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A Law Student "explains."

A Law Student "explains." image
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- Somethinga that find their way into the newspapers need straightening, and among others a short notica of the way the medical students represent themselves to have been mïstreated by those of the law departmeut. When the first lecture was announced at the law department, Prof. Wells said that the faculty had so arranged it that the senior law class should oooupy their own places, and the senior medical class the first four rows immediately back of those of the senior law class. This virtually took the matter out of the hands of the law class before they had au opportuuity to make any arrangements. It was all left in the hands of the medical class by their own faculty, so that au opportunity was open to them to act. As to the charge of the medical class that they could not get seats, it was quite noticeable that mauy senior laws gave up their own places to accommodate medical stedeuts of eithor closs.


Old News
Michigan Argus