J. C. Watts
THE bTcT BONANZA Holiday Presents ! The Largest and Best Stock of LAD1ES' AND GENT'S GDLD WATCHES Stem Eind Key "Winding, LADIES' OPERA, MATINEE AND GUARD CHAINS. A complete stock of SOLID SILVER Al SILBVR PLATED VVARK, Consisting of Water Sets, Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Castors, Card Stands, Vases, etc, which I will sell At Greatly Reduced Prices for the next ten Days. Come and see my stock, which is more than doublé that of any other dealer in the city. IVTo. 1O SOUTH MAIN STREET. F. s. II. F. Wiitl superintends tbe whole business, tvtaere he will bc pleased to see hls friends. Watch woik and lOnyi avinp: done ivitli neatneii and dispatcb, and nat by Bovs as brotUer Calvin intiinates. J. C "WATTS.
J. C. Watts & Bro.
Old News
Michigan Argus