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Rival Beauties At Washington

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Blonde vs. brunette : This much discnssed but never decided question is now being revived at Washington - tbe rival ropresentatives being the wives of two foreign Ministers now there. The brunette is Señora Mantilla de Lúa Rios, of Spain, who is a perfect type of mature Andulusian beauty. She wore, at öücrotary Fish's dinnor, a white satin ball dress, a sweeping train of crimson velvot, both aluiost covered with rioh point lace, while her back huir was arranged with pearls and diamonds, and eaoh of her solitaire earrings was u smaü fortune. Flashing black eyea and manners of majestic grace excited general udmiration. Austria has sent us, as the wife of ber diplomatic representative, Madame la Comptresse de Hoyos, nee Comptesse de Herberstein. Ho is descended froui one of the oldest Hungarian families; and she - a native of Upper Austria - is a true type of Teutonic beauty. Tall, slender, graceful and spirituelle, she wore a delicate shade pink silk, elabo rately made, and trimmed with rare old poiut lace, with spiays of diamonds on her breast and loft shoulder, while a costly cluster in her a'iburn hair flashed the prismatio colors, in harmony with the diamonds which composed her earrings, necklace, aud bracelets. She has the gift of tongues - speaking Oerman, French, English, and ltalian - and is a raro acquisition to society at Washington. - Chicago Tribune. Col. Tom Scott, in a letter to President Cole, of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, in reference to the Texas Pacific Railroad, says that the provisión of the bül to be submitted to Congress as weil as the entire policy of the ooinpany, shows conclusively that there is no intention of building said road in the interest of Northern lines, but that it is intended to be, in fact, an open highway to the Pacific, with which every road in the country may connect on equal terins. 1 1 - i Tho New York Herald nominates Cardinal McCloskev au the successor of Pope Pius IX. Sam Bowles, of tlie Springfield Republican, is undorstood to frvor Charles Franois Adams tbr the positiou ;while Dana, of the New York Sun, goes in strong for the good Deacon Richard Sinith, of the Cincinnati Oazette.


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