregray, lint oh ! those words are wlth me yet, And wlU not pass away. I see my mother's lovlng face, Wllhgoodnoss, radia nt light, And hear her words ring Ín wy ears, Don't drink, myboy, to-nlglit. My mother Ís now rcsting sweet In the graveyard on the hlll ; Uut her klud wordn tome back to me And liaunt my mnmory stül ; I've otten, oflcn passod the cup, Oh! then my heart was rlg'nt, Bec;iuse I've heard the warnlng worda, "Don't drlnk, my boy, to-nlght !" I've now passed down the road of llíe, And soon my race Is run ; A mother's warnlng listened to, An lmmortal crown Is won. Oh, mothcrs, wlth your blesaed 3mlle, I.oolc on your boys so brlght, And say. as yon alone can say, Don't drink, my boy, to-nlght. These words wlll prove a warnlng, when. In the thorny path ol Ufe, Thy boy Is In the tempter's wlles, And waning In the strlfe. Thy words wlll stop the mornlng cip, And revelry at nlght, By wlilsperltigbacka mother's volee, Don't drink, my boy, to-nlght.


Old News
Michigan Argus