Local Affairs
- H. J3. Rowlson, of tho Hillsdale Standard, gave us a cali on Saturday. - John McLean, late of the firm of Handv, Wurster & McLean, has removed to Bay City. - See advertisment of C. H. Richmond, assignee of E. J. Johnson, in another column. Now is the time to buy goods in that line. - We are indebted to Bro. Kittridge, of the Charlotte Republican, for copies of the Aegus dated August 9, 1838, and July 16, 1846. - L. C. Allen has taken the contract to furnish the material and build a new school house in district No. - , of York, to cost about f2,500. - L E. Slawson has been in the city during the last week, He can't keep away from his old haunts long at a time. - There is auother boy baby near the souih end of State street. The father is A. J. Sawyer, by professiou a lawyer. A great year for boys. - How a story grows as it travels: the Manchester Enterprise converts the iour CANS oí salmón fry planted in the Huron, above Dover Mills, into " four car loads." - Mrs. Mary O. Livermore will deliver her lecture entitled " Supei-fluous Women," before the S. L. A., in University Hall, ïhurgday evening, Jan. 27th. - On Friday afternoon last E. J. Johnsen, dealer in furs, hats, caps, etc., ou Main street, assigned to C. H. Richmond. The invoice of assets or liabilities has not yet been completed. - On Saturday last Justice McMahon fiued one Sylvan Burch $ó ándeoste for drunken" ness, and bound over Edward Cresson to keep the peace. - The Postmaster desires the public to nnderstand that he is not responsible ior the prompt sending of letters uuless they are deposited at the postofnce. Persons leaving mail matter anywhere else must take their own chances. -Grand Master Dean instituted a new Odd Fellows Lodge at Saline yesterday aiternoon aud eveniug. Members of the order were present from Aun Arbor, Manchester, York and Milan. - A third general meeting of the creditors of John K Müler and Stephen M. Webster has been called, to be held at the office of H. K. Clarke, Esq., Detroit, on the 14th day of February, at 10 o'clock A. h. - Ioternal Ravenue Collector Rowlson was in town on Saturday last, looking after " crooked whisky"- of Chicago issue. Said he 'got a smell" of ome, but fouud less in market than at Ypsilanti or Jackson. - If each subscriber to the Ar gtts will get his borrowing neighbor to subscribe he will confer a favor on both the neighbor and the Abgus, and besides know where his own copy is. - L. W. Briggs, of Dexter, hae been apjomted cashier of the Savings Bank of thia city, to enter on duty Feby. lst. Mr. B. is reported " a shrewd, caref ui, reliable business man." So the Dexter Leader says. - As H. Kittridge was working a tread power on Tuesday, the belt broke, the machine gigged back, and one horse was thrown overboard and considerably bruised. The other horee "kept step" until the machine was stopped by bloei ing up with sticks of wood. - Subjects of diseourse of Rev. C. H. Brighain in the Unitarian Ohurch on the next Sunday. Morning- " Confidence." Evening- Mohammed and his influence. Students' class at 9:30 a. m. -The Character of King Saul. - The Pontiac Gazette has 19 columns of advertisements, which gives Pontiac the name abroad of being a live town. Let our business men who read this item look at the lean columns of the Abous and draw their own coüclusions. - The widow of Volney Chapin, Sen., who lias resided in this city since 1833, died on Saturday evening last, aged 74 years, leaving one son, Charles A. Chapin, of this city, and one daughter, Mrs. S. S. Walker, of St. JohnsShe had the esteem of a large circle of friends- The Flint Globe has 21 columns of advertisements, represeuting every class of trade and manufacturers, professions, etc. How would the Abgus look with such advertising patronage? Live business men make live newspapers, and live papers give a towu a live name abread. - Messrs. Rinsey & Seabolt have purchased aBtripof land 12 teet wide, adjoining their store on the east, and as soon as spring opens will build thereon, at the same time raising their present store and putting in a new front. A flight of stairs will be put up in the center, but the two stores in front will be thrown together in the rear. - J. B. Steere, whose name is so familiar to this community, lectured on Monday evening tefore and for the benefit of the Ladies' Chantable Union. His eubject was "The Lower Amazon," and the scenery, inhabitants, animáis, etc., were discoursed of in a natural, asy, conservational style, which placed his hearers en rapport both with the speaker and the strange and wonderful things he described. The stories he told of the native Indians, their 'egends, etc., so similar to the Serman fables, ■ere peculiarly intereeting. The audience was not as large as the speaker deserved. - The ladies of the Congregational Church who are to give the " Ceutennial tea party" on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Jan. 25th and 26th, at the basement of the üuitanan Church, would be grateful to any of their friends who may have relies of ' by-gone days" and are willing to put them on exhibition, if ttiey would bring them to the church or leave them earlier in the day at the house of Chas Tripp, Huron St. The articles should be plainly marked with the leader's name, and it would add to the interest if the date of their earliest existence could be given . - In Mr. Steere's lecture on Monday iasi, ne tola ot a species of fish abounding W the waters of the Amazon whieh feed on trmts and grasa, eating no insects or smaller ish, and suggested that our State Fish Gomimssioner try to introduce thera into the watera "of our State. The thought suggested itselt to us that these fish would clean the growing grass of our small lakes and improve their appearance. But we wouldu't wager much on the experiment. - The (adjourned) annual meeting of Forest HUI Cemetery Company was held at the office ot the clerk on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock p. ji. The f ollowing officers were elected : President, J. Austin Scott; Clerh, Qeo. Granville ; Treasurer, Emanuel Mann ; Trustees, C. H. Milten and Philip Bach; Sexton, L. C. Eisdon. The Treasurer reported balance due him, advances on account of building, 1,709.74. The resources with which to meet the indebtedness consist.in the Iota on hand, the sale for which as not been very btisk during the fiscal year - A large house greeted McKee Rankin and company on Wednesday evening, and the rendering of " The Two Orphans " gave great satisfaction to all. Last evening " Kosedale " was brought out. We are glad to chronicle the success oí Company B. The boys deserved it. Our friend Mac, ot the Dexter l.endcr, who is generally level-headed, don't take much stock in free reading rooms, to be aupphed, he doubtless thinks, by böggiug newppapers and periodicals largely from the local publishers. This is the way he puts it: "The Manchester Enterprise and the Saline Oracle are sighing for a free reading room in their repective villages. If you have auy spare change, brothers, give it to the iirst tramp who comes along, and Iet those who want to read buy their own newspapers. Free reading rooms are sentimental delusions and don't amount to shucks as moral agencies." What is got for nothing is not likely to be appreciated. That is the idea. The Chelsea Ilerald is responsible for the following item of local news,- the first local news item we have been able to spot in its ocal columns, since a date to which our memory runneth not back : Fibe. - On Monday, Jan. 10, - Prof. Brown while instructing his class at the Chelsea Union School, saw smoke coming up through the floor at his feet. He hastened below and found, that in one of the rooms a stove standing near the partition, had made the wall so hot that the timber was set on fire. Assistance was called, and by promptly breaking through the outer wall the fire' was extmguished. It was a uarrow escape from a firstclass fire. The Circuit Court is still at work on the jury cases, but must close up to-morrow, as Judge Huutington lias to go to Jacksoa next week. - The stander suit of Mrs. Kastey against Lewis Lamborn, reported in last Aköus as on trial in the Circuit Court, resultad in a verdict of 8250 for plaintiff. - James Dolan was arranged in the Circuit Court on Tuesday, charged with knowingly uttenng a forged order at Chelsea, (pretended to be drawn by John Guthrie on Ed. McNamara), and plead not guilty. On Wednesday he withdrew his plea, plead guilty, and was sent up to Jackson for one year. And the boots were worth only $7.
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Dexter Leader
Ladies of the Charitable Union
Old News
Michigan Argus
H. B. Rowlson
John McLean
C. H. Richmond
Bro. Kittridge
L. C. Allen
L. R. Slawson
A. J. Sawyer
Mary Livermore
E. J. Johnsen
John F. Miller
Stephen M. Webster
L.W. Briggs
Rev. C. H. Brigham
J. B. Steere