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Minister Washburne Declines

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Washington, January 6, 1876. There has recently been a correspondence betweon E. B. Washburne and a prominent Republican leader who was a member of Oongress cotemporaneonsly with Washburne. From one of these letters it conclusively appears that Washburno is not, and wül not be, a candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Washburno says : Paris, November 8, 1875. I have duly roceived your letter of the 13th uit., and I ueed only say how deeply I am touched by its kind anc generous spirit. I confess that I have a lingering aft'ection for all those brav men - and you were the chiefest among among them - with whoni I was associated, wbo fought that inagnificent anti-Leconipton figbt. Those were times that brought all live and loyal men togethor in cOmmoo syinpathy. I have duly received a copy of the newspaper to which you refer, and I feel grateful for the kind fueling which dictated that articlo, but I can only repeat what I have said to others in tbttt connection, if uot to you, I am not vain enough to euppose that my name can ever figure seriously in that direotion. No party could ever undertake to carry a candidato with such old-fashioned notion.s as I have, and whose record is loaded down in opposition to all tho great interests that control political convcntions. While I receive many letters of the same kind, I am so impressed with what 1 have written that I decline all action in the way of candidature, and in the end, wheu tho convention comes off, and my name is nevor mentioned, you and other f rienda wiü say that I have been wise. And now, my dear, good friend, putting aside all ideas of my beiug a candidate for the Presidency under any circumstances, aud simply regarding me as your old associato and friend, as I wish always to be, I am, etc , E. B. WASHBURNE. The New York Ilerald says the coldes: winters on record in the United States within the last 100 years were those o 1780 and 1816. In 1780 the I)ela ware river, Bay of New York, and Long Island Sound were so conipletely ice-bound as to becrossed with horaes and sleighs, Tho ooldest year was that of 1816, in whioh there was ico in orery month of the yoar. It is notable in the Hst of centonarían that is being oollected in the oentonuial period, how large a proportion are Irish ind how many more women than men are in the list. Both facts are in accordance with statistics that have been ob;ained by life aasurance companies. Twoed's attornevs and boudsmen ïave brought suit against other mi'in)ers of tho King, asking that all except Tweed be compelled to refund, and asking that a Iteceiver of all claims against thoin be appointed. Tho City, County, Attornoy General, corporatiou counsel, and others are made deftmdants. Oor. Tildón has refusod to pardon Rtokos.


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