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Probate Court

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The followiug cásea are pending before the Probate Court, with dates of their hearing : Estáte of Lyman and Milton Pettibone, deceased ; petition tor license to sell real estáte ; day of hearing Jan. 11. Estáte of Ulrich Laubengayer, deceased ; petition for license to sell real estáte ; day ot hearing Jan. 12. Estáte of T. A. Haviland, deceaaed ; claims to be heard March 3 and June 8, by L. F. Rhodes and J. W. Johnstou, coinmissioners. Estáte of Agatha Alber, deceased ; order for hearing final account of admmistrator ; day of hearing Jan. 11. Estáte of Milan Kidder, deceased ; petition for probate ot will ; day of hearing Jan. 3. Estáte of Henry Row, deceased ; claims to be heard March 10 and June 10, by Sam Cushman and J. J. Robison, commissioners. Estáte of Patrick Caveuaugh, deceased ; claims to be heard March 11 and June 12, by the court. Estáte of Edward Dake, deceased ; claims to be heard March 13 and June 13, by Elias Manning and John Crandall, commissioners. Estáte of John F. Weissenger, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator ; day of hearing Jan. 14. Estáte of Wm. H. Smith, deceased ; petition for appointment of administrator; day of haaring Jan. 10. Estáte of Andrew Mead, deceased; claims to be heard March 18 and June 19, by John Clancy and Edw. DufFy, commissioners. Estáte of John J. Boliinger, deceased ; claims to be heard March 20 and June 20, by George Leffler and John F. Vogel, commissioners. Estáte of Russell Whipple, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator; day of hearing Jan. 19. Estáte of Clarissa Whipple, deceased; olaims to be heard March 20 and June 20, by I). Rockwell and D. R. Jenks, commissioners. Estáte of Oliver Blood, deceased ; claims to be heard March 20 and June 20, by Jesse Hoyt and Chas. S. Gregory, commissioners. Estáte of Robert Powell, deceased ; petition for license to sell real estáte ; day oí hearing Jan. 25. Estáte of John Wooster, deceased ; petition for appointment of admiuistrator ; day of hearing Jan. 24. Estáte of Adam Yeckley, deceased ; claims to be hoard March 22 and June 22, by Charles Shier and Prince Bermett, commissiouers. Estáte of Robt. Hammond, deceasnd ; claims 'to be heard March 27 and June 27, by the court. Estáte of Geo. Warner, deceased ; petition for appointmeut of administrator; day of hearing Jan. 21.