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A Genuine Know-nothing

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"Now," said an óld gentleman witk a very red nose, an lio stooil up to a Vine street bar, and nomiuated the j vigomtor for whioli sotnobody else was i to pay, "now, I ain opposed to ors coming over to this country and ; trying to Garmauize our favorita institutions. I will agree with tlio miiiistry to a certain extent iu that. What I object to is the Germauizing of the hospitality and sociability of our people. When it comes to that, I am just so fiir tempted to know-nothingisra. - Tlie custom óf men going into saloons and ordering and payiug for their own drinks is contrary to the principies iipon which our natiou was fonnded, and every attempted enoomagement of it should be proinptly frowned down. "I like sociability. I like to goe a man, if lie feels liko t.rcating, walk in and ask, 'Boys, wliat'll yon have V' and oaü 'om up to the bar, and set 'em up all arouud. Thon I like to seo the uext man, if he feels like it, do the sanie thing - and so on. That's the true principie. That shows the trne gentleman, the generous, free-hearted stuff of wliioh onr free republio is made. - [Well, no- well, yes ; give me a little uf the same, gin and sugar.J "As I was saying, that displays the spirit which distinguiahes our land of liberty from all others. It makes friends and renews old friendships ; it files up patriotistn, it binds together the sons of our free aoil with a band of brotherhood. Bnt, alas ! liow different ia this foreign custom of every man paying for his own driuks. I fear, however, this Germanizing business is making long and rapid strides in our land. I actually do fear it. Why, I romember that only a few years ago, I oouldn't sit down in a saloon five minutes before somebody would be tearing my coat, hauling me up to the bar to (hink. Then oue fellow would treat. Uien another, and then another, till it would come down to me.when we wonld havo enongh and qnit, unless one of the other boys would insist on cpmmencing another round, when I would mildly expostnlufe, but soon quietly and gracefully snbrait, so as not to give offonee by refunal. Then, when this Waa over, I would scarcely have time to sit down and let the liquor digest, hen in wonld come another raft, and I would be hauled up again and forced to go throngh the same operation. "But I notice of late there has been a gradual change goiug on. A sort of coolness has been growing between me and the boys, which I am snre is not my fuult. They come around ofteu for drinkt, and tUoagii I smile and spenb and teil jokes, and all the time they are drinking try to keep np the old friendship, tiiey don't somehow or other any more haul me into the artns of the party as of yore. If perchauce I am so fortúnate as to enjoy a social gliiss nith an old-time, true friend, and sit back in my ehair, as is my wont, to let the liquor become asRÏmilated, where I had five minutes in former times for that proces I get a whole day for it now. Tliis, I believe, is all owieg to the Germanizins; influences broupht to bear, and which are rninïng


Old News
Michigan Argus