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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JE. ■UcFAIïrA'VU, Surgicnl and Mei chauiual Druist, corner of Main and Huron itreeta Jaeksua's old stand). Greatpains taken in all ojuratiuus eiitrusted io niy caae. l'rioes to auit tne tiuis. All work warranti'd. Teeth extraeted without pain. Office hours : 8 to 12 a, m.; 1 tu 6 p. M ; 7 to $:&) P. it. JAMi:% fflc.TIAIIflft, Attorney and Counselor at Law aad 8ollcUor Ín (Jhancery. Office in MeMahou 's liloek, Ann street. Wtf. JAOK8OW, Deniist. Office corner Miiiu aud Wanhinffton streets, over B-ich & Abel's htore, Ann Arbor, Mi h. Aueestlietics ad minidLered if iequired. COBORCie, M. D-, Physician and Sur ffeou. Office mid r Mdtnce Ño 7 Wiishinfrton street, tour doors eaut of Mum, Aun Arbov. Mich. EUL3K K. FKÜEACFF. Attorney at La, Xo nry Putilic aud ('omiui-'sioner of Deed-' for feiinsylvaniii. Connltntion m ihe Germán or Ëitvliah laiijfaage. ülfice HihV Opera House, Ann Arb r, Mich. ECLAKK, Jnstice of the Peace. Xotary P:ibiic and Conveyanc t. Will loan monpy for others on ieil e-.taie security Office over No. 8, Üuruii street, Anu Albor, Mich, ïïfVES & WOU DË, '20 South Main atreet, " Ann Ar hor, M ch., whoies ile mi retaii dealers in LKy ijjid, Uüip ;ts, nal ííroccries. MACK fc SCII.TIIO, dealers in Dry Goods. ijroueiies, Crocaery, ele-, No. 34 South -Mtin atreet. BCH A: ABET, dealera in Dry Gooda. GroO'-ries. etc, i$o "Jö south ilaiu ttrut, Ann Arbar, Mich. WSi WAOEll, dealer in Hearly-made Olotliing, Cloth, Cassimeres. Vestiu;a, Trunka, Curpet Bugs, etc, 21 öouth Main street. JF. SCHAE1IERLË, teacher of the PT ANO Vl'íLIN AXD GUITA ft. Reeiflence outhe'tst comer Main and Liberty streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. Y'AH W. CHEEYGB, ATTORNET AT LAW. OiBce in the Probate Office, Ann Arbor Mich. IVKKYBODY 8AV8 REVEN AXJ Gï EC IS THE IJoss PUotorapIior of Ann Arber. 28 Kast Huron at. eet, up stairs. IT. B. COLÉ," ANTHRACÍtT&ÍiTUMINOUS Coal oí all Sizes, Aiso, alwiiys luie on hmidCord and Öttive Wood, al ïeusonab c prices. Ko. 50 lluion Öt-, Aiin Art. or, Mich. WINSLOW BROS., 32EAST HL'ROX STREET, DK.W.MtS IN Picture Frames, lirackcts AND YIOLIN STEINGS. 1568 n UUT & GBANOEB, General Law & Business Agency. Llaving se.cured Ihe exeiuwve use of BOOTS ABSTRACT KECORD BOOKS tor the county of Waphenaw, which they hitve 3 trei'ully revi-ed, poeted mid partecttd, and ha ídk, (pith iii txtensive in-I reli.ib. e business cufreoyondenee, opened u. GENERAL, lilKvtNEfciS AGENt'Y at n. 2ö East Huron atreet, Ín the oify of Aon Arbür, will uitend m-omptly to Liie siile. pure Ir f e and le.isini; of real estalo, tlie loaning 01 money, colleo liona, aeffOtlntiond, contri. cling and conveyniicing, life an 1 Üie 11 sumí ce, and to the pmctice ol taw ia the variüus cuuits ot' thl stilte. TKACT W. R(JOTt 1Í. F; liHAÜüii. Ann Albor, May 1, 1875. THE ANX ARBOR SAVIIffGS BAIffK Aun Arbor, Michiaan. Receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards anc llluws Five per cent. interest on all deposits remainiug three montha or ïonger. Interest lompounded Semi-Annualiy. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. (iold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchange. Also sella Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Irkdand, Germany, or any other part of the European Continent. This Bank is oreanized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stoekholders are indiridually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital isseeuritj for depositors, while ï.ifli Hunksof issue, the capital isinvested forthe seïurltj of bill-holders. This fact makes this Instiutton a very safe depository of inonies. Married Women eau deposit subject to their owd lrafts only. .Humo to Loan on ipjtrovid Securltles. DIRECTOKS: R. S. Smith, C. Mack, W. W. Wines, U. A. üi-.Ai., Vf. D. Harriïias. O. HlgcOOK, W. Dki-bki.. OFFICERS: R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Síark, Vice-Pres't C. E. Hiscock. Teller. THE Nttr ENQLAND RANGE iritb EWated Hot Closet, combining all the latest, most valualili! and ecouoniical iuiprovenients iu Cooklog Ranges. The new CORNING CLORY baulifully nioiuited, and acknowledged tobe one of the ladiug Oxtt L-lass Cook jloves. THF, WOODLND COOK A n 'w first class Wood Stove; for a low prlccd stove U eaanot be luat. it hos all the mod ;rn lnipróveni 'nis. The ftbovestovea all have the new Patent DifTtisire Ovt d Ktueti, by whieb tb e oren i sureto h evenly heated at all times, makiag them the most parfect liakcrs ín the inarket. The LEVER CLOTJIEi WRINGER Isa perfect sufíeeu. Bvery lady who use a wringer slioulj get one at Pease's. Thost: 40 reasoDS forgdttlng Weed's CarpetSweeper are yet good ones. (alvajíized iron Toii.kt Sets, are certainly the most durable. My Portable Bath Tuba aro thr lust and chuapi-st and shuuld be tndi-ip nsabl . Tbose metal Water 1 'liters every fainily sliuuld get oue at . J. PKASE'S. 46 soulti llalli Miccl. ri ii i; ai EB tii a k the ch e ai est OLDER TITAN THE OLDEST! His shop was first started iu 1812. WAN'TIÏD- 1 Oral rorrts ol wond, l.DOU buathela of tirst quality of corn, In Kcbaage for Siidtlles, Ilurness, Trunks, Travelino; Baijs, Ilohos, Blanksls, Whlps, and Buckskin (iloves and Mittens. I will sell single harnessw r"'ra $8 to $100 ; halters from 20 cent to (2 00 ; tn nk and satchcls, for the next 30days, at oost. tff Harnesses, Trunks ;nl Bags rcpaired at No 9 East Uu ron street. J. VOLLAXD. Ann Arbor, Nor. 18, 1875. 1657n3 RAILROADS. M tCIUSAN CENTRAL II A 1 L ROAI). NOVEMBER 21, Ib75. OOING WEtT. 3 i IS . g . o -- i í Sííf II P A. M.lA. M ;P.H. ■ PM Oetroit.leave. 7 00 1 30 i 4 ml 5 4" l,, 1)0 Wayne Junciion, 7 57 11 17, 3 31 4 53 6 37 10 60 iLsiiunti, I 8 ai li 4" 3 60 5 -1 7 04 11 lll Aun Albor, j 8 5Í 11 55 4 18 5 45 7 45 11 27 Dexter, 20 4 35 A lui 8 I Uhelseu, 9 40 4 SJ 6 ii 8 30 Urus Lake, 10 04 6 49 9 00 f.M P. M A. M Jackson, 10 37 1 10 5 H 7 15 9 30 12 0 A.M. Kalamazoo, j 2 05, 3 32 12 26 3 03 Chicago arrive, 1 8 10! 9 ''0 7 00 30 OO1NG EAST. __ _. I M H 2 K ïï K S L 13 aj -= S ■= 5 i á 5 & ■- 4-. r A.M. li. M. P.M. P. M. A. M. Chicago, leave, i 0 00 8 30 5 16: 00 P.M.I A. M. Kulamazoo, 10 50J 1 22 10 35 1 2 30 t M. A.M. A. M. Jnckson. 2 12' 3 42 7 "0 12 42 4 55 9 50 OtDM Lake, 2 45 7 32, 6 28 1 -0 Uhete, 3 10, 8 00 b 50 10 Dextei, . 28 8 18; 6 08 10 55 Aon Arbor, ! 8 U 4 53 8 37 2 00 6 28; ,1 15 Ypsilanti, I 4 :0, 5 lo; 8 55 2 20 6 in 11 30 Wiyne 4 4" 28 9 23 2 40 7 118 1 1 47 Detroit, arrive, : 6 45; 6 15,10 153 30 8 0(Ug_80 Sundays excepted. tSaturday and Sunday excpted. fX)i,. WJI.B.STROXQ, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago. H.B. LKDYARO, Ast. üeu'l Supt. Detroit. ÜETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAD OOING WE3T. - 175 - OOrNG EAST. STATIONS. Mal. Exp. j 8TAT1ON8. Exp. Mail. A. M. 1. M. ! Detroit, dep. ..7:0 1 5:40 A M F" M Ypt-ilauti ... 8:32 7:04 Bankers 6:20 2:05 Saline. . 9:30 7:40 Hillsdale 5:45 2: '5 Bridgewater.. 9:55 8:15 Manchester.. 8.37 3:58 Manchester. 10:20 8:22 Bridgewater 9: 0 4:17 V.M. Saliue !:.0 4:35 Hillsdale 1:'O 9:57 j Ypailnnti.... 11:00 5:05 Uankers. 1:15 lu:05 I Detroit 12:80 6:15 Trains run hy Cbicatfn time. To take eflect Nov. 21, 1875. W. F. PAKKER, Pup't, Ypsiinnti. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Circuit Conrt Cireuitjudge Hou. Geo. M. Huntincrton. Prosecuting Attorney ltobeit E. Fmzer Re porter Thcmae 1. Daniel Tf rnis- Thp first Tuesday in January ; thiid Tuesdfiyin March; third l'uesdny iij June, aud lourth Tuesday in October. Probate l urt. Judge of Probate Noah W. Cheever. Probate Register Jes all. Willcoxson. Kegular terms - Every Monday. oiint} Officcrs. Sheriff Aüehael Fleming. C'lerk Peter Tuite. Iteu'ister of Deed Emanuel G. Scnaffer. Treasu er. tí tepheu Fairchild. Circuit Couit Commi85.oners } ffSSSS: ÍU&trge C. Anna, Kuward Uufíy, F. K. Hexford. Keirular meetings at the County iiouse on the tiisl Tued,iy iu euch muutli, at 10 oVlouk a m. City Officers. Mayor . - Kdward D. Kinneliecoider . .. ïlliumA Lovejoy. i'misurer Moees Hogers -Vtorney.... ... A McReynolds. Marshal A. H. Herrón. ) Richard Benhan. In.tÍKP (Clin H. Manly Ju9tlces 1 Jas. MoMahon. ƒ Eúward flark. iConiid Kmpf. A n ton Kie e. Benjiimiu Urown. Board of I :ducalion. President Elihu B. Pond. Bt cretary James B. Uott Treasurer l'hilip B:ieh Trustets- C. B. Purter, patrick Donovan, M. L 1'OogH, Lbenezer Wtlls, L. C. Ki&don, Leonhard Gruner. Suierinteudent of Schools W. 8. Perry. t'ül'BÜ'I DlKECTUItV. BAPTIST- Catlierine street, between Fifth and DivUiuu streets. tíervices at 10% A M. aud 7 p. M. Suuday School aftur moroluz service. Prayer meetiug, Thursdav evenin at 7 o'clock. Pastor - Kev. oamubl üaskell; residence, 30 Thonijuun street. CONGREGATIONAL- Corner of State and William struiils. tíabbath services at 10L A. M. and 7 p. M. Sunday School at 3 o'duck p. M Prayer neetiugThursday evcning at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Kev. 11. L. Hubbki.l; residence, 70 South Slate street. (Services teinporarily suspended, except Sunday School held iu the old Church). CATHOLIC (St. Thomas)- North street, between División and State. First Mass at 8 a. M. High .Mass at 10 A. M. Sunday School at '14 p. M. Vespers at 7 P. M. l'astor- Uev. F. J. Van Ebp ; residence, 34 E. North street. EPISCOPAL (St. Andrew)- División street, north of Catherine. Sabbath services at 10 A. M. and 7 p. M. Sunday School at 2)2 p. M. Service on Thursday evening and on the inorniug of all lloly Days. Iluctor- Rev. Wyllis Hall ; residence, 29 N. State street. lilORMAN METHODIST- Corner of East Liberty and División streets. Sabbath services at W. a. m. aud 7 p. M. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday eveuing. Pastor- Kev. Fked. [sslinoer ; residence street. LUTHEKAN- Covner of First and Washington streets. Sabbath services 10J4 A. M. and IV, p. m. Sunday School at close of niorning service. Prayer meeting Thursday eveniug at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Kev. H. Reijthkr ; residence 24 Fifth 6treet. METHODIST EPISCOPAL- Cornet of State and Washington streets. Sabbath services at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at close of niorning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Young peoples' meeting Sunday evening at 6 o'eloct. Pastor- Rav. I. N. Elwood ; residence, 46 Washington street. METHODIST EPISCOPAL (Colored)- Fourth ftreit north of Pontiac. Sabbath services at 10! a M and 7 p. M. Prayer meeting Thursdav evening at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. Chas. H. Wakd. PKESBYTERÏAN- Corner of Hurón and División streets. Services at 10J o'clock A.M. and 7 p. M Sunday School after morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday eveuing at 7 o'clock. Young peopl'es" meeting Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Pastor- Rev. F. T. Bkow.n; residence, 21 bast Liberty street. unitarias- Corner of Ann and Fifth strerts. Sabbath services at 10 si. and 7 p. H. Sunday school atter morning service. Students' class at 2.45 p. M. Pastor- Rev. C.H. Briuuam ; residence, 48 Kast Anu street. Zion Lutheran- Corner of Washington and Fifth streets. Sabbath services at 10K ■ an p. m. Suuday School at close of niorning service, l'rayer meeting Weduosdny evening at 7 o'clock Pasior- Kev. H. Belsku ; residence, Ann street. STUDENTS' CHKISTIAN aSSOCIATION- Meeting ia Univcrsity Chapel tS o'clock a. M. on Sunday, 6.4-ï o'clock F, m. on Widnesdiiy. and (1:45 o'clock e, H. on Fi iday of cach week. Keading Booiu of the Associatiou opeu on Suuday froin 2 to 5 P. M. SOClEIIEft. ANN ARBOB COMMANDERY, No, 18, K. T.- James Hoyd, E. C, William . Lovejoy, Eeoorder. Regular conclave the flrst Tuesday eveuing of each inonth, at 7 o'elock. WASHTENAW CHAPTER NO. fi, R. A. M - Jas Boyd, H. P. ; William A. Lovejoy, Sec. Regular Coiivoi-ation the .Monday eveuiug on or before the full of the moon, at 7 o'clock. GOLDEN RULE LODGE, 262, F. & A. M.Jay Itoath, W. M. ; Charles A. Chapín, Seeretary. Regular Communication the Wednesday eveulug ou or before the full of the 7 o'clock. FRATERNITY LODGE NO. 262, F & A. M.- John P. Little. W.M. ; Charles E. Hiscock, S. Kjgnlar Communication the Wednesday evening on or after the full of the moou, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARBOR ENCAMPMENT, No. 7. I. O. O. F. ,i. R. Schmidt.C. P.; Chailes H. Manly, Scriue. Meíta first and third Friday of each momo. WASHTENAW LODGE NO. 9, I. O. O. F.- D. Allmatúllnfteí, N. G.; N. B. Covert, Sec. Meets Friday evening of each week at lYi o'clock. ANN ARHOR LODGE, NO 329, I. O. of G. T.- J. Sprague, W. C. T. ; Sylvester Armstrong. W. S. MeeU every Tuesdav evening, at 7 o'clock. ANN ARROR KNIGHTS OF HONOR, NO. 3. -James Boyd, Dictator; C. S. MUlun, Grand Reporter. Regular mei'tincs on the second and last Tuesday eveningsof each month. ÜK iIOAPr dy a' home. Terras free. Ad 5O t0 JJSUdres G.StikokCo., PortUnd.M '


Old News
Michigan Argus