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Common Council Proceedings

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The Council met in regular session on Monday evening. Eoll called - absent Aid. Rogers and Smith. Minutos oí last meeting reatl and approved. PETiTIONS. Of E. W. Moore and others, for the construction of aidewalk across the tracks of the M. C. R. R., at Pontiac street crossing. Ret'erred to Sidewalk Coinmittee with power to act imniediately. Of P. Bach and others, freeholders au"d taxpayers, for the laying out and opening of a atreet near the west bank of Huron river, from Maiden Laue to Wall street, Fifth ward. To Stroet KKI'OETS OF COMMITTEKS. Finance- Submitting bilis against the vanous iuuds, in the following sums, recommending their allowanoe : (loneral fund, $776.99 ; general street, $3.17; seoond ward, f 1G.60 ; third ward, 4.62 ; fifth ward, $H.37 sixth ward, $1.50; cemetery, $2.00; poor, $217.22. Bills allowed aud warrants ordured drawn for these amounts. General Fund- To whom was referred the matter of the purchase of a steam fire engine, reported progress. Granted further time. FEOM CITY OFFICEE3. Marshal Herrón presented his report for the month of December; Whole number of arrests, 8 ; for druukenness, 2 ; for druuk and disorderly conduot, 25, and one each for using iudeoent language, asaault and battery, violation of the Sunday ordinance, and for disorderly conduct. Of the amount of saloon liceuse, due prior to the present quarter, $110 remain unpaid. Placed on file. City Cemetery Commissioners submitted their first annual report, for the year 1875. Placed on file. City Attorney reported progresa in the matter of the suit ot The City vs. Stephen M Webster and sureties. On motion, the City Attorney was requested to push the suit to a hearing, this week if possible, and that there be no further delay in the matter; that in case of the inability of Judge Beakes to attend to the suit, a counselor be employed at Detroit. MISCELLANEOUa. By Aid. King, the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Marshal and Uity Attorney be and they are hereby directed to ascertain whether the shade trees, situated in the street known as East University Avenue, belong to the city, whether they are in the highway, and by what authonty some of suoh trees have recently been cut down. Leave being granted, E. B. Gidley addressed the Council relativo to a bilí heretofore presented by him. ün motion, the matter was referred to a special committee, to report at next meeting, consisting of Aid. Basimer, Walker, and the Recorder. Aid. Schmidt offered the following, which was ruled out of order, on account of the mover not having voted with the majority : Resolved, Tbat the resolution adopted at the last meeting, against paying the chairman of the Sidewalk Committee for services on such committee, be reconsidered. On motion of Aid. King, the matter of paying chairrnen and membera of standing committees, for services on oommittees, was referred to City Attorney, to report at the next meeting on the legality of suoh paymeots. On motion of Aid. Seabolt, A. M. Doty was re-appointed Cemetery Coimnissioner, for tlie term of three years from Jan. 1, 1876. On motion the matter of rilling around the well on North street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, was referred to General Fund Committee. Adjourned.