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- President Angelí lectured at Marshall on Friday evening last, in the High School courae. Subject: "Alone or with the Majority." - The snnior clans is to he " done for " by Randall, of Detroit. He was f.wo votes ton m.iny for Revenaugh. - Prof. Watson has gone to Washington, to settle tho accounts of his transit ot Vomis oxpedition. - Prof. Cheever will uot beable to resume his lectures, and Dr. Ford will give his course on physioloffyi - The Htüinemann Society of the College of Homeopathy has elected the following ofticers : I'resident, J. O. Garinan ; Vice-President, J. Q. Baker ; Secretary, Juliet Caldwell ; 'freasurer, W. Doohttle, Jr. ; Critic, K. C Olin. - The " ilistinguished humorist " who appeared before the S. L. A., and a large audience on Saturd'iy evening last, proved to be a repeater of the well-known stories of other humorista. - Prof. Morgan, of the Homeopathie College, has been at Bridgeton, N. J., during the last week, as a witness in the trial ot Landis" for the murder of Carruth. Prof. Morgau was the attending surgoon. - It is understood that Prof. Walter, now absent in Europe, will ask leave of absence for another (his third) year, and that tho faoulty will assent to lts being granted, continuing Prof. E. Jones on duty. - The committee of the Regents appointed to unravel the knots in the laboratory finances and accounts, commenced their labora on Wednesday, and are asgisted by Richard Tregaskis, an expert accountant and book-keeper of Detroit, selected on the recommendation of Gov. Bagley and ex-Gov. Baldwiu. - Prof. Ford gave two lectures last week to the joint law and medical classes, the flrst in the law lecture room and the second in the medical lecture room, - on the anatomy and physiology of the brain. This week Prof. Palmer has given- or will give- two lectures to the joint classes,- on the mind and its diseases. - The February number of Scribner's Monthly has Prof. ïyler's excellent article on the University, with fifteen illustrations, includmg portraits of Dr. Williams, ex-Presidents Tappan and Haven, and President Angelí, views of buildings, grounds, etc., and a fine picture of " School Girl's Glen." - The Chicago Tribune's court report of the 13th inst., meutions Miss Terry, who graduated last spring in the law department : " Miss Perry was occupied in a mechanic's lien suit, involving some S-2,000, before Judge Williams. This is Miss Perry's flrst case in a court of record, and she shows herself well read and quite at home." - On Tuesday moruing a quiet old cow was found comfortably stabled in the lecture room of the Homeopathie College, and judging by appearances had made a night of it. With the help of the janitor, the butcher, and a volunteer corps of aids, she waa ejected and the room put in order. The b'hoys who coaxed her to matricúlate in that mstitution have not yet made themselves known. - Mrs. Livermore is to give the next lecture before the Students' Lecture Association, on Thursday evening next, the 27th inst. Subject: "Superfluous Women." Those who heard Mrs. Livermore two years ago will b sure to hear her agaiii, and those who did not should certainly give her a hearing now. She is a fine platform speaker, and better than that, despite her advocacy of woman suftrage, is a noble womau, ia sentiment and aetion. an honor to her sex. - As two " mutuiil " strangers met on the campus a few days ago, the oue accosted the other: "Is that the Homeopathy College ?" and the reply being in the affirmative, asked, " Do you go here ? " " Yes " being answered both passed on. The surprise of one stranger may be easily imagined at seeing nis informant (Prof. Jones) enter the lecture room a few minutes later, take the platforin, and proceed with his lecture. - Oue aiternoon last week there was so much noise and disorder during the lecture on Chemistry, that Dr. Douglas dismissed the class, and the next day all medical students were provided with admission tickets, and found a policeman at the door to let them in. They made some remarks not over-polite and expresaive of their indignation, but when Dr. Douglas appeared bofore the class, and announcedthat good order orno lectures was the ruJe thereaiter, order resigued for once. And now tickets have to be shown at all medical lectures. - ]S"otwithstandmg the many jibes indulged in at the expense of the'medical students, they claim to be better mannered than their neighbors in the law corner of the campus, and offer in evidence the fact that on the occasion of Dr. Ford's recent lecture in the law lecture room, the law students reserved no seats for their medical visitors, and besides made some uncourteous demonstrations ; while the medical students reBerved some 200 of the best seats in their lecture room at the second or " return " lecture. Tally one for the much abused medica. - At the medical clinic on Saturday last, Dr. Maclean performed one of the most important operations of the session. The patiënt who came from Omaha had a broken arm so set that the elbow joint was rigid and stiff, the arm standing out at a very inconvenient and uncomfortable angle. He designed to have it re-broken and re-set in another position, but Dr. Maclean preferred an operation that promises to créate a uew joint and restore the use of his arm. The arm was closely bandaged above the joint, with a rubber cord, the flesh laid open, and about an inch and a half of bone taken out of both the humeras and ulna. The operation was successfully performed. - Mr. Vincent was in very bad voice on Tuesday evening ; in fact, his voice couldn't have been worse if he had swallowed that London fog bo dear to all Englishmen ; nevertheless his lecture before the S. L. A. was an excellent one, giving a lively and ;picturesque account of life in England - in city and country, and drawing some humorous but just comparisons between the American and English climates, the American and English peoples, and American and English governments. Mr. Vincent is a radical but loyal Englishman, with a great love of America. He was frequently applauded, and his hearers sympathized with him in his severe cold and hoarseness. His trial was their loss.