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A NNUAL STATEMENT For the year end ing December 3lst, A.l). 1875, OÍ tbe ConditioD and afluirá of the GËBM4IV FAhMEKS' FIBE INS. CO., Locatcd at Bcio, organlzed ander the laws of the State ' Michigan, and doing business in the i i v ui' Washtenaw in iaid State. SIMON F. H1RTH, President. Wm. F, BD8S, Secretary. MK-MHKIiSilli'S. Niin,i„-r of raembera December :ist of prertoug year, 658 Numlr of meinbers added Uiiiiiiü the present year, ii' Total, " Dcducl iimnlior if members iritbdrawn during tbe year, and eaii:i-lrd polii-ies liy reaMiu ot salti "i "tli.rwisx1, 28 Nnraber of members now belonging to company, '""' HISKS. Amount of property at risk Doe. Sist of previous year, 81,862,422.00 Ai'ii'iiint ui" risks addéd durIng present .var, sao.öco.oo Total, í:,v.',' Deduct risks canoeled, wlthdrawn, oi tei tninatfád, $70,615.00 Ni 1 :i : rl ■ 'i i u t DOW at risk by conipany, 82,177,307.01) BBSOtTBOBS. Amount uf premium ot deposit notes now in force, "" Amuunl ut' cash premiums (or assessmrnts) now on hand, Sl,8.:.o4 Amount ol' outetanding assessments not cancelad, 89.19 Hature and amount of all other resources, viz : from assessmeut of Oct. 1874, loaned, S' .2W.73 Total resource, 18,18048 I.IAlilLITIKS. Claims for loases dut and payable, ""'' Claims for losses not matured, $2,G28.0t Claims forlosses resisted, none Nature and amount of all other claims, ris: Done Total lialiilitics, 12,8881 I.NCOMK. Amount of premium on deposit notes taken dunng the year, noue Amount ol" cash premiums reccived during the year, none Amount coïïected on assessments which rete levied during the present ycar, $1,868.5 AiiHtuut coïïected tnis year on assessnunts whlcn were levied in prior none Amouiit recelved from member&hi[) or policy lees, $328.50 Amounl reoelved from percentage on tacreased ordeereased ïnsurauce, none Inruim tVimi all -ítihT SOUftfGS, viz: from iuuiky loanud, iutErost, $77.9 Total income for thfi year, 82,2öi).D i:l-KNDITURKS. Amount paid for losses during the year u.r which none occurred in prior y.-ars), $fi2 0 Amount of aalary and fecs paid to olli6ers and director as per items in BcheduleA, $407.5 Amount of all other expenditures durinu' the vearasperschedule B, 81S.1 Total expenditures during year, $482.6 S IIRDULE A. NAMK ol' itVVUKK OR DIRECTOR TO WIIOM PAID. President, 8tmon 1'. llirth, sio.r. Secretary, Wm. i'. iSuss, 7.00 irer. Wm. Aprill, BI. Director, John Bohenk, 22.0 " .laeob Jedele, 42.00 " MkhaelStabler, 21.01 Agent, John Ceppler, 19.00 " Daniel Ilcininger, 21.00 " Jacob Raab, 2a.0O ' MJchael Schenk, 2.5.00 " A. L. Feldkani]), 17.00 Jacob Kaab, collecting fces, 18.2John Koppler, " " 4.6: Jacob Jedele, " " 19.45 Ulchael 8cnenk, V " 5.2, Wm. irill, " " 27.04 Total ScheduleA, 8407.5 BCHEDTJtEB. ITKMS OF " ALL OTUKR KXPKN5ES." Printing l.ill, $9.00 " 2.50 Stationery, 1.60 Total Schedule B, $13.10 MISCKLLANEOl'S QUESTIONS. 1. How many assessments have been made during the yoar ? Ans. One. 2. wiiat is the amount of all the assessments made during the yeai ? Aus. $1,942 73. :. Whu: is the rate per cent of such assessments on the property insured? Aus. .001 ier cenl. 4. V bat is the rate per cent of such assessment on the premium or deposit notes? Ans. Ko per (Vilt. ñ. What amount was re-assessed for assessments that wort; aot paid? Ans. None. 6 What amount of losses are allowed to accumulate before an assessment is levied? Ana. None. 7. Does the company, in making aa assessment pruvidc then-in for any surplus fund over the aetual lossi- iininnd? lf so, how nuich ? .Atis W'Iumi losses occur and the fuuds on hand do nol cover them, an assessment is made at a certain pereentago on the property insured, and the surplus, if any, is Iet on intevrst for future'use. ö. What proportion of the actual loss sustainec by a pulii y-holder does the Company pay? Ans fiill liis coTered by policy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 . COUKTV OF W.vsltTKNAW, ƒ Slmorj F. llirth. President, aod William F. Buss Secretary of said Company, do, and each for hiinself doth depose and ay, that they have read the foTegoing statement, and know thecontents thereof, and that they hnve good reason to believe, aur' do believe, said statement to be true SIMOX F. IIIRTH, President. Wm. F. BUSS, Secretary. Sivorn and subscribed before me, at Aun Arbor in sai! State and county, this seventeenth day o January, A. D. 1876. E. B. POND, Notary Public, Washtcnaw County, Mich. $40,000, WELL LOOATBD Toledo Property, FOR SALE OR EXCHAUE. Will take as one-third payment. Real Estáte in AnnArbororvicinity, either farms, tiraber lands or houses and lots, Balance of payments on the Toledo property will be easy. Is locatcd near terminus of tbe Narrow Gauge Railway, Wolcott Bros. Toledo, Oliio, January 7th. EBËRÏJACH & CO., DRCGGISTS AND PHARMACIST', Jfo. 12 South Main Streel. Ceeps on hand a large and well selected stock of DKUOS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, Artists' & Wax Flower Materials TOILET AETICLES, TRUSSES, ETC. PURE TVINE AXD LIQUORS. Special attention paid to the furnUhing of Physiclons, CkemlBU, School, etca with Phfloeophical and Chemical Apparatus, Boheniiau Chemical Glassware, Porcftlaln Ware, Pure Reasents. etc. Physlclaojs prescrlptlons carafully prepared at all liours. 1504 Mortgage Salo. VITHEEEAS, Ruth O. Gregory and John V, N T Qregory, her husband, of tne city of Ann Arbor, in the cnurity of Washtcnaw in "the State of Michigan, on the fourteenth day of Oetoher, in the year or ourLord one thousaod eight hundred and seveu ty-four, exeouted a mortgage to Rebeooa Henrlques,of thedtyofAnn Arbor,county of Washtenaw, Michigan, to secure the pay ment of the certain principal and Interest money 'therein mentioned, which said mortgAse was recorded in theofflee of Register of Deeds in the. county of Washtenav aforesaid, on the l Ith day of October A. D. 1874, in liburSl ofmortgages, od page 414. And rbereas, d.-laull has been ruade for more than tliirty days in the payment of an iustallinent of interest which becamfl dm' on the 14th day of April, A. D. 187.", by ceason whereof and pursu'ant to the terms of said morteageald mortgagee bereby eleets thatso mucb oí said principal as remains unpald sith all arrearages ofinteresi thereofshallbecome due and payahlc iiniur.lial']y. And wliL-r.-as, there is clauoed U be due and unpaid cm said tnorteage at the date of this iH'thv, eleven hundred aiul twenty dollars for principal and interest, also an attorney's feeof Sfty dollars in addition to all other Ii'ji'al eosts, slmiild any prooeedtnga bc taken to foreclose the same ; and nu snit or proceedings havlng been inBtltuted eithei in law or equitj to recover the same ir any part thercof. Notiee Is theroforc hereby .;ivi-n, that 00 the Ut li day ut' March, l7li, attwo ,'oloojl in the alteruiKin of said day at the front loor of the Couit JSouse In the city of Ann Arbor, lounty aforesaid, (thal being the place in which the .'ircuit l'uurt l'iir.uidi:iuiity is held), and by virtue nthepower of sale oontained In said mortgage, 1 liall sell at public aaction to the hlghest bidder, he preinises Sesorlbed In said tourtai1, tosatisfy aiiirnmt of principal and interest with the 'tsaliiatid the attorney's feeof fifty dollars, ill tliat certain picce or parcel of land situated ín be pits of Ann Arbor, county of Washtcuaw, aud itate ( Michigan, known, bounded.anddescribcd as nllows, to wit : Being lol unnibur two (2) in block lumber eleven (11) Hiscock's addition tothe city of nn Arbor, according to the reeorded plat thereof. iiatod, December II, 1875. REBECCA IIENRIQUES, Mortgagco. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagce. piNSEY&SEABOLT'S BAKERT, GHOCERY - ANDPl.Ot'R & fr'tSIQU STORJC. We keep conntani ly on nnndi BREAD.' CKACKKKS. CAKKS. ETC, ÏÜB WHOLEÖALE imd UKTAil, IRADi . W sbaU alto keep a supply. ol DELHI KLOUBi J. M. SWIFT & UO'S BKST WIII i B WllliAf FLUIM, UYE FLOUit, BUCKWWHJSAT i-'LOUH, CtJHN ME AL, FBED, tsa., &o. At wholo-íale and retut A general stock of GROCERIES AM) PROVISIONS coiiM inlly OU hand, which will be t-old on M reas(n ible tt'rmí as at any other house in tfaiacity. Cash pui (1 Pop Butler, Ëggs, and Country Product' generally. íonds dehverud vo any part of tbe city wilh out extra charge. RINSEY & S1UIIOLT. Ann Arbhr. Jnn. ï. '.ftïü. -' 14U Mortgage Sale. DBFAUL.T DJtTing been made in the conditions of a eer tuin fnortgagé made and executed by Edmund Blood and ciaran K. Iïluol, Iris wife,to william D. Harrlman, and dated the27th davol Junuury, 1871, and recordad in the office oí the Register oí Deeds lor the County ui VVashtenaw, in tlie Stiitf of Michigan, in líber il uf mortgages, paffe 48. ou the 27tli il;ty of JauUury, 1871, at two o'clock and turty mii.uVs k a. on that duy, on which and uote acoompanying the same thitro is now dur t hr mum of live liurmred and mxty-ven dollars and Qinety sfr cents principal nuá interest and fort y dollars an attorney fee, provided. ior in said mortgage, by which default the power of sale con tai n et l in said mortgage haa 1 ticoitie operutive, und no proceodings in luw oi chancery h&f&ng been conuneneed to recover the debt seoured by suid tnortgage, or any part t&ereof ; Notice ia hereby given that snul mortgage will be foreclosed by tbe sale oí the mo tgaged premise, to-wit: Lot 4 iu blook oue, in Eüscock'sseoond (tdditiou to the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenuw County, uid Btate of Michigan. Sairt sale will take place at ■ the front door of the Court House, in the said city of Ann Ai hor (ÜUM being the place whcre the Circuit Court for ltae county u held) on the llth day of Kebruary, 187ti, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. Dated Aun Arbor, November l-'b, I '. 1). 1IAKU1MAN, Zina P. King, Alorlgugee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 15G Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIT having heen made in the condition of acertáis nortgage, made and eucuted by Williara FiUgerald and Mal y PiUgerald bis wife, of Northtteld, county of WaaLfenaw, and Mate of Michigan, on the Díñete nth duy oí September, ia the year of our Lord one thonsand eighi hundred aud sixty-five, to John Lynch, of the ame place, and recorded in theotfioeoi thE regiater ot deeda for the county ol Vaatentp aforesiiid, on the tenth day of Janunry A. i. 665. at .'1 o'elock ft. U. ol tiaiddny. in libur :'-3 oí Mortgagea, un page ■ wliicli aid mortóagfl was ilnly a&eigned Jolui Lynch of the tovnship ot NoxtbiteJd. aforesaid, to Tliomat) Earl, ot theottyof Ann ArboTi ooiinty and State aforeaaid, on tbe tbirteenth dny of November, A. h. 1H07, and reoordedin the office of the register of dceda for sald oounty on i be iltirteebih day of November. A. 1. L867T in líber number one ol aaaignmenta of niortii;igis, on page W2 ; ann agaln ar-aigned by the BaidTbomaB Earï to Caroline M. Uenuequin, of the city oí' Aim Azbar, afbresaid( on the iwunty-tlnid day ui December, 1875, and recorded ín the otticc of the register ot deedt for said county on th.' twtnty-ceveDth day of Icembor, A. D. 1875, in Über number ve tí assivnments of morteagi b, oq p ige thirty-three, and that tüere ia now olaimea to be due and unpaad on said mortffage the Bum ot iiur hundred and ninetyrtwo dollars, includin a reaaonable attorney'a or Bolicitor'a fee for toredoêlng the Bame and uo proceeüiuK in Ihw or t-quitv baving been bad 10 recover süid anm of money or any part thereof, therc-fore, notice ia heieby giv n, that by virtue of the pjver of sale in aaid mortgage contained, Í liatl sell at public aaotion to the t ighesi bid' Uieiwenty-nfthdayoJ Marcb, A. D. 1876, al two ofclock in the ai'ternooii of eaid day, at the front door of the court home ín the oïta ol Ann Arbor, oounty oí Waahtenaw end State óf Mi higan,fthat being the building in whiQh the circuit court for Süid county i.s heldjthe premisea deacribed in saul morttfitge. as bein? all that (:trt;iin pxeoe or parcel oï land kn-wn and desexibed a (ollows, to-wit: The east half of the BOOth-weat tjuartcr of section Dumbet Uiwe (3), In township number oiei l) aouth in range number six (6; east. bvin in NorttinVM. in the couoty of Waahtenaw, and Btate i SCiohigan, contauiinji eiyiity acres ot land. uuur i i Datcd Drcember 27th, I37S. OAEOLINK M. !Ii:NfNEUUIN, Anignee oi -;ii'' Siortgagee. Joh M. Gott, Attorney for the afsineeol said Mortgagee Estáte of Jumos G. Üancer. OTATEOFMH'l[[iA, county of Wa.shtenaw, O as. At n HMMinn of the Probate fïonrt for the county ol' Wa8htena#l holden al the Probate ( tffice, ia the city of Aan Arbor. on Monciay liie thlrd day of Jauuary in the year one thousand eiglit hundred and sevénty-six. Present, Noah W. luíiver, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of he estáte ot James . Daoc r. Minor. Öampson Parker, guardián of said estáte, comes into court and repveaentathnthe ia now prepuitrd to sender his account as such guardián. Thereupon it uordered that Fridai th twentyeighehday of Janu&ry Instant, at ten oVlock in ïhi forenoon, be assic-:l for examinin? an J allowing sunh account, nul tha the D6xl oí kn it said mi nor, and all otliui penontf'.intereatcd in said estáte, are required tonppearat aseasionod saidoonrt, tlien tobe bolden at the Probate office, inthe eity oí Arbor,io eaid county and show cause, il any there be, why the aaid account ehould not be allowed. And it is lurther oitlered that said guardián give notice to the pera d in said es tftte, of tlie piindent-y oí said account and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy oí' this ortlei to be published in the Michigan Arguê, a newBpaper prmted andoirculating in said county, two succesive weeks previous fco aaid duy o! hearing. (Atruecopy.j NüaH W'. I 15(j4w4_ Judse of Probate Estáte of Emina L. Kuight. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, 0 as. At a aession of tlie Probate Court foi thi couuty of Wasbtennw. holden at the Probate ■ in the city of Ann Arbor, on l-Yulny, the i'ourteenth day of Januiiry. in tbe year one thousand eijrht hundred and seventy-six. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judtre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oi ftmma L. Kniggt, deceased. Alplieus Felch, Administralor of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to reuder his iiuul account as such ;idministrutor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tursrtaj, the 6fteenthday of Februiiry, next. at ten o'oiock in the foreuoon, be asuignod for examuiing and allowing such account, and that the at law of ö;iid deoeaaed and all other peraons interested in said eatatè, are requii'd to appear at a aesfnon of sid conrt, tben to be holden at the Probate otbce, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county, and show oauae, if any there be, why the said account sbould not be allowed: And it is fnrther ordered that said administrator givo not cu to the persons iniej ia said estáte, of the pendency ot said account, nnd the hearing thereof, by oausing a copy of this order to be published in tlie Michigan Argut, a newspaper priuted ttml CJroahitf in snid county three Bueoestfive weeilu previoni to said duy of hearinijf. (A trueoopy.) NOAH W. OHEEVER, 1560w3 Judgf oí Probate. Estato of Samuel W. Doxter. S""TATEOP MICHIGAN, county of Wnshtenaw, bs. At a nnoirioTi af in Frob&fce Court tor the county of Wasliteruiw, holden Bt the Probate Office m the city ol Ann Arbor, on Tl ursday, the twentieth day of January, in the yeav one thousand eight hundred and seventy-?ix. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In (he matter of the estáte of Samuel W. Dexter deceased, Millisenl Doxter and Wirt Dexter. executors of the latfi will and tentameni oi said deceased, come into court nnd represent that they are now prepan d to rendcr tbeir account na such executors. Thereupon it isordfivd. that l'ritiay, the eighteenth day oí February noxt, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon. be assirned for t-xuiiinin nd allowiup such account, and that (he de visees, leffatees, and hein at law of said deoea#i d, and all other persoiis interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a BMaiOü "t said Court, thfn to bé holden at the Probate otfice, in the city of Ann Aibor, ín said oounty. and show oauee, if any tlieit; be, why the said account sbould not be ftflowed : And it is further ordored that said axeóüton ffive notice to tlu-pevsons interested in said state, of the peudeney of said account, and tne hearing thereof, byoaasing a copy of fcbú order tu bc published iu the Michigan jirgus, a newspapsr pnnted and oirculating in aaid county, thTee suoéossire week prevlous to raid day oi b (A truecopy.J NOAH W. CHE EVER, U96 Judge of Probate. Chancery Sale. IJURSUANTto and by virtae ot an order ol 1 tlie Circuit Court for the County oJ Washte' naw, in chancery, m idt' on the tlnr: y-Hrst day ol' December. A, D. 1 s 7 ■■ . ia a cnusfl therelii pendinv, wherem Charles Thayer Ir compluinant, andL)uah W. Morman, survivini; trustee of the Ann Arbor Land Uompany, is defendani : Notice is hereby iiven,thatl sholl sell at public vendue to the hihest bulder, at teo o'cIock in the forenoon ou the -ith day of Sfurch, 188, al tl áonth door of the Court IIou-v, m tbc tsiiy uf Anti Arbor, all Lhe fcllowiag described Itti ds situi ted in the City oi" Ann Arbor, in íil County : Lots Ij - , ", 4 ■', aud It, in bloek aeren, rana Lso Iota 4, 6, 6,7,8,10, 1 !, and 12, in block Beven, and range line; also, lot 6 n block seven, range eleven; ftlo, lot 10 in block sevon. range twelve ; hiul also, ots 5, G. 7, 8, and ï'. in bJoofe - ■ Q i il w ten ; alto :he Houth one quartcr f lot ninc, in block even, range nine ; nnd Ihti triangular plore ot land, b) i: g about three quartt'rs oí an ïicie, in the nurtheasi corner n f seotion tbirty-two Dated, January 18th, 1H7(. l.eG(i J. F. LAWKENCB, Circuit Court romrti'r Washtenaw CÍO., Mich. Real Estáte ior öale. OT ATB 07 Ml UUiAN, County of "tt'.v 3utiw, es. In the matter of the estáte of Uirich jauhengayer, deceased. Kotioe i hereby L'icii, bat in punuanoe of an order granted to the unlerMffned, admiuistrntor ot the estáte of said l.'iich Lnubeugttyer, by tbe llon. Judge oi' l'robato or the County of waahtenaw, on the tveifth day uf Jauuary, A. 1878, there will be sold at pubic vendue to the hlghrót bidrler, at the dwellingïouse on the pn-miwes beninafter scribéd, in ■he County of Waahtenaw insaid State, on Baonday the flrst dayof Maruh, A. i. is7-. at ten 'clo'i( In the forenoon of that day [subject to til eucumbivmers by mortxage oï Otberwise exuting1 at tlie time of death of Baid deceased, nul aibO sulijBct to theright of dower of the widow of Middeoeased thereinj, the followtng described enl estáte to wit: The east half of the northwest quarter and the noith tventy aóxèa f the west half of the northuaat quarter secion number twen t y six ; alto the west half, nd flfteeu acres off from the north end of the east lalf of the west half of the aoutnwest quarter of lection No. twenty throe,all in town three south, n range five east Cl.odiJ in the Btate of Michigan Dated, January 12th, A. D. 187G. 565 COMÖTOCK F.HI1.L, Administrator.


Old News
Michigan Argus