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State News Brevities

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- A wildcat was recently killed near t, Johns, weighing 20 pounds, and íaving tuska an inch long. - $,'0,000 ti yoar is tlio reported cost oí' supporting thu eiglit churdum at Hint. - The Methodist church at Pine jnkc, Kent County, was burned on the 5th inst. Loss $2,000, with no iusuranco. - Tho marine reports give the numjer of lives lost uu the upper Lukes during 187) aa ")9. - Financial ombarrassment has eausod Plymuuth Church (Congregationul), Adrián, to accept the resignation of a very popular pastor, Rov. (ïoo. K. Merrill, aud the tomporary siitipension of Suudny services, excopt tho Suuday school. - Dr. Cady'8 barn at Niles was firod on Friday uight, and soveral attempts made to lire other buildings. - Sylvester Otto, tireman in Needatn & Wilson's saw-niill at Dayton, Berrien Couuty, was killed on Friday nigbt last by John Glover, a miller. A quarrul about flour and a debt. - Wonderly fc Co., lumber dealers al Grand Rapids and Iudianapolis, have suspended, and asktul an extensión ol ther creditor8. Their liabilities are $210,000 - Judge Brown, of the United States District Court, Detroit, has pone to Memphis, ïenn., to hold court for Judge Ëtninons. - Dr. Brodie, of Detroit, had a buffalo robo stolen on Saturday last : which may have invited the disagreeable colc snap whioh followed. Let the nex' sneak-thief steal eomething else. - M. H. Clark, of the Grand Rapids Democrat, has bought out the third interest of his partner, James Davis, anc now " runs the masheen " alone. - The Ladies' Library Association o Owosso was in luck on New Year's day A present of a valuable lot on Exohangi street, from Messrs. O. L. and O. B. Williams. - The Ladies' Library Association oi Port Hurón, has accuuiulated, in ten years, 2,000 volumes, and a building fund of 12,400. - Tho water works of Kalamazoo have been run for the last eiyht years at an average cost of f26,837. 50 per year. - Up to and including the 24th day of December, the liquor sellers of Jack8on county had generously contributec $13,105.60 to the public treasury. - The annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Acoepted Magons if) to be held at Grand Rapids on the 25th uit. - And now Three Rivors has struck a coal voin 12 inches thick. - The Mexican war veterans aro to meet in convention at Jackson on the 20th inst., at 2 1-2 o'olock P. M. - 20,000 salmón fry have been depos iteded in the River State Fish Coinmissioiior Jerome. - Saginaw roports of last Sunday say " There was a heavy rain storm this af ternoon, the grass growing and weather warm. Logs aro running down the streams, which are all free trom ice, anc lumbcrmen are despondent. Naviga tion is opon, and boats are moving on the river." It is probably different now - " Muskegon Lake ngain frozen ovor, and ice in Lake Michigan. That was on the lOth inet., or Mandalast'. -There was a $14,000 fire at Eas Tawas on Sunday morning last. Th losses include a span of horses, - burnec alive. - According to the Allegan Journa a surveying party was to gather in a l)etroit on Monday last, to commenc the preliminary survey for that ship ca nal. - A few evonings since two tramp attacked and nearly killed lieo. Hallock a farmer of Pavilion,Kalamazoo couaty in his barn, and made their escape. -The First National Bank of Detroi now opens at 10 o'clock a. m., and close at 3 o'clock P. M., by the approval of it depositors. Other banks talk of makinj the same hours. - And now no iron doors shut in the boys at thu Eeform School at Lansing - Jackson papers report every case o scarlet fever by order of the board o health : the policy of which is botl doubtful and arbitrary. - There is to be a poultry show a Masón on the 14th and löth, under the auspicies of the Ingharu County Farm ers' Club.


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