Probate Court
The following business has been transacted by the Probate Court during the past week : Estáte of G-eorge Sutton, 2d, incompetent ; order for hearing account of guardián ; day of hearing Feb. 11. Estáte of Emraa L. Knight, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator ; day of hearing Feb. 16. Estáte of Harvey Rozier, deoeased ; petition for appointment of administrator de bonis non ; day of hearing Feb. 14. Estáte of Thomas Agin, deceased ; petition for appoiutment of admimstratoi ; day of hearing Feb. 14. Estáte of Parlia Phillips, deceased ; order for hearing final account of administrator day of hearing Eeb. 16. lístate of Lawrenco minors ; license granted to sell real estáte. Estáte of Edmund Blood, deceased ; notice to creditors published; claims to be heard April 18 and July 18, by Benj. Brown, Z. P. Ring, and Aretus Dunn, commissioners. Estáte of Wm. H. Smith, incompetent ; o der for hearing final account of guardián day of hearing Feb. 17. Estáte of Julius W. Blakesley, deceased ; petition for appointment of administrator de bonis non ; day of hearing Feb. 14. Estáte of Polly Hogers, deceased ; final account of executrix heard and altowecl. Estáte of John F. Weissenger ; final account of administrator heard and allowed. Estáte of Bussell Whipple, deceased ; final account of administrator reudered. Enolish Radicai Leadeks. By Eiehard J. Hinton. New York : G. P. Patnam's Sons. 12 mo.( 374 pages. This volume is the eecond of eight or ten entitled "Contemporary Statesraen of Europe," ndited by Thos. W. Higginson, and forming the first series of "The Library of Brief Biographies; " which, judgiDg from tlie one mider notioe, promises to be a welcome addition to any library, private or public. In the four parts of the bóok are passed suocessively in review, " The Iudependent Membern," " The Labor Agitation and its Friends," "Parliamentary Agitators," and "Popular Leaders." The sketches are vivid, earnest deliuerations of such men as Prof. Fawcett, Sir Charles W Dilke, Thomas Hughes, Anthony J. Mundella, Samuel Plimsoll, Charles Bradlaugh, Joseph Arch, and others : men who may and do differ as to ways and means, but whose great aim in life is the uplifting of and freeiug from oppression their fellow men. The definition of " What does Demooraoy mean 'i " as given by Thomas Hughes, might be studied with profit by some of our legislators : " Simply an equal chance for all ; a fair field for the best men let them stand where thoy will, to get to the front ; a clearance out of sham governors, and of unjust privileges in every department of human affairs." The rapid progress of the labor movement, and the near " advent of the power of the great body of the people, those who live by labor," cannot fail to impress every reader; while, at the same time, the moderation which expressly says, " We are not going to preach universal brotherhood with a rifle in one hand and a tract in the other, and do not believe it will be brought any nearer by violent changes in form of government," would 8eem to be a characteristic of most of the leaders. Lively pictures of Parliamentary debate are numerous, and matiy a member not numbered in the " Independent " ranks is limned in a half dozen peu strokes. The book ia thoroughly readable, and certainly valuable as an index of the state of English affaire. For sale by John Moore. Zell's Populak Encyclopedia and Ünirersal Dictionary of History, Biography, (Jeography, Science, Arts, and Language. New and revised edition. Edited by L. Colange LL. D. Philadelphia : Baker, Davis & Co. We have four more numbers of this valuable publication, one of the most popular, and therefore one of the best of encyclopedias. The letter A is oompleted in the flfth number, and the new matter under that letter commenced in supplementary pages (11 in number). Under letter B the eighth number reaches Blakeville. Multum im paravo may well be written on the title page of this work, and the looker af ter dry facts, historie, scientific, or general, will find them here and be put on the track of the best and fullest authorities. Fumished by carriers or agents at 50 cents a number and to be completed in 64 numbers. Complete in two handsomely bound volumes for $40. Edward Clark, General Agent, Kalamazoo. The following offioers of Bridgewater Grange, No. 330, P. of H., were publioly Installed on the afternoon of Saturday last : Master-J. M. Kress. O. - Joseph Liuden. L.-W. W. Hess. St.- Frank M. Palmer. Assist.- G. A. Gosenheimer. Chap.- Chas. H. Handall. Treas.- D. W. Palmer. Sec. - E. Bradner. G. K.- Mathias Reiser. Ceres - Mrs. Joseph Linden. Pomona- Mrs. D. W. Palmar. Flora- Mrs. J. M. Kress. Lady Ast. - Miss F. M. Palmer.