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Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, Ruth O. Gregory and John Vt N Gregory, her husband, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw iu the Statu of Michigan, on the fuurteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thou.sand eight hundred and seveuty-lour.executed a mortgage to Rebecea Hmriques, of the city of A nu A.rbor,county of Wi b ■- naw, Michigan, to secure the,paymea oí thc curia in piiucipal and interest money therein ment which said inortgagc was recordedlo ol the Register of Deeds in the county of Washtenaw aforcsaid, on the 14th day of Oetoijr A. L. Ih74, in Hber51 of mortgage.-, on paga 414. And wherea, dt'fault bas been made fox more iIkuj thirtj daya in the payiiK'nt of an in.siulliinint of interest w'hii )i became due on the uth day of April, A. tf, 1875, by reasfiti wharwf umi pursuant to tb tannanfsald mortgage,said inortgagee hereby elects tiuii so niuch oí said principal as reakalns unpalcl fritft all arrearagus of Interest thexeofshall become due and payable ininicdiately. And whereas, th re la claímed tobe dutí and unpai() on mld niortgage tri tfa of this noticti, eleven hundred and iwt-niy dollars lor principal uud interest, aliso ui attomoy's fee of lifty dollars in addition to all other Legal shüuld any proceedings be laken to foradose the same ; and nusuititr proceedingH ha ving been lntttitutcd oither in luw .r oqvA%J ti rdCOTOT ido samo or auy part thercof. Notice is therofpre hereby given that on the 11 tb day of March, 187R, at tw o'clock in the ai'teruoon of said day at the front door oí' the Court House in the city of Anu Aibor, connty afbrótola, (thát bélng the place in vhlcb the (irctut Oourt for said county is beid), and by virtue of tho power of sale contalned in saiü moitgagc, I shall wil at public auctfon to the bighest bidaer, the premlses deeedbed in sald mortgage, tosattefy the amount of principal and tntereal with the charges f salo and the ttttoroey's fee of lüty dollars, uil that certain pieoe or paroel of land altuated Ln the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waèhtenaw, and state ot' Michigan, tendwn, boundedrand deicribed a. foliows, tu wit : Being lot aumbei two C2) ' block Dumber eieren (lij Uiscock's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, according to the reeóldéd plat thereof. Dated, Decembox 14, 1875. BEBËCOA UENRIQUES, M.ntgagce. John N. tiu'i r, Attonu-y Ur Morí a Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT bavlng been made In.thcondltion of a certaiu mortgage made and executed by Jbon V. Cow'an and Dorcas M. Cowan, I ■ i .-- wlfe, 'il' Manchester, Michigan, tt l.lniira 1'. Howo of the city ol' Anu Arbor, (Jonnty of Washtcnaw and State aforesaid, OU tin thirly-liist day of March, A. D. uue thouiiand cight 1) umi red and seveniy-tlinv, and reeerdeü in the OfflOQ Of the Register of Üeeds for aid County of Wnshtenaw, on tne Becond day of April, A. D. 1S73, in liber 1Ü ot' DlÓJrtgAgea, on page 37ti, and that the re ií now clalmed to Ije due and unpaid on said mortgage and the bond accomfanying the aarne, two hundred and sixtyH wo dolare, alsoan attoruey's fee ol' thirty-ffve "dolíais in odditfon t all otlier lega! eosta. aa ofCen aé any proceeding is takuu Lo foreolose tlii mortgage, and alao aubject to the further sun of tweniy-Joiir hundred dollars and interest to beoome dut' on said mortgage, and no proceediugs in law or In equity bavlng boen had to recover said sum of money r any part thereol" : Therelore notice is hereby glveft, that by virtue of the power of .-jale in said mortgage COntained, I shall Bell at public auctlon t the blghest bidder on the eighth day ef .Jauuury next, at two o'clock in the afteraoon of that day, al the front door of theCoart House in tibe city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and btate of Ml (thatbeing the building in whifib tbti . reuil Cour) tor sata obünty is beldj the premlses described in said niortgage as beiug uil tbat Cdrtain pieee or parcel 6Í land utuate and being u ihe town oi' ManchoMtcr, In the ('iMinty of washteüaw and State ol Michigan, and desexibed as follow#, to wit : Being the north half of the uorthea.-st fractlonal auartei of sec t ion numlur i 2), In townsfalp numbei four, soui li of range numbei throe east contalnlna ninety-three acres of land, according to the L'uiteu States survry. Dated Qctoher 7th, 1875. 1551 N. uott, ËLUIRA i'. H0WE, Att'y for Mnrtgagce. Mortgagee. In Bankruptcy. IN THE DTRTRICT COURT of tlie United Statêfl for the Kustern District ui' Michigan. In the matter' of W1U-IAM O'HAKÁ, Baukrupi - in Baukruptcy. The underatgned, AssAgnoe of the estáte of the above narned bankrupt, bereby gtves notlce, that ptirsuaut to au order oí' suid court made on tin tlüth) eighteenth day oi' October, a. . 1875, be wil! seU at public auction to the hlgbcst bidder, on the sixteenth (.lüthj day of November, a. d. 1875, at ton o'clock in the t'oiviioon of said-diiy, in frout oí Washtenaw Cuunty Court] the city of Ann Arbor iu said district, the several pieces or pareéis of real estáte sí tuated in the city ol Ann Arbor, in the Couuty of Washtenaw a ml State oí' Michigan, and more particularly described as foUowft, vi,, : PAKCKL Onk. The east three-fourths {%) of lot three (3) block one (Ij south, range two f2) Sast, )■- Ing about forty-nine (49) feet uil" the east side of .sail Kt three (3.i, with house tbereon. Xbia di Bcriptiu wilï be sola subject to a mortgage to F. Eluson, for 1,000.00 and interest. Pakcel 2. Lot uuiuber bIï [fS) ín block number two (2) south, range twelve (12) east. ïuta description will be uld subject to a mortgíige to Bridget Eagan, for $00.00 and uiterst. Pauckx. 8. Lots numbered Mven 7;, ed uine (9), and west hall' of lot eleven (11), all in hlock two (2)south, range twelve (1-) èast, with twohouses tbereon. Pakcel 4. A piece of land on I"' wc-t side of Main street with Btore thereon, situated I the QregOJry Houae and Seyler's store, and dl as begiuning ou the east line of lot une {Ij in block one (1) uorth of Huron street in the city of Ann Arbor.Miehigan, fifty-five(fö}feetaouthof th east corner of said lot. running west Dfty-sl 66 tajeti thence uorth Bigfiteen ana me-huli feet(J8KX thenco east fifty-six (66) feet to the east in lot, thence south cightccn and one-half (18-L) fêet tu the piace ut' befftnntng. PABCEL5. A píeee of land with store thercon, situated on the east side of Main Street, bet ween the Savings Bank and (ranvilli. 's Btore, in i of Ann Arbor, Michigan, being about thinand nine inches (18.9) front on Main m,. about twenty-six feet and eight Lnches L26.8) deep, and being bounded and described as follows, t wit; 'oninienciiig thirty-six feotand tncfa of the northwest corner of block one (1) south of Huron street, range foui (4) east, running thence east parallel to Huron strekt twen ty-two ïeet and two Lncbea {222) thenoe soutli tbirteen feet and nine indios (IS.9), thence wist twenty-two feet and two iuches (22.2) to Main street, thence ali east line of ilain street feet and mnfl (13.9) inches to the place of beglnnfnc. Alsö ;i piece of land oommendng at the east end of tbc abovfl deecribed la-nd, running thence east four feet aml two inehes (4.2), thence south thirtecn feet and iiiuc lucbes (13.9), thence foor teet and two indi.-s (4.2), theuee uorth along the iist line of the foregoing thirteen feet and nine Inch es [13.9), place of beginning, the last descrïbed piece of land extending upwards as high and DO njgber thao the space occupied and covered by i flrsl the building standing ou the said last mentioned anddescribed premiaes. The last three parcela being pareéis three (3), four (4), and live (.5), will be sold subject to. a inurtgage to B. J.llowell for 97,000 and Interest. Dated Gratid E&plds. Midi., October 20th, 1875. JULIUS HOÜSEMAN, Assigi The above sale is adjourned anti] Tuesday, ilie thirtieth (80) day of November, a. p. Í8Í5, at ten (lO)o'clock iu theforenoou, at the saine place above mentioned. Ann Arbor, Mieh., NovenilK-r 16th, !8W. JULIUS HOU8EMAN, Assignee. The atwve sale is adjourned ""til Tuesday tbs twenty-first (21atJ day of December A. D. "1875, at ten (10) oxlock in the foreuoon, at the sama place above tnentioned. Aan Arbor, Midi., Novembi'r 8Otb, 1875; JULIUÖ HOISKMAN, Assignee. The above sale is adjourned untíl Tuesday thE eleventh (llth) day ut' January, 187(. at ten o'OÏOOfc in the forenoon, at the same píaee above mentioned. Aun Arbor, Mieh., U.Tciuli.T21átI 1875. _ JULItS IIOUSKMAN, Assignoe Estáte ot' Patrick Cavinaugh. STATE OP MICHIGAN, eounty of W&shtenaw, ps Notice is hereby giyen, that by un order of the Probate Court for the county óf Washtenav, made on the eleventh day of December, a. d. 1875, fiï months from that date were allowed for orediton to present their cluiuis against the estáte of Patnck OavinniiKh, late of said county, decettsed, and thnt all cveditui-3 of s ud decejued are required to present their claims to sdid Probate Conrt at the Vrobute OÖlee, iu the city of Ann Aiboi, for examina tion and uliow uce, on or bei'oie the twelfth day oí Jnne next, nnd that'e&ch cfaims iil be hcard before said court, uu tile eleventh duy of March and on the twelfth day of Juna next, at teu o'cluck in the forenoon of oach of thoae d;iys. Dated Ann Arbor. December titti. $7n. NOAH W. OHEEVER, 1561w4 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. flpf AlJTr haring been mnde in thecondition " of ac?rtnin mortgage, made and executed by Williiim t'itzgerald aui Maiy Fitzgerald liis wife, of NortliÜelo, county oí waslitenaw, ánd State of Michigan, on ihe nmete nib üuy of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand 'ijíiu hundred and Hixry-ffvi, to John Lynch, of the' Mime place, nntl recordoii in the orticp of. the register of detvis lor the couuty uf Wastemiw aturcaaitl, on the tentli dn y of Jnnu:try A. I). 1865', at á 6clock P. M. of yaidday, in liber -3 ot Morr-am.s. ou pnre 1A6 ; whicli ajiid XQorteage wasduly nssJgned by John Lyjbcn of the towtmbip of Northfield. aforesaldj : ' T umus Enrl.ot the city ot Ann Arbor, county .ui'! state .tforesaid, on the thirteenth day qf November, A. b. 1867, and n-rordedin the otftoe of the register of deedn íor suid oounty on the ihirteenth day of November, A. D. 1-Sí;tin líber number one of asfligitmfmts oi móttHgêsi on patí 5fl2 ; nn'i avfiiin ttiaigoed by the said Tiiom.'L Kailto ruroltoe AI. Hennequiu, of the city ot Aun Atbsr, afore9üid, titi üie iVi?nty-third tlny of December, 1875, and recorded in the otticc of the regiatet oJ deeda for said county on the twinty-sevenlh day ot l . - ceratMü-, A. D. I8Ï5, in liber mirnuer ve oi meatsof mortffiige, on pige thirt y-llueu, and tlmt t is dow claiméd to be iue and uupaid on saw innrtvHgre the sum or fourbundrëd and liiiu-iy-tuo dollars, tnoludng a reanonable attorne) 's or solioi" tor's fee for lor clolu? Uu1 snuif; ana uo proceedinffs in lw or equitv iMvifag been had io recover said gum of muney my part tliereof, therefore, notice ip hi-reby L'iv n, that by virtue of themwur of sale ia said mortgage contnined, I aha)] sell ut public auotion t the hiurhüsi bidd r on ueiventy-nlthdayoi March, A. I. 1876, at two o'clock in the Hfteruoon oí caid day, ut the front door of the court houe in the cït of Ann Aibnr, county oi Washter.av . and State 01 ÏH bignnthat beiiif? the building in wliioh the civcuit court for said ooqnty la held, J the premiwe described in naid mortguge. as beint? all that eert nin piece or parool of tand known and desciibcd nu íollowa, to-wit : The east hulfof the south-west quartór of section numbeï three (3), in township number olp(1) south in range number six (fi; cast. being in Nortlitu-kl, iu the county of Wushtonaw, and State of Michigan, contaminar eighty acres of land, more orless. üated Droembex 27th, 137'). CAKÜLIXR M. HKXNKQT'TN, Assifrnce of erild Mortgagee. John M, Gott, Attoruey lor the aasiguee ol said ■ Mortgagee. Commissioners' Noticü. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtel niiw. ss The 0 ndersigned havin been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, cominisuioners to receive, examine and iidjust all cliiimH and demtmdsof alt persoiiH affainvt the estatüof John .1. llollingtr, late of said county doceased, hereby give notice th -t vi months from date are alluwed, by order of aaid Prolate Court, föl cieditors to preaent their claims agikiust the estáte of ftid deceaiied, and that they will meet at the residence of William Beuerle, in the township of Freedom, in said county, on the S Hh day of arcti, and on the 20ih day of June next, :it ten o'clock A. M., of each of si.uï duys to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated December 20th, A. D. 1875. UEültüü LEFFER. JOHNF.VOGKL, 1562w4 Commtssionera.