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Dr. King'8 New JDiscovery. For the cure of Consumption and all discascs tliat lead to it, auch as stubborn Coughs, ueglecfced Colds, Bronchitis, Asthnia, pain in the side and chest, and all disoases of the Throát and Lungs. Dr. King's new Discovory has no equal, and has established for itself a world-wide reputation. Physiciaas rocoinmend it iu their practice. The formula froni wlrich it is prepared is highly reeommended by all Medical Journals. The Clergy and the Press recommend it in the must glowing lerms. If you would bc spccdily cured, go to your druggist. L. S. Lerch, and get a bottlc and your cure ia certain. Trial bottles fice. 1554 9th Annnal Itednction Sale. Por the neit 30 day we will close out our stock of Overcoats, Suits, Pants aud Vests, Gloves and Mittens, Undershirts and Drawers, Neck Scarfs etc., at greatly reduced prices. This is the opportuuity to pu reliase goods C'heap. Goods marked iu plain figures 50 that all can see this is no suain 1eduction. JOK. T. JACOBS & Co.. Bank Block, Ann Arbor, Mich. Jauuary IS, 1870. 15(ig The l'eople Want I'roof. There is no. medicine prescribed by physicians, or aold by Druggists that carriea such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Boschee's Gekman Syeup for severi! Coughs, Cold's settled on the lircust, OonshinptliTO, or any disaas of the Throat and Lungs. A proof of that fact is that any peraon afnicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular slze at 75 ceuta. It has lately been introducod in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are astonishing everyoue that uso it. Tluec doses will rclicveany case. Try it. Sold by Euükbacii & Co. For Kansas and Colorado. The Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Bailroad from Kansas City and Atchison on the Missouri river, via Topeka, the Capital of Kansaa, and the beautiful Arkansas valley to the Rocky Mountains. The shortest route to Pueblo, the Grand Canon, Colorado Spriugs, Manitou, Piko'siPeak, and all places of iiotcin the mountaln regions. The favorite route to Denver and all points in Northern Colorado The best route to Southern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. The ouly direct route to the fauioiw San Juan mines. The track and equipment is unequaled, trains run through from the Missouri river to the Rocky Mountains, making connections in Union depots and avoiding delays and transfers. For full descriptive circulars, inaps, time tables, te., address T. J. ANDEE80N, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Topeka, K ansas. Clearing Out Sale of lry ...oils. C. H. Millón & Son have begun their anuual cost sale. They have marlcod all goods at cost prioes. This sale will continue only through the month of January. Silks, dress goods, cloaks, shawls, hosiery, underwear, gloves, lacos, blwnkets, flannols, prints, and sheetiugB. Kverything at cost for thirty days only. Cali early and secure bargains. die r. In Oiis city, Jan. 8, 1R7C, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. F. A. HUI, II. Randolph Wuiik, aged ijl yoars. COMME R CÏAL_T Aun Arbor Market. Ann Abbob, Thuosuay, Jan. 13, 1876. Apflkh- 4l)c tO fiOc por bu. Ukans- $1 00 per bu. Bütteb - 20c. Beef- $6@7 Der hundred. Cohn- 40c to 45 c. per bu. Chiokbns- 30@50c per pair ; dreesed 9c per lb. Jiaofl- Command 22c. Hay- $I2@15perton. Labd- ThemHrketstaniJsat 13c. l Oats- Old, 30c ; new 26c to 28c. Pobk- $7.007.6ü per hundred. Potatoks- 20 cents. Tubnipb - 20@25c. Wheat- $1.00; new, 81.15. NEW" ADVERTISmENTS DEALEB IN ANTHRACITE&BITUMINOUS Coal of all Sizcs, Also, alwaye haB on hand Cord and Stove Wood, at reasonable pricea. No. 50 Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WINSLÖW BROS., 32 EAST HURON STREET, DEALERS IX Picture Frames, Brackets AND VIOLIN STEINGS. 1568 ROOT'S GARDEN MANUAL Is filled with topics of interest to evey owner of a garden- Is Pointed, Practical and I horimcl,, and contains one-half as much as $1.50 buoka on the subject. GARDENERS throughout the country mimend ite practical labor-saving methods as invaluable to them f-Sent for 10 cents which will bc allowed on the nrst order for seeds. Address, J. B. ROOT, Seed Grower, !_ Kockford, 111. g MANHOOD: How Lost. How Eestored ! Just publíahed, a new edition of Ir. Culvervoll Celebra, teel Essay on the iiadical ure (without medicine) of Spermatorbhíea or eminal weaknoss, Involuntary Seminal Losaea, mpotency, mental and Physical incapacity, Imedimenta to marriage, etc. , aleo, Consumption, pilepay and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or xual extrayagance, &c. KéjT Price, in a sealed envelope, only bíx centa. The celebrated author, in this admirable Eseay, early demonatratet, from a thirty years' success'ul practice, that the alarraing conaequenceö of selfU8e may be radirally cured without the the danreroua uae of internal medicine or the application the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once nple, certain, and effectual, by meana of whioh every Bufferer,no matter what his condition may be, may cure himaeif cheaply, privately, 8 nd radicaïly. KST" This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every raan in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain enye opa, to any addreas, po8t-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stampa. Addreas the publishers, F. BRÜUMAN & SON. I I A un St., New 1Tork,Poat Office Box, 4586. Vy A. LOVKJOt, TOBAOCON IST, DEALS IS FINE CÜT & SMOKING TOBAMOS SiVÜFF, PIPES, ETC., No. 7 Easti Hurón Street, Next to the Express ollice, ANN AUBOB, . . MICHIGAN. LONGFELLOW. A Superb Iife-size portrait of the poet LOHGFELLOW ivill l sent with the ATLANTIC MOMTHI.Y for 18TG to any pcrsoii remitliiig SS. 00 to the Fublisbers. THE PBOGKAMME OF THE Atlantic for 1876 Includes contributions from the ablest and best writers in the country, LONGFELLOW, LOWELL HOLMES, and WIIIXTIEK, will furnish, as hitherto, their latest and best productions to the public through the Atlantic. WARNER and ALDRICH will write of Eastern and Continental Travel ; GEN. H0WA1ÍD will give his recollections of Gettysburg and other famous battles of the War ! and MARK TWAIN will contribute some of his inimitable pa pers. MR. HOWELL'S story, "Private Theatricals,' MES. KEMBLE'S " Old Woman's Gossip," and MR ADAMS' papers on Railroads will be among the special features of this year, and new attractions wil be constantly added. TERMS : Single or specimen numbers, 35 cents. Yearly subscription, $4.00, postage fkee; with life-sszo portrait of Longfellow, S5.00. Remittances by mail should be sent by a money, order, eraft on New York or Boston, or registerad letter to H. O. Houguton & Co., Riverside Press Cambridge, Mass. 2w H. 0. H0ü(JHLT0N;& CO., Boston. HURfl & HOUGHTON, New York. $40,000, WELL LOCATED Toledo Property, FOK SALE OH EXCHANOE. Will take as oue-third payment, Keal Estáte in Ann;Arbor or vicinity, either farms, tiinber lauda or houses and lots, Balance of payments on the Toledo property will be easy. Is locatcd uear terminus of the Narruw Gauge Uailway, Wolcott Bros. Tuledo, Ohi, January 7th. p 1 1 1 : 1 1 ■: 1 1 UU'S THE CHEAPEST OLDER THAN THE OLDEST ! llis shop was first started in 1842. WANTED- 1,000 cords of wood, 1,008 bushels of tiiat quality of corn In exehaoge for Saddlcs, Harness, Trunks, Traveling Bags, Robes, Blankets, Whins, and Buckskin Gloves and Mittens. I will sell single harnesses from 9S to $100 halters froju 20 cents to $2 00 ; truks and satchels,' for the next 30 days, at cost. Harnesses, Trunks and Bags repaired at No 9 Eaat Hurou street. J. VOLLAND. Ann Arbor, Nov. 18, 1875. 1557m3 $5,000 lYATEl). PROPOSALSwillbereceivednpto and inclua. in({ the 20th day of Janury, for $5,000 on the 8 per cent coupon bonds of School District Ne. One of the Oity of Ann Arbor, intereBt pnyable annually, and the principal payable Feb lat, 1881. Sealed bidfl ahould be addreased to the undersifcned' and indorsed " PropoBal for School District Loan " 1S62W4 PHIL. BACH, Treasurer.' Uated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 24, 1875. '