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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TE. JIcFARLAND, Surgical and MeJ chanical Dentist, corner of Maiu and Hurón rtreets (Jaekson's oíd stand). Great pains taken in all operations ntrusted to ray caje. Prfoea to suit the times. AU work warranted. Teeth extracted without pain. Office hours : 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 8:30 P. M. JA MES WIcMAHOW, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Office in JIcMahon's Block, Annstreet. WH. JTACKSON, Dentist. Office corner Main and Washington streets, over Bnoh & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Midi. Ansesthetics ad ministered if required. CGEORGG, M. D., Physieinn and Sur seou. Office and refidence No. 7 Washington Street, four doors east of Main, Ann Arbor, Mioh. EIJGENE K.. FRCEACFF, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Oommissioner of Deeds for Pennsylvania. Conraltation in the Gorman or Enfflish language. Otfice Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. Et IA II K, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Will loan money for others on real estáte security Office over No. 8, Huron street, Ann Arbor, Mich, I1VES & WORDEN, 20 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich., wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Caipcts, and Groccries. MACk fc SCHMID, dealers in Dry Goods, Grocenes, Crockery, etc, No. 54 South Main street. BACH : ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries. etc, No 26 douth Main ttreet, Ann Arbor, Mich. ín. WAGNER, dealer in Eeady-made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trunks, Carpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main street. JF. SCHAEBERL.E, teacher of the PI. ANO. V1OLIN AND GUITAR. Residence ?outheast corner Main and Liberty strets, Ann Arbor, Mioh. _ TOAH W. CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in the Probate Office, Ann Arbor Mich. nVERYBODY SA.iTS REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arber. 28 East Huron Btieet, up stairs. u. b. coie7 ANTHRACITE& BITUMINOUS Coal of all Sizes, Aiao.alwoyshason hand Cord and Stove Wood, at reasonable prices. No. 60 Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. WINSLOW BROS., 32 EAST HURON STREET, DEALEKS IN Picture Frames, Brackets AND VIOLIN STEINGS. 156S MOOT & GBAHGER, General Law & Business Agency. Having secured the exclusive use of EOOT'S ABSTRACT RECORD BOOKS for the county of Washtenftw, which they have sarefully revised, posted and parfected, and ha ving, irith an extensive and reliablebusiness correspondence, opened a GENERAL BUSINESS AGENCY at o. 26 East Huron street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the sale, purchnse and leasing of real estáte, Ihe loa mug of money, oollections, negotiations, contracting and conveyanoing, life and fire iusurauce, and to the practice of law in the varioua oourts oyhb Stóte RQ0Tt B. F; GBANGEB.' Ann Arbor, May 1, 1675. THE AlfN ARBOR SAVIIVGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards an allows Five per cent. interest on all deposits remaining three months or longer. Interest Compounded Semi-Annually. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exehange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, or any other part of the European Continent. This Bank is oiftanized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stoekholders are individually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositora, while Irith Banks of issue, the capital is invested for the security of bill-holders. This fact makes this Institution a very safe depository of monies. Married Woinen can deposit subject to their own drafts only. inoney to Loan on Approved Secnrities. DIItECTORS: S. Smith, C. Mack, W. W. Wines, E. A. Beal, W. D. Harriman. D. Hiscock, W. Deubel. OFFICERS: E. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't C. E. Hiscock. Teller. THE NEW ENGLAND RANGE with Elevated Hot Closet, combining all the latest, most valuable and econoraical iniprovenients in Cooking Ranges. The new MORNINC CLORY beautifully mounted, and acknowledged to be one of the leading flrst class Cook Stoves. THE WOODL&ND COOK A new first class Wood Stove ; for a low priced stove it cannot be beat. It has all the modern improvements. The above stoves all have the new Patent Dilfusive OvcnFlues, by which the oven is sure to be evenly heated at all times, makine thein the most perfect Bakers in the market. The LEVER CLOTHES WRINGER Is a perfect success. Every lady who use a wringer should get one at Pease's. Those 40 reasons for getting Weed's Carpet Sweeper are yet good ones. Galvanized ibon Toilet Sets, are certainly the most durable. My Portable Batli Tubs are the best and eheapest and should be Indispensable. Those metal Water Fliters every fainily should get oue at 6. J. PEASE'S. 4 6 Soul ii naiu Street. rpo LOAN. From $1,000 to $2,000, On good unincuinbered Farm Property. Inquire at the law office of A. J. SAWYER, Ann Arbor. $5,000 WANTED. PROPOHATS will be received up to and including the 20th day of January. for $5,000 on th 8 per cent coupon bonds of School District Ne. One, of the City of Ann Arbor, interest payable annually, and the principal payable Feb lat, 1881. Sealed bids should be addressed to the underiitnied, andiadorted " Proposal for School District Loan." 1562w4 PHIL. BACH, Treaiurer. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 24, 1875. RAILROADS. MIClHtíAN CENTRAL BAILROAU. NOVBMBEE 21, 1875. QOING WEST. BTATIOK8. ï & á& g II ? P ? l_Ë__r_ AH A M P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M Detroit, leave, 7 00 1 30 2 60 4 00 6 40 Ij 00 WayneJunction, 7 Í7I1117 3 32 4 53 6 37 10 60 ïnaüanti 8 32J11 40 3 50 5 27 7 04 11 10 ÍSffi, 8 57 11 H413Í 45 7 45 11 27 Dexter 9 20 4 35 6 10 8 10 Chelsea, 9 40 4 63 6 23 8 30 Graas Lake, 10 04 6 49 9 00 - - Jackson, 10'37 'l 10 5 45 7 15 9 30 12 50 Kalamazoo, 2 05 3 32 12 26 3 03 Chicago arrive, 810 9 00 7_00_8JC OOINO EA8T. _ á -1 ■ á fa W nu u Q u j, W m 4 íí S? 5 & $_ 5_? A.M. !a. M. P.M. P. M. A. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 SO 5 16 J 00 - - Kalamazoo, j10 50'm W 85 i 30 Jackson, 3 42 '"oÓ 12 42 4 55 9 50 %%L" SS= g= ISÏSS Dextei 3 25 8 18 6 08 10 55 Ann Arbor 3 52 4 53 8 37 2 00 6 28 11 15 Yürilanti 4 20 6 10 8 55 i 2 20 6 48 11 30 W .vne 4 45, 6 28! 9 23 2 40 7 08 11 47 DetroTt! arrive, 6 45 1 6 l6ll0J5Jj_30__800il2JP ♦Sundays excepted. JSaturday ana Sunday excepted. tüaüy. WM. B. STR0NG, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago. H. B. LED YARD, Aast. Gen'l Supt. Detroit. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1LR0AD. GOING WK8T. -1875- GOINO EAST. "staÏions. Mai.. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Mi p_ M_ Detroit, dep... 7:00 5:40 Ypnilanti.... 8:32 7:04 Bankera 5:20 2:05 Saline. ... 9:30 7:40 Hillsdale .. 5:45 2:15 Bridgewater.. 9:55 8:15 Manchester.. 8.87 3:58 Manchester. 10:20 8:22 Bridgewater 9:10 4:17 P.M. Saline 9:30 4:35 Hillsdale l:0 9:57 Ypsilanti.... 11:00 5:05 Bankers. .. 1:15 10:05 Detroit 12:30 6:15 Trains run by Chicago time. To take eflect Nov. 21,1875. W. F. PARKER, Snp't, Ypsilanti. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Gonrt. Circuit Judge Hon. Geo. M. Huntington . Prosecuting Attorney Robert E. Frazer Reporter Thomas I. Daniel Terms- The flrst Tuesday in January ; third Tues-" dayin Mareh ; third Tuesday in June, and fourth Tuesday in Octobor. Probate Conrt. Judge of Probate Noah W. Cheever. Probate Register Jes aM. Willcoxson. Regular terms- Every Monday. Counly Of ficers. Sheriff Michael Fleming. Clerk Peter Tuite. Register of Deeds .'. ..Emanuel G. Schaffer. Treasu er Stephen Fairohild. „ I John F. Lawrence. Circuit Court Commissioners j wülard Babbitt. City Off icers. Hayor Edward D. Kinne. Recorder .-- William A. Lovejoy. Treasurer ....Moses Rogers. Attorney ..- A. McReynolds. Marshal A. H. Herrón. 1 Richard Beahan. ... ƒ Chas H. Manly Justin [ Jas. McMahon. J Edward Clark. ÏConrad Krapf. Antón Bisele. Benjamin Brown. ) Geurge O. Arms, Superintendent8 of the Poor, [ Edward Duffy, ) T. K, Rexford, Regular meetings at the County House on the nrst Tuesday in each month, at 10 o'clook a m. Board of Education. President Elihu B. Pond. Secretary James B. GotlTreasurer Phüip Bach. Trustees- C. B. Porter, Patrick Donovan, M. L. D'Ooge, Bbenezer WellB, L. C. Risdon, Leonhard Gruner. Superintendent of Schools W. 8. Perry. CHIKCV DIBECÏOBT. BAPTIST- Catherine street, between Fifth and División streets. Services at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meetiBg, Thursdav evening at 7 o'ciock. Pastor -Rev. Samuel Haskell ; residence, 36 Thompson street. CONGREGATIONAL- Corner of State and William streets. Sabbath services at 10L a. m. and 7 p m Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. TastorRev H L. Hubbell; residence, 70 South State street. (Services teinporarüy suspended, except Sunday School held in the old Church). CATHOLIC (St. Thomas)- North street, between División and State. First Mass at 8 a. ïi. High Mass at 10K a. m. Sunday School at 2HP-M. Vespers at 7 pm. Pastor-Rev. F. J. Van Eep ; residence, 34 E. North street. - EPISCOPAL (St. Andrew)- División street, north of Catheriue. Sabbath services at 10 A. M. and 7 P m. Sunday School at 2% p. M. Service on Thursday evening and on the morning of all Holy Days. Héctor- Rev. Wyllis Hall ; resideuce, 29 N. State street. GERMÁN METHODIST- Corner of East Liberty and División streets. Sabbath services at 10J4 a. m. and 7 P M. Sunday School at 9 a. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Pastor-Rev . í red. Esslinoee; residence street. LUTHERAN- Covner of First and Washington streets. Sabbath services 10 a, m. and 7U p. M. Sunday School at close of morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. PastorRev. H Reothee ; residence 24 Fifth street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL-Corner of State and Washington streets. Sabbath services at 10 A. M. and 7 pm. Sunday School at close of morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. YToung peoples' meeting Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. I. N. Elwood; residence, 46 Washington street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Colored)- Fourth street north of Pontiac. Sabbath services at 10K a M and 7 p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday eveDing at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. Chas. H. Wabd. PRESBYTERIAN- Corner of Hurón and División streets. Services at ia]4 o'clock a.m. and 7 p. M Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Young peoples7 meeting Sunday evening at 7 o clock. Pastor-Rev. F. T. Bkown; residence, 21 East Lihertv street. Unitabian- Corner of Ann and Fifth streets. Sabbath services at W]4 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School atter morning service. Students' class at 2.45 p.m. Pastor- Rev. C.H. Bkigham; residence, 48 East Ánn street. Zion LUTHERAN-Corner of Washington and Fifth streets. Sabbath services at WA M. and 7 p m Sunday School at close of morning service. Praver meeting Wednosdny evening at 7 o clock Pastor- Rev H. Belseb ; resideüce, Ann street. STUDENTS' CHRIsflAN ASSOCIATIONMeeting in University Chapel at 9 o'clock A. M. on Sunday, 6:45 o'clock P. m. on Wednesday, and 6:45 o'clock p. m. on Friday of each week. Readmg Room of the Association open on Sunday from L to 5 p. M. SOCIETIES. ANN ARBOB COMMANDERY, No, 13, K. T.- .Tames Boyd, E. C, William A. Lovejoy, Recorder. Regular conclave the flrst Tuesday evening of each month, at 7 o'clock. WASHTENAW CHAPTER NO. 6, B. A. M - Jas Boyd, H. P. ; William A. Lovejoy, Sec. Regular Convocation the Monday evening on or belure the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, 262, F. & A. M.- Jay Roath, W. M. ; Charles A. Ohapin, Secretary. Regular Communication the Wednesday evening on or before the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. FRATERNITY LODGE NO. 262, F & A. M.- John P Little, W. M. ; Charles E. Hiscock, Sec. Regular Communication the Wednesday evening on or after the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARBOR ENCAMPMENT, NO. 7, I. O. O. F. Dr P . B. Rose, C. P. ; George Halier, fsenoe. Meets first and third Friday of each month. WASHTENAW LODGE NO. 9, I. O. O. F.- D. Allmandinger, N. G.; N. B. Covert, Sec. Meets Friday evening of each week at iy o'clock. ANN ARBOR LODGE. NO. 329, I. O. of G. T.- J.Sprague, W.C. T.; Sylvester Armstrong. W. S. Meets every Tuesdav evening, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARBOR KNIGHTS OF HONOR, NO. 3. -James Boyd, Dictator ; C. S. Millen, Grand Reporter. Regular meetings on the second and last Tuesday eveningsof each month. Nfe%V a day guaranted Dilng oor Wel! Pffjt% Auger &. Orllts. $100 & month Sn%m 1 pa lij to Rood AKi'nts. Auftcr book I rmmr J'1 Auger Co„ Bt.Luul,Mo.


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