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BALTÏMüfiB & OBIO It.A.i:iL,:R,O.A-I_ THE GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE -TO WASHINGTON BALTIMORE, PHiLADELPMA, JSEW YORK, The East and Northeast. ALL TRAINS VIA. WASBIlTOTONJjj Among the characteristics of this favorite Boute are Doublé Tracks, Steel. Rails, Magniflcent Iron Bridses, Gorgeous Mountain Sceneery, Unrlvaleï]ftimten Longhridge Air Brakes, Unsurpassed Eating Hoiises, (Owned and Operated by the Company,} And in fact all the Modern Appliances that couconduce to SPEED. SAFETY and COMFORT. PULLMAN PALACECARS KUN THBOTJGH Without Change BETWEEN THE .PHINCIPAL lesri&lasfDCities NORTHSOUTH, EASTOfí WEST. E. E. DORS EY, irïFrofp AS8't Gen'l Ticket Agent, Gen-1 ll'ket Ae't THOS. P. BAEEY, E. BHAhÏ " _We8tern Pas.enger Ag't. Mater fo Snsp'n CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. A.nniTl Statement, JABÍÜARY 1, 1875. l f iiniulaicd Assets, . $6,555,828 Liabilitles, inrlndinur reserve 5,843,816 Surplus belonging to Pollcy hold'rs 711,982 Animal Ineome, . 2,820,313 Amount of Insurance in forcc, $54,998,941 THrty days of grace allowcd on Payment of Benewals. No restriction on Travel. Prompt aDd liberal in payment of claims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000. J,ooo?ooVlaim3 paid in last eisht ars' 1538 No. 10 Bank Block , Detroit, JOHN SEARS, Diat. Ag%?nTlfZLlnLARCARRIVAL OF - - FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING AT W. WAGNER'S Who Sells Clothin so Cheap tliat lie OEFIES ALL COMPETITION. All who are pressed with the hard times and desire A CHEAP SUIT Can find it at WAGNEK'S. A fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Trimmings always kept and Suits Made to Order. A Large stock of FUKNISHING GOODS. W V7V.A.G1TEII, 1496 21 So SlAmAmoe 1 - . - . Conastock's seSPRIlMC, BED. NOIhStAp4NT1ED To BE ABSOLUTELY MOST DURABLE BED Ijf MABKET, Address all orders to COMSTOCKBEOS., Manufacturers. IlH-stratea circulara ana price ihtSS' apphcation to the manufacturera íurmshed on JJINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERT, GROCERY - ANDFLOÜR & FEED STORE. We keep constantly on nana, BEEAD, CRACKEES, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TRAUE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEA T FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MBAL, FEED At Wholesale ana retail. A general stock of GROCERIES A1VD PROVISIO1VS constantly on hand. whioh win ia ,„u o"xgrcdhad4ëVered l 8Dy Part Of th=7 with liUKNUAM, 23 Munroe St., rand HnjiidJ, Mich.