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- 7 1 lWtl . _ The Bbbw-is the Cheapest.- This maxim was never botter ülustrated than in the use of D. B. DeLahd & Co. 's Best Chemical Saleratus. - It is üie best in the world, and the purchasergetsa full equivalent for the money paid, in a pui e, healthy article. To buy any other Is a waste of money. To use any other is trifling with a great b;eBsing - health. Use it in place af Soda or Baking Powder. Clearing Out Sale of Dry Goode. . C. H. Millen & Son have boguu their annual cost sale. ' They have markod all goods at cost prices. Thls sale will continue only through the month of January, Silks, dress goods, cloaks, shawls, hosiery, underwear, gloves, laces, blankets, flauuels, prints, and sheetings. Eyerythin at cost for thirty days ouly. Cali early and secure bargains. For Kansas and Colorado. The AtAhlaon. Topeta & Santa Fe Bailroad froni Kansas City and Atchison on the Missouri river, via Topeka, t'htf Capital of Kansas, and the beauüful Arkarisas valley to the Kocky Mountains. The shortest roïlte'to Pueblo, the Grand Canon, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Pike'sl Peuk, and all places of nete in the-mountain regfons. The favorite route .to Benver and all pointe in Northern Colorado The best route to Southern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. The ouly direct route to the famous San Juan mines. The track and equipment is, unequaled, trains run throuRh from the Missouri river to the Rocky Mountains, makíng connections in fnion depots and avoiding delays and transfers. Foi full doscriijtive ciroulars, inaps, time tables, etc, addroiui T..J. ANDERSON, Uen'I Pass. Agent, Topeka, Kansas. Happiaess y only acquired by the use of Dr. King's New Discovery in time of Coughs and Colds.