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University Notes And Men

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- Prof. M. C. Tyler will deliver the third TJniversity Hall disoourse on Suuday uext, at 3 o'olook p. m. - Lectures and lessons were resumed in the Literary department on Tuesday, and in the Law and Medical departments ou Wednesday. - Prof. Harriugton en ligh tened the Detroit Scientific Assooiation on Wednesday evening, on the " Adulteration of Food and Conliinents." We hope he had a good audienoe Df grocers and draggists. - Judge Cooley, of the Law department, is now Chief Justise of the State Superior 3ourt. - Willard Stearns, of Adrián, of the Law class of '67, and siuce that County Superintendent of Schools, and editor "by spells," visited the Aeous office on Tuesday. - Lieut. J. C. Coffman, of Toledo, Law class oï '75, spent two or three days in the city this week. - V. O. Vaughn has been appointed assistant instructor in the laboratory, and Miss Kate Crane book-keeper. Both are graduatea of the Pharraaceutical department. - At the regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Scientiüc Association, to be held in the medical lecture room to-morrow evening, Prof. W H. Pettee will read a paper on " The Baro metric Measurements of Altitudes." - " Frank '' Kobison, of the class of '73 (Lit.), and since that date on the Editorial staff of the Free Press, has accepted the pósition of dvputy clerk in the Superior Court, Detroit, and designs to make the law his profession. No more will he chase up an item, follow after public bodies, or hash up "Various Topics." Success to him in his new vocation. - Prof. Harrington told his Detroit audience on Wednesday evening that "incities like Detroit tho amount of adulteration in food and condimenta was comparatively light," and that in Ann Arbor "he found 30 few adulterated articles that he was oompelled to adultérate for himself nearly all the substancea whicñ he submitted to his clasa for analysis." " Dat is goot."


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