University Items

- Revenaugh is to photograph the senior lavr class. - Judge Cooley has a work on " Taxation " nearly through th press. - The Constantine band ís to fiirninh the rausic for the coming junior hop. - " Went on the war-path": that is what the Chronicle calis coaxing a gentío old cow to spend a night in a collego lectura room. " Brave boys are we." - "A Surveyof American Literature" is the title of Prof. Tylor's forthcoming book, and it is to be published by G. Y. Putnam's Sons, New York. - J. B. Steere is dividing his time between nrranging his collection ot birds, etc, and instructing the seniora in Zoology. - On Friday evening last Prof. Tyler said his say of "OldEuglish Bailada" before the Young Men's Society of Jackson. - Two law students- Chas. S. Belser and DoijiiHjin Gore- locked horns on Friday evening last, as the result of which Gore was chosen dofendaut in an assault and battery case before Justice Clark. Jury disagreed ou Saturday, case continued until Tuesday, and then adjourned again. Poor business tor incipient lawyers. - Dr. Spellman, of Detroit, has presented about thirty professional volumes to the Dental College ; and Drs. Finch of Adrián Thomas, of Detroit ; and Robinson of Jackson, have recently given the college " a look up," the latter giving the class a practical lecture. - A local poet (of Homeopathie proclivities, we presume,) boing inspired by the late forced matriculation of a cow in the H. C, coutributes the f ollowing to this column : Said Galen unto Hahnemann, " You're in luck, Sam, - come let'sgo halves." " Why covet half a cow," said H., " When Fortune füls your halls with calves f" - F. B. Gregory and M. F. Hitch, frashnien both, took an involuntary bath in the cool waters of the mili pond on Saturday last. Aa Gregory went through the ice he had presenc of mind sufficient to throw his hat to a place of safety, and then to cali upon the lookers on, who were too exeïted to obey speedily, for boards or rails, which were brought after an almost fatal delay. It was too close a cali to suit the boys. - In Prof. Tyler's Scribner article on the University he says : " The annual expenses of the University amount, according to the latest official estímate, to 899,378.32, of which f37,500 are provided for by the National Government, $29,000 by fees from students, and $31,500 by aid from th State." The $37,500 set down to the credit of the "General Government" is the proceeds of the land grant made by Congress at the time of the admission of the State, and not an annual appropnation to be made or withdrawn at pleasure. It is all the endowment the University has. - A very interesting meeting of the Students' Scientiflo Society was held on Saturday afternoon laat. F. H. Kimball read a paper on "Silk Worma," V. C. Vaughn one on " Eggs of Domestic Fowls," and C. C. Beecher one on " Marks made by the teeth of Mollusea in feeding." The president, R. W. Corwin, discuased "Brains," dissected the brain of a sheep, and gave magie lantern ïllustrations of the brains of other animáis. The soientiflo news of the week was read by P. H. Hanus. - Notioing the Scribner article of Prof. Tyler, and its illastrations, the Detroit Post speaks of " Sohool-girl's Glen " as " a branch of the University which unluckily we fail to recognize." If we rightly mark the critic havmg married before entering the University, the defect in his reminiseenoes is easily acoounted tor. He had no occasion for moonlight strolls over observatory hill and down to the beautiful glen by the Huron.