State News
- The State fish agent has just had uixteen thousand young California saliiiiii deposited in llic Tittabawassue and ' Jhippewu Rivere at Midland. - H. ü. W oston, of Granvill, has iontracted to furnish the grungera with argu quantitiüs of piaster, and keep lis mili running night and dny. He is outside tho Grand Iiapids combination. - About 40,000 üregon salmón have been deposited in Detroit river, half above Belle Islo and the rest near '.fronton. - Up to the 25th of Ducoinber tho liquor iIimIi.-i'h of Kuginaw County had oontritmted $25,75(3.11 to tho public troasury. - Prom different sections of the State come roports of partios plowing duriug the lust week of the old year, with the ground dry at ten inchos deep and in the best of condition. - The Suwreme Court met in regular Bession, at Lansiug, on the Ith insl., with 82 cases on the calendar. - The Calhoun County Bar prosented to retiring Judge Woodruff, on the afternoon of the 31st uit., a cane with a massive gold head. - East Saginaw has aided 248 families thé past year to the oxtent of $10,220. It has a supply store where goods for the poor are purchased at wholesalo, and distributed under tho direction of the controller and director of the poor. The store is open two dayb each week, and only such supplies as are of 8ubstuntial benefit are given out. - Tho Monroo Couuty supervisors have instructed the prosecuting attorney to proBecuto all ministers, justices of the peace, and others who fail to report marriage8 to the county clerk, as prescribed by law. - At the beginning of tho yoar 1875 thore were 740 convicts in the State prison at Jackson, and at its close 817, an incroase of 77, and the largest nnmber ever in the prison. - Fred. Morley, for nine years business manager of the Detroit l'ost, has resigned, to recupérate his health, and is succeded by Wm. Stooking of the editorial staff. - Hon. O. M. Barnes ig bulletin d as about to build a $,'50,000 residence at the head of Capitol Avenue, Lansing, on the elovated banks of Grand Eiver and overlooking the whole oity. - Up to the 3d inst. the treasurers of 48 connties had made their liquor statistics returns to the Auditor General, showing (587 dealers íb brawed and malt liquors, 1,500 in spirituous liquors, and taxes paid aggregating $269,822.34. - The annual meeting of tho State Pioneers' Society is to bo held at Lansing on the 2d of Fobruary. - E L. Clark, Esq., of Adrián, gave the publishers, editors, compositors, pressmen, and d- Is of that city a supper at the Gibson Houso on New Year's evening. - What was the need of an expensive extra session of the Board of Supervisors of Ingham County, to extend tbe time for the collection of taxes in Lausing, when the general tax law of the State gives authority to the Common Council of cities to do that little job. - Because of over-work and poor health, and to secure a season of rest, W. P. Nesbitt of the Pontiac BUI Poster, has sold his interest to his partner, E. J. Kally, and retirod from the ranks of the publishers and editors. He has made a lively paper. - The State fair for the coming year is open to bidders until February 4thï Adrián, Detroit, Grand Eapids, Jackson, and Kalamazoo are already named as competitors. - The Lansing Repuhlicon says : "The mud on Washington avenue on New Year's day was deep enough and thin enough to havo sniled a ' floatiug scow from old Virginny.' " - Farmers Insti tutes are to be held as follows, under the State Board of Agrioulture: At Armada, Macomb Co., and Allegan, January 11 and 12; at Eochester, Oakland, Co., and Decatur, Van Buren Co., January 13 and 14 ; at Adrian Jauuary 18 and 19 ; and at Coldwater, January 20 and 21. - The State Homeopathie Association is to meet at Lansing in annual session, on the llth inst. Eev. Lewis F. Stearns Ph. D., of New Jersey, has been elected professor of Belles Letter and History in the Albion College, ïice Bernard Moses resigned. A case of corporal punishment in the Lansing High Sohool has kicked up a d - 1 of a local row. If the liepublicun tell8 the truth it was outrageous. Detroit claims the erection of 853 buildings in 1875, at eost of $650,000. The Lansing Republican puts in a claim of $173,020 expended ia that city in building during 1875. The aggregate includes a $60,000 school house, 67,000 in flouring milis, and a $20,000 chair factory. The Lansing Republican and its Coldwater namesake are puiling hair in right lively style. Let soms little follow step to the front and rucite " Let dogs dclight to bark and bite." F. W. Judd & Co., of Flnit, dealers in dry goods have, made an assignment to Hon. Geo. W. Fish. Assets $30,000 ; liabilities, $40,000. Henry Isbell, boot and shoe dealer at Kalamazoo, has made an assigmnent. Assets about $18,000; liabilities, $32,000. J. O. Bennett anothor Kalauiazoo dealer in the same line of goods goes down under $6,000 of liabilities Because of the first failure it is claicned. Some of the leading citizens of hherman and otber places in Woxford oounty have, within the last week, been in conferenoe with some of the leading mea of tho Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad regarding the building of a branch from some point on their line in the county of Isabella northward, across the Grand Eapids and Indiana Railroad, a few miles north of Clam Lake, through Sherman to some point on Lake Michigan. It is also proposed to branch the line from Sherman to
Old News
Michigan Argus