The Weekly World
HAVE YOU A DOLLAR ? FOR ONE DOLLAR We will send, Iostag-e-Paid. ONE YEAR. . 1. It contalus Al.l, III I rKi: vs of the j:it seven days, collocted by the agent andcorreapondents of the New Vork Daily Woki.d, and in fullness, acouraor and enterpriso in this reüpect s unequalled. 2. lts AtiHli! I.IIKAI, III l'Alil HTM contains the latcst news of farm experiment at home and abroadcontnlmtioti.s [v home and Foielga writiTs, full reporta oí the L-'armurs' Club of the Ajnejrican Institute, and.quotatioai of valuable and intoresstng anides appearing in tho agricultural weeklies nnd ÚMigAzíúéi. 3. Ita . It ; I : NKWS, to whicb altention is spccially ealled, i a feature which can befound in no other paper. AH the re.sourecs at the eommand of a reat metropolitan oewspaper are employol in Ita cöUecflon, and thé resúlt Uapkge'each week vhète the memben ma inda completo record of tbc work of the order in erory State in the Union for the pastseven daya. In addition to this weekly record, The Wottl.D eiesm ot all the local Kranen papers in every State. This di-partnieLt is and will continuo to be under thé of one of the aoltlVe memMn of the order. 4. For the KlltKSlm: IKIAltTMKNT, n additioo Uj it-s other aUractions, such ai poetry, mlscellany, humorous extracts, Ac., durüig üie comiog year, there will be not les thun one hundred short tales hy the best writers of fletion in Eiland and America. 5. The Marliet ICipurlN brought down to the bour of pubHcstioo, are tho best that can be made. Each murkiM is reiKrted by one whOBO speeial knowlcde and training make hlm the best nuthority upon that subject in the Uuited States. Kor accuracy and OsmpieteileBS the market reports of Tuk Wokld aro unrivallcd. '■ Th(i Woitl.n i.s intt uiily the best bul the Oheapeèt newspaper ever omjred the farmer." SEMI-WEEKLY(104 JÍOK.IS2 A YKAR. Daily (313 No.,) loper ïear. Specimen copies sent upon applisation. AMras " THK WORLD," 35 l'ark Kow, New York.
The Weekly World
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Michigan Argus