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The "fever Tree."

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The eucalyptns, or blne-gum tree of Australia, v.-as discovered by a French scientist, Laliillardiere. who visited Van Dieman's Land in 1792. The great Bize and beauty of the tree soon gave it a place in the botanieal gardens of Europe. lts medicinal qualities, however, for whioh it is now so famous, do not seem to have become known until about thirty years ago. The colonista of Tasmania used it for a great variety of purposes, but were ignorant of its power as an antiseptic. This was apparently discovered in Spain. In 1861) the neighborhood of the city üf Valentía was planted with the eucalyptus. A rnarked improvernent in the healthfulness of the locality followed. The Spaniards forthwith dubbed it the "f ever tree." It was soon afterward introduced üito Algeria, the eliraate of wliich Roemed especially adapted to it. It may fairly be said to be naturalized there, at the Cape of Good Hope, in the La Plata States of South America, and in California. Af ter a trial for many years in southern France, it has failed, as a rule, to becoine hardy, or to suck up and destroy the poisonous vapors of the swamps in which it was planted. The few dozen specimens planted within the walls of Bome are nearly all alive, but very few of them are vigorous. Within a year or two the Trappist Monks at the Tre Fontane Convent have set out large plantations of the trees, and are tending them with the utmost care. This may be fairly looked upou as a decisive experiment. The place kuown as the Tre Fontane - the Three Fountains - lies some miles south of Bome, and is the seat of a magnificent monastery. Yet its cómate is so deadly that the splendid buildings, rich in mosaics, marbles, and frescoes, are wholly deserted during the summer. Trying to live in them then vrould be certain death. If the bluegum tree makes the Tre Fontane healthy, it can be relied on to do the same work anywhere else. The districts in which it is indigenous are healthy, and those into which it ha;= been tranaplanted and in whioh it hap thriven have become henlthy. A few miles from the city of Algiers there wa= a farm which was noted for its deadly fevers. Life on it in July was alrnosi impossible. In the spring of 1867 thirteen hundred euciüyptus trees were planted there. The were niue feet high by the nest July, and not a case oi fever has appeared since. Near Constantine, Algeria, there were vast swamps, never dry even in the hottest stimmera, and productivo of violent periodic fevers. About fourtedii thousand eucalyptus trees dried up every square foot of swamp and killed the fever. Maison Carree, netir Hanasoh, was once a great msirket for quinine. The demand for that drug has oeased since the blue-gum tree was planted there. Mercantile books are said to show a similar decline in tho amoutit of quinine consumed in Mexico and Cuba of late, and a similar eause is given for it. A very unhealthy railroad station in the Department of Var, Southern France, has been made healthy by a grove of forty of these


Old News
Michigan Argus