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FÜRS! FURSÍ! Assignee's Sale 7 SOUTH MI ST., ANN ARBOR. Also, a Large and Choice Stock of HATS, GAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCARFS, TIES, HOSE, And a l'n 11 Assortment of GENT'S FURMSMG GOODS At Wholesale or Ketail. Xow is llie lime to supply Yonrself Cheap, as the stock must be closed out. C.H.RICHMOND, Assignee, Ann Arbor, January 17 . 1566w4 THE WEEKLY SUN. 1776. NEW YORK. 1876. Eighteen hundred and seventy-six is the Centennial year. It is also the year ín wbich an Oppoaition House of Representatives, the flrst since the war, will be in power in Washington ; and the year of the twenty-third election of the President of the United Statee. All of these events are Bure to be of great interest atd importance, especial ly the two latler; and all of them and everything connected with them will be fully and freshly reported and expounded in The Sun. The Opposition House of Representativos, taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by The Sun, will 'uternly and diligently investígale tho corruptions and misdeeds ol Gbant'b administration ; and will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national history. Of all this TnE Run will contain complete and accurate accounts, furnishing its readers with early and trustworthy information upon thoge absorbing topics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will be memorable as deciding upon Ghant's aspirations for a third term of power and plunder, and still more as deciding who shall be the candldate of the party of Reform , and as electing that candidate. Concerning all these sabjects, those who read The Sun will have the constant means of being thuroughiy well informed. The Weeki.t Sun, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, already has its readers in every State and Territory, and we trust that the year 1876 will see their uumbers doubled. It wül continue to be a thorough newapaper. AU the general news of the day witl be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at full length of moment ; and always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instructiva mnnner. It is our aim to make the Weeklï Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we süall continue to give in its columns a large amount of miscellaneous reading, sueh as stories, tales, noems, scientiflc intelligence and agricultural information, for which we are not able to make room in our daily edition. The aïricultural department especiallyis one of its prominent features. The fashions are also regularly reported in lts columns ; ana so are the markets of every kind. The Weeklï Sun, eight pages wiih fifty-six broad columns, is only $1.20 a year, postage prepaid. As this price barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs, agents, Postmatters or anyone. The Daily Sun, a large four page newspaper of twenty-eight columns, gives all the news for two cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepaid. 55c a month or $6.50 a year. Sundaï edition, extra, $1.10 per year. We have no traveling agents. Address, THE SUN, New Yoik City " loijucsiioiiably the best snstained vork of the kiml ia the World." Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of tlie Press. The ever-inereasing circulation of this excellent monthly provea its continued adaptatiOD to popular deairea and teeda. Indeed, when we think into how many hornea it penetrates, every month, we must consider it as one of the educatora aa weil a one oi the entertainers of the public mind, -Boston Globe. The character whieh this Magazine posaesses for variety, enterprise, artistio wealth, and literary culture that it has kept pacewith, ifit has not led the times, should cause its conductora to regard it with jnstifiable complacency. The Magazine has done good nnd iiot evil all the days of ita life. - Brookbn Eaglt. öome of the most popular of modern novela first appeared as aerials in thia Magazine. Tn all respecta, it is an excellent periodical, and fully deserves its great auccesa Phüadelphia Ledger. TERMS: Postale Free to all Subscribers in the Inited States. Habpee's Magazine, one year, $4 f o $4 OU includes prepayment of U. S. Postage by the publisbers. Subscriptions to Harpei's Weekly, Magazine and Bazar to one address for one year, ?10 DU ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7 00 : postage iree. An extra copy of either the Magazine, TVeekly, or Bazar will be snpplied gratis for every club oi flve subscribers at $4 M each , in one remittance ; or, six copies for $20 00, without extra copy: bostage free. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. A complete aet of Harper's Magazine, now mm. prising 51 volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, f reight at expense cf purchaser, for $2 25 per volume. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents, by mail.poatpaid. A complete anulytical index to the flrst Fifty volumes of Harper's Magazine has justbeen published, renderint; available for reference the vast and varied wealth of informationwhich coustitutes this periodical a perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia. 8 vo., cloth, -3 00 ; half calf, 5 25. Bent postage prepaid. A series of papers under the title of " The First Century of the Republic," oontributed by the most eminent American publicista, is now bemg published in Harper's Magazine, This series of over twenty papers gives a comprehensive review of Progress during the century now Closing, in every department of our national life. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisemenl without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HAEPER & BROTHEHS, New York. " A Repository of Fasbion, Pleasnre, and Insl rn Hun . Harper's Bazar. Notices of the Press. The Bazar is edited with a combination of tact and talent that we seldom flod in any journal and the journal itself is the organ of the great world of fashion. - Boston Traveler. The Bazar commends itself to every memberof the household- to the children by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladies by its fashion-plates in endless varietv , to the provident matron Dy it 8 patterns for the children's clothes, to jiaterfamilias by its tasteful designa for ornaiuental slippers and luxurious dressing-gowns, But the reading matter of the Bazar is umformly of greatexcellence. The paperhas acquired a wide popularity for the flresldeenjoyment it affordn.- N. V. Evening Post In lts way there is nothing like it. i'resh and trustvyorthy aa a iashion guide, its ntories and essays, its poetry and squibs, are all invioratiug to the mind - Chicago Evening Journal. TERMS = Postage free to all Subscribers In the l'nlted States. Hakpeb-s Bazab, one year, - $4 00 $4 00 includes prepayment of postage by the publishers. öubacription to Habi'eu's Magazine, Weexiy and Bazar, to onp uddress, for one year, $10 00 or, two of Harper'a periodicals, to one address for one year, Í7 00 : postage free An extra copy of either the Magazine, "Weekly, or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for every club of flve subeenbers at $4 00 each, in one remittanoe - or, six copies for $'J0 00, without extra copy : postage free. "' " Back numbers can le supphed at any time The Annual Volumes oi Harper's Bazar, ii neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete set, comprisfn ir eight volumes, sent on the receipt of cash at tlia rateof $5 25 per vol., f reight at expense of porchaaer. Prominent attention will be given in Harper's Bazar to such illuatratious of the Centenniel International Expo.-ition as may be peculiarly appropriate to its columns. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Hakpek & Bbothers. Address HARPER & BROTHBU8, New York. % Mmmk Auger &. Drllls. SIOO a month lylij p;ii'i to Rood At-nts. Alicer bonk T ■■ free. Jlli Auger Co., St. Louis, Mo.


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