Judge Crane And The Bar
I - The term of office of Judge Crane being about to expire, a meeting of the Washtenaw County Bar was held on the 3Oth uit., to appropriately expreas the eateem in which he was held. Hon. B. F. dranger preaided, aud Messrs. Thatcher, Joslin, and Sessions were appoiuted a committee to draft resolutious expressing the views of the meeting. The following were reported, and after timely and complimentary remarka by Messrs. Joslin, Sawyer, McKoynolds, Palmer, Kinne, and the Chainnan, were unanimously adopted : Wheeeas, The Hon. Alexander D. Crane is about to retiro from the beuch of the Fourth .1 ik lic i;U Circuit on account of the expiration of his term of office as Circuit Judge ; and WHEBKAS, lt seems behttiug and proper that the ruomhers of the Washtenaw Couuty Bar should expresa their eentiments and foelingstoward Judge Craue upon the occasion ; now, theretore, be it Resolved, That during the three years of hls public service upou the beuch he has proved himself alwuys competent for the maiiy and onerous duties of the office, and lias shown himself an honest, upright and iinpartial judge ; and it is further Resolved, That while we regret the severing ot this relation, so long and pleasantly existïng between the beuch and bar, we tender to Judge Crane our most sincere and cordial good wishes for his future health, welfare, and happiuess, and our thanks lor hia uniiorm courtesy and kmdness. Resolved, That the secretary is hereby instructed to present a copy of these resolutions to Judge Urane, also to iurnish county papers with a copy for publication, and that leave of the court be asked to place the same upon the Journal after Judge Craue's successor enters upon the duties of his office. Messrs. Joshn, Kinne, and Sessions wero appointed a commitee to arrange for a Bar Supper in honor of the retiring judge, and empowered to invite such guests as they might choose. - We were unable to attond the Bar Supper, and the member who prdmised us a report has failed to do so. The Courier ohroniclea tthe presence' of a large number - at Cook's Hotel - with Hon. C. Joslin presiding, and 3peeches, after a "grand repast," by Messrs. T. F. Lawrence, Jas. McMahon, A. McBeynolds, Hon. H. W. Eogers, F. E. Wessels, E. D. Kinne, E. P. Allen, A. J. Sawyer, Judge Cheever, Judge Lawrence, and others. The " boys " staid by until morning, or thereabouts, and report a good time. Judge Urane feelingly and appropriately responded in his own behalf. Judicial.- The regular term oí the Circuit Court opened on Tuesday, Judge Huntington presiding. The calendar was not as large as usual, and was classified as follows : Issues of Fact, - 40 Crimiüal, ... 3 Issues of Law, - - 2 Imparlanoe, ... 3 Chaucery- lst class, - - 8 " 2d " - - 2 " 3d " - 1 " 4th " . 6 Total, ... 65 Judge Huntington took his seat promptly at 10 o'clock A. M., and preliminary to commencïng his Iabors by the usual cali of the calendar, made the following remarks : Ufntlemen of the Bar : In entering upon the duties of the place I now occupy, there seems to me good reasou for addressing a few words to you and to the other officer8 of the Court, respectingthe situation in which we are placed. I un not unmindf ui of the labor and difficult character of the duties before me, and regret my inabihty to bring to their discharge the professional experience and ability which has always heretofore characterized the Bench m this circuit, and shall therefore stand ia especial need of forbearance on your part and that assistance alwiys afforded by an able bar. The changes whice havh taken place in this circuit since its organization, now about twentyrfive years ago, in point of population, commercial, and other business intorests, especially in the cities and principal Tillases, from which most of the litigaüon comes, have of course brought a corresponding iuorease in '. the business of the courts, uutil it is apparent that nothing les than the utmost activity and energy on your part a8 well as mme, will acoomplish a disposition of the busiuess of our term beiore another commences, and thus ocul au accumulation of pending caaea. That this result is possible I am by no means certain ; I only Jciiow it is every way important i and calis lor every possible effort, consistent : with justiee to parties and litigants, to bnng about. And none can have a deeper interest in it than members of the bar or contribute more to its attainment. What I may be able c to do, I cannot of course predict, I can only k give my time and best efïorts, and these I shall ] not withholds But the amount of business to s be done must be accepted as excusing, to some ' extent at least, whatever may be thought eiacting on my part, in efforts to economizo time aud torward business. ' In making his first cali, Judge Huntington showed a knowledge of practice and the rules and a quickness of decisión, which gave intimation to attorneys that they must be in readiness with their motions and papers hereafter, and that their affidavits for continuauce, etc , must comply with the rules and the sta tutes even though no opposing attorney appeais. Up to thi time we may say that the first favorable impression made by hini continúes. The usual numberof cases was dispoaed of on first cali, by continuance, etc, considerably whittliug down the calendar. The first jury case, Maria M. Ouderkirk vs. Albert Uoe, breach of promise to marry (second trial), was called Wednesday afternoon and jury impanneled. The evidence is all in, the argument proceeding, and the case will be giyen to the jury this forenoon.