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Railroad Matters

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Messrs. A. H. Eeese, of Detroit, J. E. Wolcott, of Toledo, and J. C. Coffman, of Toledo, was in our city Monday, Tnesday aud Wednesday, were lookiug after the Toledo, Ann Arbor aud Northern Railroad. These gentlemen represent capitalista in Toiedo, some of them experienced railroad men, who propose building a narrow gaugeroad from this city to Toledo which in road-bed, station houses, and equipments, shali be Jirst-class in every particular. They eatimate as uecessary to accomplish this sud an expenditure of $300,000, and ask of the citizans of Ann Arbor and along the line a subscription of $100,000, either in donations or stock, payable when the road is in running order, aud at Toledo, after the subecribers shall have been given an excursión to that city, which leaves no way open to get the money without building the road. Of this amount 150,000 is expected or asked of this City and yicmity, an amount which ought to be raised within a single week. The Toledo parties who have this enterprise in contemplation are able to carry out their agreement with the people, and wil!, if the amount required ia raised along the line, go immediately to work and put the road in running order as soon as possible, probably by the ñrst day of July next. Some of ourcitizens may yet harbor prejudices against a narrow-gauge road, but they are proving a suocess wherever introduced, inaking money where roads of the ordinary gauge fail to pay operating expenses and aink the original investment. A narrow gauge to Toledo will do all the business the country can furnith it, will open a new market at Toledo give us cheap coal and f uil freight competition, and start our city on a new career of prosperity. It will bring Toledo capital here, and Toledo business men to reside here. But we have written all this a huudred times and are ashamed to repeat. At a meeting of some of our citizens interested, held on Monday evening, at Cook's Hotel, Messrs. Israel Hall, W. Tremain, and Chriatiaa Mack, were appointed a committee to consult with the business men and capitalists of our city and determine what oan be done. We commend them and the project to evory citizen. - In conversation with one of the citizen's committee yesterday, and Mr. Crane now owner of the road, we were pleased to learn that they found the state of feeling good. Both gentlemen were conndent that the required amount would be easily raised, and that work ou the road would be immediately commenced. Now is the time to strike a good blow for the city. Let no man hold back. - Lieut. Coffmau, one of the Toledo visitors, assured us that he knew of a number of wealthy and intelligent gentlemen who look to making homes m our city when direct railroad coininumcation is estabhahed. Wil! not our land-owners make a note of thia fact and " chuck " the price of a few Iota into the railroad " pool " 't - i . I. O. O. F. Elections.- At the meeting of Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9, held last Friday evening, the followiug officers were elected : Noble G-rand- David Allmaudiuger. Vice Grand - John G-. Lutz. Secretary - N. B. Covert. Treasurer - oteo. Grauville. Permanent Secretary- H. Krapf. Bepresentatives to Grand Lodge- D. Cramer and Jay Koath. The following have been chosen officers of Ann Arbor Encampment, No. 7 : Chief Patriach- Andrew R. Schmidt. High l'riest- C. Krapf. Senior Warden- J ohu G. Lutz. Scribe - Chas. H. Manly. Treasurer- David Allmandinger Junior Warden - H. T. Morton Bepresentatives to Grand Encámpment- C Krapf and Fred. Sorg.


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