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- The Chronicle wants a " class fountain." - The seniora have elected Eobert Young class orator, vire S. V. R. Trowbridge resigned. - The next Suuday afternoon lecture in Universily Hall is to bo givou by Judgo Cooley. - Lorenzo Davis, Jr, of ", is in Uakland, Cal , teaching. - Archio Brown, of '7-, is managing Editor of the Cmoinnati Gazelle. - " The Millennium " was the subject of Prof. Tyler's discourse in Uuiversity Hall ou Suuday aiternoon last. - P. II. Hanus, sophoinoro, has presentod somü line speciinons of lead ore to tho íátudeuts' Sciontiflc Association. - The Chronicle says that Ben Cabio brought home six live young alligators from Florida, where ho liad boen to spend his holiday vaoation. -O, C. Simonda, sophomore, read a paper before the Studonts' Scieutific Society, on Saturday last, giviug goological aud historical facts of Long I'oint. - The Btudents played at foot-ball on the campus ou Saturday afternoon last. Tally that for the benefit of the next generation's "oldeat inhabitant." - A " Fellow-Medic" cuts his class-men to the raw in the last Chronicle. " Seed," " boor," " pill," "dead-beat," "a3S,"are a few epitheta he says they have won, - some of thera. - Dr. Cocker is to preach the dedicatory sermón of a new M. E. Church at Walled Lakii, Oakland Co., to-morrow. -Prof. Harrington has a work of about 200 pages in press, entitled " The Identification aud Microscopical Examinatiou of Crude Drugs and other Vegetable Products." - The suniors now háve their animal attaok of the photograph inania, and meetings and discus8ions consume ali their spare time. - -The coming junior hop ia the next excit ing eveut,- so f ar as heard f rom. The invitation tickets are to cost $125, and everything else in proportiou. Cui bo?io f -Prof. Cheever failed in the middle of his lecture on Tuesday, and has not appeared behis olass since. It is feared that he will be unable to proceed with his lectures. - Wm, S. Andrews, the accomplished humorist, will dehver one of his pleasant and mirthiul lectures before the Students' Lecture Association, in University Hall, Saturday, (tomorrow) eveningJanuafy 15. Subject - "Diaalect Humor." - The newly elected officers of the Alpha Nu Literary Society of the University are : President, James H. McDonald, Ann Arbor ; vice president, John B. Johnson, Kokomo Ind ; secretary, Edwaid A. Halsoy, Chicago, III. ; treasurer, Andrew Whitehead, Coldwator ; senior critic, Heury S. Harris, Ypsilanti ; junior critic, Melanchton L. Woolaey, Ann Arbor ; librarían, A. J. Norton, Ooldwater ; assintant librarían, Henry Clay McDougall, Ypsilanti. We invite attention to the several prospectuses of our daily exchanges found intlns issue of the Aeous. ' " Jj The New York World is a vigorous and persistent advocate of hard money, home rule - the coustitutional right of the States to regúlate their own internal affairs, and a tariff for reveuue alone, as well as a determiued opponent of all subsidies and rings. It is a paper the Democracy of the country can tie to. The Detroit Free Press is, of course, the leading Democratie daily, and weekly as well, in this State. lts daily issue is a live netospaper, both State and general, and its weekly is popular both in town and country, for its general good quahties, its commercial and agricultural features, and ita genial, gushmg good humor. The Free Press (weekly) and the Aimhjs for $3. The Detroit Tribune fully sets forth its peculiar points in its prospectus. It is a live State paper, generally fair politically, but not enough so to suit the most radical Republicans, - say those of the " rale oíd Chandler stripe." We sort o' like the Tribune. The New York Sun is an independent, bush-whacking, cut and thrust paper, don't care a - ■ - continental who it hite, and will pitch into anything or anybody it pleases- especially Graut and his special friends. The modest Detroit Post has not drawn on U3 for advertising space, bat we venture to Bay that it is a capital Journal- of its class, ably edited and keeping well up in all State matters. It ie radical to the extreme, sees another war of rebelliou in the near distance, and cau't rest o' uights for fear the Uatholics will tet possession of the public schools. In fact, it can see no good in the Democratie party and is just the paper for Republican hardshells. It is an excellent literary paper. If it wants any other points brought out we shall probably hear from it. If Demócrata really wish to know whatgenuine Kepublicanism is let them take the Post. Terma same as the other Detroit morning dailies. The New York Evening Post, the prospectus of which appeared gome weeks ago, though calliug itself Republican is essentially independent, being or hard money, a revenue tariff only, honest government - local and general, opposed to subsidies, and also to the centraliziug tendencics of the party in power. As a literary and family daily it has no superior. See prospectus heretofore published. The Detroit Evening News continúes as lively as ever, and makes condensation in all departments a hobby, fit is a little too sensatioual for solid diet, but that is what makes it sell. $4 a year by mail ; 12 cents a week by carrier. It has a large list in this city. J. E. Scripps & Co., publishers.


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