Classified Advertisements
i ii i: a i-dic tu a the n i: a i'i:vi OLDEE. THAN THE OLDEST ! His shop was first tttarted 111 1842. WANTKD- 1,000 cords of wood, 1,000 bushels of first quality of corn, Ín exchange for Saddlcs, Ilarness, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Robos, Blankets, Whips, aud Buckskin Gloves and Mittens. I will sell single harnesses from $8 to $100; halters from 20 cents to $2 00 ; trunfcs and satchels, for the next 30 days, :it OOSt. Harnesso8(Truuks anl Bags repaired at No. 9 East Hurón street. J. VOLLAND. Aun Arbor, Nov. 18, 1875. 1087m8 NOT1CE. H AVINO leased the Michigan Central Railroad KleVHtor aud Acales at this place, I am prepared to handle frrain at reasonaMe rales for snipper. Hiuhest market price pid in caah lor all kinda of grain. T. FOHEY. Ann Arbor, Not. lOth, 1875. Vy A. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST, DEALS IN FINE CUT & SMOKING TOBAMOS S.VUFF, PIPES, ETC., No. 7 East' Hurón Street, Next to the Exprees oítice, ANN ARBOR, . . MICAIGAN. j W ll.lix. 11 o i sin FOK SALE. Alargeand very wll built brick house, with two or more Iota. Two larfje framed housea. Alao a good sized brick boiise und frame housu ; aud a mail frame house on a good lot, inttmded for adling ;v front. For aale on fairterms and a reasonaale oredit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. MONCÏ WANTEM-So many wihhing to horrow money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor miers tfoodtiatisfactory invustmenta at ;cn per cent. interest. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23, 1873. 1423tf f IVE (ÍKÍ58E FUJaTÏkkS ConpiODtly .ui üand and for salebv BdCfffr ABEL. FroHi $1,000 to $2,000, On u"'"i uuincuiubcred Furiu Proporty. Inquire at the law office of A. J. SAWYER, Ann Arljor,
Michigan Central Railroad
Old News
Michigan Argus