Real Estate Sales

The following transactions in raal estáte have heeii recorded ia the office of the Kegister of Deeds, tor Washtenaw County, during the past week : Alvin Maun to Elizabeth A. Lee, lot no. 247, Harwood's addition to Ypsilanti. 8450. Mary A. Brooks to Edward J. Brooks, half interest in 10 acres off seetion 2, Sylvan. $75. Francis Bly to John Day, 6 1-2 acres off seetion 13, Augusta, $140. Johu O. Self to Sarah' F. Selfe and Mary D. Hunter, 40 acres off seetion 15, Shuron. $1,400. E. W. Morgan to F. L. l'arker, lots 1, 2, and 3, in block ü south, range 7 east, Maynard & Morgan's add., and lot 2, block 7 south, range 12 east, Land Go.'s addition to Ann Arbor. $1,200. Maria D. Spoehr to August Defrees, lot 4 south, rauge 1 west, W. S. AIaynard'8 add. to Ann Arbor. $800. Jas. Rilland to A. W. Britten, 82 1-2 acres off seetion 10 and 11, Sharou. $3,200. Marcus H. Itow to Frederick Schaible, 11 acres off seetion 2, Manchester. $550. Joseph McMahon to Frederick Schaible, 40 acres off seetion 3, Manchester. W. K. Howett and W. Burtless to Enoch Cook, lot and building on north side of Joil'ursou st., Manchester. $1,500. The season for Coughs and Colds is upon us. Dr. King's New Diacovery is the great Specific of the day. For sale by all druggists.
Register of Deeds
Old News
Michigan Argus
Alvin Mann
Elizabeth A. Lee
Mary A Brooks
Edward J. Brooks
Francis Ely
John Day
John O Self
Sarah F. Selfe
E. W. Morgan
F. L. Parker
Maria D. Spoehr
August Defrees
James Gilland
A. W. Britten
Marcus H. Row
Frederick Schaible
W. R. Hewett
W. Burtless
Joseph McMahon