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the Aegus was reduced to Ï1.60, to be paid in advance. Subscribers have, iu a large uumber of instances, delayed paymeut three, six, or niue mouths, and even to ttie pieseut time, and yet claimed and claim the advance ratea. To meet this way of doing business the terms Jor the Abous will be $2 a year, with a reduction of 50 ceuts for paynient raade in advanck. In order to give all subscnbers opportunity to " niake counection," we will consider a paymeut in advance if made before the first day of Maroh. After that date no discount from the $2 will be made. Kovr is the tiine to pay and save your half dollar. No papers will be malled to subscribers out of the county without advance payment, and all out ot the county subscriptions will be promptly discontiuued wheu the advance payment is exhausted. A delay in the receipt of some new material has made the Akgus a little late this week. Herealter it will be ready for every Friday morning's mail.


Old News
Michigan Argus