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The Weekly World

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HAVE YOU A DOLLAR ? FOR ONE DOLLAR We will send, Postage-Paid, ONE YEAR. 1. Tl c'ontálns A 1,1. 1 1I K lVKWSof the past eren days, collectod by the gent ajjdeorreepon. icniH of Ui New York Wori.d, and la fullness, accurcy and enterprue in thia respect is une. 9 2? 'lts AGRICCI.TVRAI, nEPABTMENT contains the latest news of farm experiment! at home and abroud contrlbutions by home and fo.eign writcr, full reporta oí the Farmers' Club of the American Iiitinit;, and quotations of valuablo aud iuterestng artiek-s appearing n the agricultunl wi'i-klii-s ;i[iJ Hiaiiaziui-s. S. lts ;HA1;1-: NEWS, t which atti-ntlon is specially callrd, Is a feature which can befound n DO Other paper. All tlm nsources at the comniand of a grat metropnlitan newspapcr are employed ij: ite eoUéctlon :md ivvilt isapage cach weck where the members may flnd a complete record of tbwi.rk of the order in erory State in the Union for the past seren days. ín addltion to thu weekly recort, The Wojii.d gives the cream of all the local erange papers in evory State. This department is and will continue t" 6e inxlr-r thè charge "f "!■ of the active mcmtiors of order. 4. For the FIKKSIUli UKPARTMEIIT, In addltion to ts other attratitions, such as poetn niisci'llany, humorous extracis, &(;., rlurinK the coming yetr, there will be not lesa than one huudrei short talrs by the h'st writnrs of fletion in Kgiand and America. 51 The ÏTInrket Keports brought down to the hour of puhlicatlon, are the brat t ht ■ can bc made. Kach niarlccl is reported bv onc whose special knowlodge and training hini the bw, atithority upon that subject in the United States. I'or accuracy and complétenos the market reporta oí Tuk Wokld are unrivaHnl. ' The World is not only the best but the cheapest newspaper eTer offeri the farmer." SEMI-WEEKLV (104 Sos.l 12 A YEAR. Bally (313 o.„ lOper Year, Specimen copies sent upon applisatlon. Addrtss " THE WORLD. 35 Park Row, New York,


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