Probate Court
The followiug cásea are pending before the Probate Court, with dates of their hearing : Estáte of Lyman and Milton Pettibone, deceased ; petition tor license to sell real estáte ; day of hearing Jan. 11. Estáte of Ulrich Laubengayer, deceased ; petition for license to sell real estáte ; day ot hearing Jan. 12. Estáte of T. A. Haviland, deceaaed ; claims to be heard March 3 and June 8, by L. F. Rhodes and J. W. Johnstou, coinmissioners. Estáte of Agatha Alber, deceased ; order for hearing final account of admmistrator ; day of hearing Jan. 11. Estáte of Milan Kidder, deceased ; petition for probate ot will ; day of hearing Jan. 3. Estáte of Henry Row, deceased ; claims to be heard March 10 and June 10, by Sam Cushman and J. J. Robison, commissioners. Estáte of Patrick Caveuaugh, deceased ; claims to be heard March 11 and June 12, by the court. Estáte of Edward Dake, deceased ; claims to be heard March 13 and June 13, by Elias Manning and John Crandall, commissioners. Estáte of John F. Weissenger, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator ; day of hearing Jan. 14. Estáte of Wm. H. Smith, deceased ; petition for appointment of administrator; day of haaring Jan. 10. Estáte of Andrew Mead, deceased; claims to be heard March 18 and June 19, by John Clancy and Edw. DufFy, commissioners. Estáte of John J. Boliinger, deceased ; claims to be heard March 20 and June 20, by George Leffler and John F. Vogel, commissioners. Estáte of Russell Whipple, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator; day of hearing Jan. 19. Estáte of Clarissa Whipple, deceased; olaims to be heard March 20 and June 20, by I). Rockwell and D. R. Jenks, commissioners. Estáte of Oliver Blood, deceased ; claims to be heard March 20 and June 20, by Jesse Hoyt and Chas. S. Gregory, commissioners. Estáte of Robert Powell, deceased ; petition for license to sell real estáte ; day oí hearing Jan. 25. Estáte of John Wooster, deceased ; petition for appointment of admiuistrator ; day of hearing Jan. 24. Estáte of Adam Yeckley, deceased ; claims to be hoard March 22 and June 22, by Charles Shier and Prince Bermett, commissiouers. Estáte of Robt. Hammond, deceasnd ; claims 'to be heard March 27 and June 27, by the court. Estáte of Geo. Warner, deceased ; petition for appointmeut of administrator; day of hearing Jan. 21.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Ulrich Laubengayer
Lyman Pettibone
Milton Pettibone
T.A. Haviland
L. F. Rhodes
J. W. Johnston
Henry Row
Milan Kidder
J.J. Robison
Edward Drake
William H. Smith
Andrew Mead
John J. Bollinger
Russell Whipple
Oliver Blood
Robert Powell
John Wooster
Adam Yeckley
Robert Hammond
George Warner
Charles Shier