A Fiend
-An nnlvno-wn man ahout thirty years old is in the practice of loafing arouud the dental offices ou Woodward avenue, Detroit, ancl whenever he sees a victhn about to go up tho stairs he confronts him and asks: "Got the toothache?" "Yes - oh! blazes ! yes!" is the reply. "And you are going to have it pulled?" "Y-e-s, I guess so." "That's right, you'll think the -whole top of your liead is coming off when he pulls ! It's awful to have a tooth jerked ! I wonldn't have one pulled for a thousand dollars, but then if you are bent on it go ahead. I'li see you when you come out, and in case of any accident, I'll go for a doctor. " And the toothache goea right away then, and the victim goes right home.
Old News
Michigan Argus