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Beating A Sewing-machine Agent

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Thpy tril of a wiilow of J;ipirt, Pa., who got the bost - heaven blc38 her! - of a sewinrj-maehine acent. Hor hnsband, atno timo previoiis to hh denth, hrul pnrchmod a maoliine, promiin to nay for it in montbly inafallnaenti. He 1) paid nearly the entire sum whon ho diod, and thé widów was unable to make up tho balance. The a?ent cailod for the machine, a"d tha widow dfimapdod a pnrtion of the money that liuil bpen paid, ThLs was refu-.ed in a siirly way. Thcn the widow locked the doors of the home, pultinor thekeyin her pocket, a-id told the aarnt lie conJd have the machine w-hen he returnnd tlie monny, and not béfore. "She took hold of hiiti," ays tlin account, "and a sovcre nnd prolonged túsale enmiRd, hik the children soreamed and cried. Tho widow throw the awut over tho hot kitclien atovo, and finally sncceodod in setting Hm down on top of it, and lxüd him v!iile he begpsd piteonsly for m"riy. 'For God'R sake, let me to, and I'll 'pay yon back 'ivery cent your husband paid me.' Beiníí patif-íied that ho was seyerelj scorohed, sho pulled him off the etovo but held on to him uutil he had pai baak every one of the infstallments, and then she gave him two minutes' time to take the machino and clear out with it." The sum awarded by Enrfi'-h conrts for personal injur s on railroads dnring the yir OndinR .Tune last amounted to 11,690,000, and for loss and damasro to aioods in transit 81,310,000. a total of more than two and a half million dollars, iwarly onn-half the average dividond. The larost súms paid on loth oonai.lerations were by the London and Northweatern, $760,840. Tlie Great Enstem paid nearly .$200.000 as a butcher'8 bill, but only about SW.noo for goodfl. One litie alone, the Mayport and Carlisle, which is probably "a mineral railway, had notliincf topay forkillinsaiu aiminfr, nnd tho 5Ietrop(itftn]")ÍRtnot shows a similav blank, for similar reason, as to sroods, althoufih the return does not include those loases which pass throuah the oloak room. The two underground Unes paid between forty-five ad fifty thousand dollars as compensation for personal injuries, altbongh their liabilities are restricted by a rTtiarkablo provisión in their acts to S500 iu the case of third-class passengers.


Old News
Michigan Argus