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Keep Your Troubles Sacred

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A Worihy wif'e of forty years' standing, mul whose lite wns not all made up of sunsbine and peacu, gavs tlie iollowmg sensible and impressive advice to a tnanied couple oí her acquaintance. The advice i 80 goyd and so well adapted to ull imurit-d people, as well as thuse wbo iutend to enter that estáte, that we here publish, it fur the buuuüt of such persons : " Preserve sacredly tha privacies of ynur own house, your uiarried state and your beart. Let not í'atber or motber, ister or brotbur, or any tbird person, uver presume to coma in betweeii you two, or aIiiitu the joys and sorrows that belong to you two alone. With God's helj, build your own quiet world, not allowiug ilearest eaitlily frutad lo l tlie coiiflilant tí augbt that concerns your doiuestic peace. Ltt monients ot alienation, it tlity occur, be bealed at unce. Never, no, uever, speak of it outside, but to one auother cont'ess, and all will come out rigbt. Let not the morrow's snn still iiud you ut vaiiance. Review aiui renew your vow ; it will do you goüd, and thereby your souls will grow togetber, cemented by that love which is stroníer thun death, aud yuu wiü becoine truly oue."


Old News
Michigan Argus