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Probate Court

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The rollowing business has been trausacted by the Probate Court during the past week : Estáte of Beniajain Pryor, deceased; order for liruring aceouut of executors; day of hearing Jan 28th. Estáte of James G. Daucer, minor ; order for hearing guardian's account ; day of hearing Jan. 28th. Estáte of N. Follett, deceascd ; notice to credjtors publislied ; claims tobe heard March 20 and June 20, by E. P. Allen and J. G: Crane, commissioners. Estáte of Silas Wheelock, deceased ; order for hearing final account of adniinigtrator ; day of hearing Feb. 8th. Estute of Ann Hammond, insane ; petition for license to sell real estáte ; day of hearing Feb, 8th. Estáte of Daniel B. Kellogg, deceased; pdtltion for appointment of au aduünistrator ; day of hearing Jan. 31st. Esiate of Lucy Stevens, deceased ; notice to crediturs published ; claims to be heard April 8 and July 8, by V. R. Peck and J. F. Spattbrd, commissioners. Estáte of Uriah LeBaron, deceased; order for hearing final account of administrator ; day of hearing Feb. 9th. Estáte of William H. Smith, decoased; notice to creditors published ; claims to bc heard April 1(1 and July 10, by J. Kitchen and B. Lambió, conimissioners. Estato of James Hughes, deceascd ; petition for uppuintment of an administrator ; day oi hearing Estates of Lyman and Milton Pettibone, deceased ; lieensegranted to sell real estáte; dav of sale Feb. 2'Jth. Estáte of Ulrich Laubengayer, deceased ; license granted to solí real estáte ; day of sale March lst. Estáte of Samuel A. Morgan, deceascd ; notice to creditors published ; claims to be heard April 10 and July 10, by David Wilsey and Andrew Campbell commissioners. Kstate of Elizabeth Holden, deceased; petition for probate of will ; day of hearing Feb. 7th. Estáte of Milau Kidder, deceased ; will admitted to probate. Ksl ato of Lucy B. Stevens, deeeased ;.will admitted to probate, and Junius fcihort appointed executor. Estáte of Ann E. Hammond, insane; Albert E. Hammond appointed guardián. Estáte of Samuel A. Morgan, deceased; William 1'. Fanning appointed administrator.' Estáte of William H. Smith, deceased John Huston, 2d, appointed administrator.